If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 11 Who can refuse a good and approachable senior brother?


The long sword made a sound.

The little junior sister's petite body began to dance, and the spiritual power in her meridians flowed, causing the surrounding breeze.

Even though she was only a monk at the third level of Qi gathering, the sound of the sword tearing through the air was enough to make the hairs of any mortal stand on end.

Soon, the junior sister finished practicing a complete set of Taixuan Sword Styles.

Su Chen looked at his junior sister and nodded gently.

Sure enough, it was just as he had guessed. With his current level, it would not be a problem to guide a junior sister who was at the third level of Qi Gathering.

Afterwards, he pointed out some problems in the little junior sister's practice and rehearsed the perfect Taixuan Sword style for her on the spot.

When the drill was over, the junior sister's face suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

Some problems that were originally difficult to understand suddenly became clear at this moment.

"I see!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Su! Thank you, Senior Brother Su!"

The junior sister bowed slightly towards Su Chen with excitement on her face and thanked him.

Seeing this, Su Chen smiled lightly and waved his hands, indicating that these were nothing more than a trivial matter.

Then, he flicked his sleeves and walked forward.

It's a big deal and he brushes his clothes away, hiding his aura of merit and fame.

Before leaving, Su Chen saw the admiring look in the little junior sister's big watery eyes. Su Chen knew that he had gained another little fan girl.

He didn't lose anything in this process, but gained the favor of his junior sister and all her friends.

"Ajing, am I right? Senior Brother Su Chen is not only handsome, but also very approachable, and he never hides his insights on spiritual practice."

"I just felt so passionate. Senior Brother Su Chen is so charming."

"Ahhh, who can resist a handsome senior brother who exudes charm?"

"That's natural. No one in the entire outer sect is more charming than Senior Brother Su Chen!"

As soon as Su Chen walked away, the comments of his junior sister and friends could be heard behind him.

"Yes! Senior Brother Su Chen is the most charming!"

He Jing looked at Su Chen's disappearing back, her beautiful eyes filled with brilliance.

She had just joined Taixuan Sect not long ago, and her cultivation level was only at the third level of Qi Gathering. The problem of Taixuan Sword Style had troubled her for a long time.

I asked three or four senior brothers and sisters for advice, but without exception, they all ignored her.

If he relied solely on his own exploration, He Jing didn't know how long it would take to understand the problem.

Now Su Chen's explanation and demonstration made her suddenly enlightened.

Handsome, talented, approachable...

These are the labels others put on Su Chen.

Life is like the first time we meet. When we meet for the first time, He Jing's affection for Su Chen reaches its peak!

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