If You Give A Bad Review To A Delivery Person, Will They Be Sent To Prison?

Chapter 89 Find Out About The Eight Items Of Gao Yuan! Movie Project? 【3,Please Subscribe】


On stage, Gao Yuan raised an eyebrow and said in a tempting tone, "I wonder if any of you have heard of Extreme Eight?"

Extreme Eight?

Everyone was stunned.

Some people thought of eight unrelated extreme sports.

Some people thought of Ironman Triathlon.

Could this Extreme Eight be similar to that?

"I haven't heard of it," confirmed James Curry, looking at Gao Yuan with a puzzled expression. "What exactly is this Extreme Eight you're talking about?"

Take notes!

Gao Yuan thought to himself.

Although I just "joined" the world of extreme sports.

But I can still set some rules for you.

So he smiled slightly and said, "After studying the history of extreme sports, I found that there is no specific event like Ironman Triathlon."

"This puzzled me."

"So I proposed this extreme challenge called Extreme Eight."

"In the future, you can also call it Gao Yuan Eight!"


Everyone was confused once again.

You just joined the world of extreme sports and you want to propose a new challenge?

Do you have to be so arrogant?

Can't you be less presumptuous?

In the domestic extreme sports community, many people frowned and felt unhappy.

Isn't it better to follow the development of foreign countries honestly?

Do we really need to create something like Gao Yuan Eight?

It's just baffling!


Those foreign extreme sports experts who were originally hostile to Gao Yuan gradually became interested.

Some seemed to have a sudden realization.

So someone stood up and said, "Gao, please tell me, what is Gao Yuan Eight?"

Gao Yuan saw that it was a foreigner who showed interest and asked the question, not someone from his own country.

He felt a little disappointed.

Still too accustomed to feeling one's way forward, losing the spirit of innovation!

His gaze casually swept over those people, and Gao Yuan spoke up.

"The first item is the Emergence of Power."

After explaining its English translation, Gao Yuan explained, "This is the first item in my planned Extreme Eight."

"For this specific sport, I suggest extreme abyss rafting or extreme off-road racing."

"The Emergence of Power refers to a person's first completion of an extreme sport, which cannot be specifically attributed to any particular sport, but rather reflects the beginning of a person's awe of the power of the earth in extreme sports."

"In other words, it is the sublimation of oneself in an extreme sport!"

After hearing this, everyone felt that there didn't seem to be anything new about it.

It seemed a bit cliché.

However, James Curry seemed thoughtful and said, "Gao Yuan, please continue."


Gao Yuan nodded and continued, "The second item is the Birth of the Sky."

"Extreme skydiving projects, such as skydiving from Mount Everest."

"The third item is the Awakening of the Earth."

"Cave skydiving, or extreme jungle crossing, extreme cave crossing, such as base jumping from the Swallow Cave."

"The fourth item is the Life of Water."

"Extreme surfing projects, such as surfing the Cortes Sea."

"The fifth item is the Movement of the Wind."

"Extreme wingsuit flying projects, such as wingsuit flying through the Tianmen Cave in Zhangjiajie."

"The sixth item is the Solidification of Ice."

"Extreme downhill skiing projects, such as downhill skiing in the Alps."

"The seventh item is the Mastery of Destiny."

"Free climbing projects, such as free climbing the Angel Falls in Venezuela."

"The eighth item is the Ultimate Trust."

"Extreme diving, such as high-altitude diving from the Angel Falls in Venezuela."

After finishing the Extreme Eight in one breath, Gao Yuan looked at some people who were indifferent and some who were excited, and continued, "Gao Yuan Eight is my way of paying tribute to the power of nature."

"If one completes the challenge of these eight extreme sports, they can reach the pinnacle of sublimation, my friends!"

In the live broadcast room, the netizens were confused.

"What the hell! What does this mean? Gao Yuan is setting rules for them right off the bat?"

"Hahaha! These eight extreme sports, hmm, Gao Yuan's eight items sound interesting, but I wonder if these people also find them interesting?"

"As far as I know, the eight locations mentioned by Gao Yuan are all existing extreme sports holy sites!"

"Extreme sports holy sites, what are those?"

"As everyone knows, the places with the highest death rates in the extreme sports community are the holy sites!"

"Damn! So you're saying that Gao Yuan is proposing that if these people can survive eight times, they may achieve the ultimate sublimation?"

"It's said to be surviving eight times, but it's actually a matter of life and death!"

In the conference room, the people had different expressions.

The domestic extreme sports enthusiasts whispered to each other.

