If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 100: A mere killing array can be broken with a snap of a finger! [Please read on! ]


Several figures broke into the killing array at the same time.

Their strength is very strong, each of them is above the eighth level of Qi Sea Realm.

Although it is impossible to break the formation, it is still possible to break through it.

With mutual cooperation, even this terrifying killing array couldn't do anything to them for a while.


A tall man with bulging muscles and full of explosive power, he could crush sword energy with every movement of his hands and feet.

Let the sword energy in the killing formation soar to the sky.

But when the sword energy fell on him, it was like falling on fine iron, making the sound of gold and silver and splashing a series of sparks.

"This is……"

"Gu Xuanyun from Xuanming Sect, leader of White Lotus Palace, Shi An from Body Refining Sect, Ziwei Sect..."


"This is where the leaders of all the forces are coming!"

After everyone present saw the identity of the visitor, they couldn't help but take a breath.

The seven geniuses took action together.

The cooperation between them was very tacit, and they were close to the top of the mountain in the blink of an eye.

"That's my senior brother Shi An from the Body Refining Sect!"

"He is a body-refining monk, no one at the same level can hurt him!"

"With him here, this killing formation will be broken without a doubt!"

A disciple who was also burly and dressed in the clothes of the Body Refining Sect shouted in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to him.

Shi An is indeed extremely brave.

He carried countless sword lights by himself and rushed up from the foot of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, we have reached the edge of the mountain.

Even that mysterious figure couldn't help but stop and look back.

The power of Suzaku's blood is terrifying and cannot be easily obtained.

The top priority should be to deal with these guys rushing into the battle.

The monsters in the battlefield of hundreds of monsters did not have much wisdom due to the penetration of the blood of various monsters, and they would only fight on their own.

But the geniuses from all the forces rushing into battle are different.

Each of them is very powerful and has trump cards in their hands.

Now that they join forces together, it is only a matter of time before they can reach the top of the mountain.


Ye Ruxue's pretty face was as cold as ice, and she used both hands to perform the seal.

The entire killing array seemed to come alive at this moment, the sword energy buzzed, and the ocean-like murderous aura instantly enveloped the entire mountain.


In an instant.

Killing intent boils and sweeps across all directions.

Countless rocks turned into powder under the sweep of this sword intent.

Shrouded in the terrifying invisible murderous intent, all the objects on the mountain ceased to exist.


Ye Ruxue pointed out with her plain white hands.

There are runes wrapped around the fingertips, affecting the formation.

The continuous sword light gathered together to form a sword mountain.

The sword energy shot straight into the sky, the sword light tore through the clouds, and the blazing light completely dispelled the surrounding darkness.


The sword mountain fell from the sky.

The devastating sword light was like a pillar of heaven collapsing, carrying unstoppable power towards the seven geniuses.

"Why is her strength so terrifying?!"

"Who is she?!"

Shi An, Gu Xuanyun and others stared with anger and disbelief on their faces.

Countless figures flashed through their minds, but they never thought that there were geniuses and sects in the Chu Dynasty who were so proficient in formations.


Gu Xuanyun shouted loudly.

The seven geniuses who had just rushed to the top of the mountain had no time to think too much at this moment and fell back one after another.

They left quickly though.

But the sword mountain falling from the sky was faster.


There was a loud noise.

The seven geniuses were instantly overwhelmed by the sword light.

Look around.

The entire black mountain is covered with a sea of ​​sword rays, and the brilliance is gorgeous.

The figures of the seven geniuses disappeared from everyone's sight.


The expression of the Body Refining Sect disciple who spoke earlier changed and he exclaimed.

Although he is very confident in his senior brother's body.

But the power of Sword Mountain displayed by the mysterious figure on the top of the mountain just now was too terrifying.

Even if Shi An's physical strength is invincible at the same level, he may not be able to withstand this blow.

"It's not even possible for seven geniuses to join forces to join forces..."

"This mysterious person can withstand the attacks of the seven geniuses just by relying on the formation. If she is a strong person in the divine stage, I am afraid that no one in the entire battlefield of hundreds of monsters will be her opponent!"

A disciple at the sixth level of Qi Sea Realm said with a solemn expression.

"Perhaps only Su Chen from Taixuan Sect or Situ Feng from Wuji Sect can break the formation with brute force!"

A disciple of Ziwei Sect said solemnly.

Everyone present has seen Su Chen's strength.

He made Gu Xuanyun of the Xuan Ming Sect kneel down with just his pressure, and later even punched Situ Feng away.

Such strength is unique among his peers.

Not to mention, before the Hundred Monsters Battlefield was opened, there were rumors that Su Chen had entered the forbidden realm of Qi Sea Realm.

As for Situ Feng...

His own strength is not too strong, only the ninth level of Qi Sea Realm.

But the Wuji Sect’s beast-controlling lineage does not rely on its own strength, but on monster beasts!

If he appeared with the monster beast with ancient Qiongqi bloodline that he contracted, it would be very simple to break the formation with brute force.

Just lose the help of this killing formation.

No matter how strong the mysterious man in the field is, he cannot be the opponent of so many talented people.


"There is no need for Taixuan Sect's Su Chen to take action. My brother Situ Feng of Wuji Sect can break this killing formation alone!"

at this time.

A disciple of the Wuji Sect sat cross-legged on the monster beast and said with an arrogant expression. ‘


"Is the Wuji Sect's technique for practicing the mouth?"

"What a shameless statement!"

When a disciple of Taixuanzong heard this, he immediately became unhappy and sarcastically said.

Taixuan Sect and Wuji Sect had a feud, and everyone present knew it.


When a disciple of the Wuji Sect opens his mouth, a disciple of the Taixuan Sect will naturally make sarcastic remarks.

Same reason.

If there were Taixuan Sect disciples present who boasted about Su Chen, there would also be Wuji Sect disciples who would respond in kind.


Everyone present believed in Tai Xuanzong more.

Because Su Chen's strength was obvious to everyone present.

"You do not believe?"

After the Wuji Sect disciple was provoked by the Tai Xuan Sect disciple, he did not become angry, but a flash of regret flashed in his eyes. He looked at the Tai Xuan Sect disciple with eyes full of disdain and said:

"I won't hide anything from you."

"Our senior brother Situ Feng has found a drop of ancient Qiongqi's blood in the battlefield of hundreds of monsters!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone present was moved.


"The blood of ancient Qiongqi?!"

"I asked why I didn't see Situ Feng. It turns out that he went to look for the blood of the ancient Qiongqi!"


Ancient wonders!

In terms of strength, it may not be weaker than mythical beasts like Suzaku.

The monster beast contracted by Situ Feng already possesses a trace of the blood of the ancient Qiongqi. If he gets another drop of the blood of the ancient Qiongqi...

Then his strength is unimaginable!

By the time.

Don't say it's Su Chen.

Even if all the geniuses present put together may not be the opponent of Situ Feng's contracted monster!

"Calculating the time, the monsters contracted by Brother Situ Feng may have successfully fused with the blood of ancient Qiongqi, and they should be on their way now..."

"When he comes, a mere killing array can be broken with a snap of a finger!"

The Wuji Sect disciple said calmly with a confident smile on his face.

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