"What's the background of this Gao Yuan? How does he know so much about extreme sports?"

"I don't know, it's like he just appeared out of thin air!"

"Do you think these eight projects he mentioned have any appeal to foreigners?"

Judging from their expressions, many people seem to be tempted!

Damn! I'm tempted too! What he said is about eight extreme holy sites! If I could complete them, it might really be the pinnacle of sublimation!

"Let's see first. But damn, I'm so jealous, how did he come up with this idea?"

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this so-called eight extreme items?"

On the other side, in the foreign extreme sports community, there was even more commotion.

"What do you all think?"

"Although I still want to beat Gao Yuan, I'm very interested in the eight extreme items he proposed!"

"Eight extreme holy sites, it's already difficult to complete one, but he actually came up with eight at once!"

"I have a feeling that Gao Yuan's eight items could become the ultimate pursuit of extreme sports enthusiasts!"

"So you're saying that he just joined us and set a ultimate goal?"

"Look at everyone's expressions, I think so!"


Finally, someone exclaimed in Mandarin they had just learned.

On the stage, James Curry, who was next to Gao Yuan, was already half jealous and half ecstatic.

Jealousy was because this eight extreme items were not his idea.

Ecstasy was because if these eight extreme items, or Gao Yuan's eight items, were recognized by the extreme sports community, it would definitely be a profitable project!

As the god of rock climbing, James Curry may not have the best skills, but his business acumen is the best among extreme sports enthusiasts.


So James Curry clapped his hands and said loudly, "Everyone, today we witnessed the birth of a new project in extreme sports!"

"It is the Gao Yuan Eight!"

"I suggest that the specific locations and projects of the eight sub-items can be further discussed and agreed upon."

"Gao Yuan, what do you think?"

I understand! It's just creating contradictions and oppositions. Creating topics!

Gao Yuan nodded with a smile and said, "My understanding of the extreme sports community is still relatively shallow."

"Besides, there are many places on Earth that humans have not even set foot in."

"All eight sub-items of the Gao Yuan Eight must keep up with the pace of the times and move forward with the times."

As Gao Yuan finished speaking, the foreign extreme sports enthusiasts all expressed their agreement.

They started applauding enthusiastically.

Many people stood up and shouted bravo.

As for the domestic crowd, their mouths twitched involuntarily.

The phrase "keeping up with the pace of the times and moving forward with the times" sounded like a red heart.

Then, one by one, they also stood up and applauded vigorously.

Although they were jealous, at this moment,

In the live broadcast room.

Netizens are all excited.

The barrage area is also boiling.

"Oh my god! Gao Yuan's eight challenges have really come true?"

"Damn, Gao Yuan is really amazing! He has entered the extreme sports circle and released a big satellite!"

"Wow, keeping up with the times and advancing with the times! I almost thought it was our leader speaking!"

"Today, launching a satellite, tomorrow winning the challenge, everyone, Gao Yuan may become the world's number one extreme sportsman this weekend!"

"As soon as he debuted, he became the first? It's also extremely explosive in the entertainment industry!"

"Well, unless something unexpected happens, it is impossible for Gao Yuan to become the first person after ending this year's program live, but being the first in terms of popularity and influence may be possible."

"This is not following the basic rules!"

Because Gao Yuan has greatly shortened the meeting process.

So the next topic of discussion is the venue and specific events of tomorrow's challenge.

The venue naturally has to be in Jiangcheng.

Anyway, Gao Yuan said that places outside Jiangcheng are not considered.

So limited by the venue, there won't be too many events.

But it's enough.

Jiangcheng is not small.

There are mountains and water, and suitable extreme sports venues can always be found.

Some indoor or urban projects even have on-site venues.

"Gao Yuan, which event do you think we should start with tomorrow?"

James Curry asked for Gao Yuan's opinion.

"I'm fine with anything."

Gao Yuan looked at the handwritten nine challenge projects on the A4 paper and said,

"You guys plan a more reasonable route, and then challenge all the way."

"I think that's a good idea."

A domestic extreme sports enthusiast said,

"Maybe, after this challenge, we can create a new project, haha!"


James Curry shook his head and said,

"Is this the reason why you insisted on leaving Jiangcheng for the challenge?"

"After we finish the competition, these places will be almost the same, and some of them should become new attractions!"

"At least, I see the potential for development!"

Gao Yuan smiled.

He neither admitted nor denied it.

At this time,

James Curry looked at another A4 paper with Gao Yuan's eight challenges written on it and suddenly said,

"Gao Yuan, are you interested in making a movie together?"

"With extreme sports as the theme."

"Your eight extreme challenges can also be a selling point!"

A blockbuster?

...Please give me flowers...

Gao Yuan thought for a moment, if the world's natural scenery was shown in the film,

The box office is hard to say.

But it should be very beautiful.

So he nodded and said,

"It's not possible this year, I can't spare the time right now."

"If it starts filming next year, you can save a role for me."

"Well, it's best to be the protagonist!"

Everyone was speechless again.

But they had to admit.

Among this group of extreme sports enthusiasts, Gao Yuan had the highest appearance.

And at least, his influence in China will reach a level that people look up to after this year!

"Let's talk about this later."

James Curry secretly made up his mind to find someone to write a script when he returned, and changed the topic,

"That's it for today, everyone, see you tomorrow!"

Then, everyone left the meeting room.

Those in charge of contacting the venue started to do so.

Those who were going to participate in the challenge events returned to their hotels to adjust their state.

And Gao Yuan.

He went home.


Not to mention the reaction in the live broadcast room.

Not to mention the reaction of netizens online.

At this time.

In the Jiangcheng Municipal Bureau.

A meeting is also taking place.

In addition to the leaders of the municipal bureau, the main participants are the leaders of the Tourism Bureau, Public Security Bureau, and Sports Bureau.

The leader presiding over the meeting.

After turning off the introduction video about extreme sports on the big screen.

Frowning, he said helplessly,

"This extreme sport, although it looks exciting, has a real fatality rate."

"Tomorrow is Gao Yuan's challenge, there might be danger."

"What are your opinions on this hidden concern?"

"What is the specific attitude of the Tourism Bureau?"

Everyone then looked at the director of the Tourism Bureau.


The director of the Tourism Bureau clicked his tongue and said,

"This matter has pros and cons."

"From their previous venue applications, there are popular scenic spots as well as undeveloped ones."

"If tomorrow's challenge goes smoothly..."

"Just as Mr. James said, the commercial development potential of these places will further increase."

"But, if there are unexpected situations, such as casualties..."

At this point...

The director of the Tourism Bureau fell silent.

And everyone understood that if there were casualties, the impact would be significant.

Whether they could accept this impact.

That is the focus of this meeting.

The director of the Public Security Bureau said with a bitter smile,

"I dare to bet."

"If there are indeed casualties."

"These places may be avoided by ordinary people, but they will definitely become new holy sites for extreme sports enthusiasts."

The words of the director of the Public Security Bureau left everyone speechless.

Facing a group of people who were willing to risk their lives, whether it was for the sake of adventure or death.

They truly couldn't understand.

The director of the Sports Bureau then said,

"But it must be said that extreme sports have strong commercial potential in the future!"

"The current dilemma in domestic sports is the lack of commercial development, which affects its influence."

"If this challenge can be successfully held, it will undoubtedly drive the development of the entire surrounding sports industry."

"My personal opinion is to loosen rather than restrict."

"Instead of limiting everyone's adventurous behavior, it is better to provide some guidance and reduce the level of danger."

The words of the director of the Sports Bureau caused the leaders of the municipal bureau to ponder.

The current development of Jiangcheng seems to have entered a bottleneck.

To break through this bottleneck.

Some risks must be taken.

And this international extreme sports challenge sparked by Gao Yuan might be a breakthrough.

It's not that extreme sports are attractive enough.

It's that Gao Yuan himself has enough influence and popularity now.

The Ugly Crew has long regarded him as a role model.

And among the leadership of Jiangcheng, there are also people considering making Gao Yuan the city's representative.

Thinking of this...

The leader presiding over the meeting said,

"In addition to approving their venue application, everyone should go back and do two things."

"First, participate in this challenge to the minimum extent possible, without giving it any official endorsement."

"Second, comrades in the propaganda department should educate netizens about the level of danger in extreme sports."

Especially the fatality rate, this point must be emphasized!"

These two things.

The former allows the authorities to stay out of it.

So that if there are any unfavorable situations, they can intervene in a more composed manner.

The latter can slightly cool down those passionate about extreme sports.

At the same time, it can also prepare everyone mentally.

So that they won't be unable to accept any major accidents or casualties in tomorrow's challenge.

Unable to accept it for a while.


The meeting ended.

People from various departments went back to work.


Quickly arrived at the next day.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

Gao Yuan, accompanied by Xu Xiaosa, arrived at the venue for the first battle of the challenge.

At the scene.

The media had already crowded in early.

As per usual procedures.

Before the challenge began.

A press conference was essential.

When Gao Yuan appeared at the press conference, applause and cheers resounded continuously.

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