If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 26: The Star-Breaking Sword Technique has achieved minor success, and someone is coming home

The disciples of the inner sect of Taixuan Sect all have small independent courtyards. Although the area is not large, compared with the outer sect, they are almost in the sky and on the ground.

Su Chen opened the door and saw an antique decoration.

There is a small pond, a rockery, and two side rooms.

One of them is a residence and the other is a training room, which is spotless and clean.

The entire courtyard was spotless, and someone had obviously cleaned it for him.

Su Chen glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he walked straight towards the training room.

The layout of the training room is very simple, with only one futon.

He glanced casually, then sat down on the futon and began to immerse himself in practice.

time flies.

Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

In Su Chen's courtyard, a tall figure holding a three-foot long sword was waving it in the courtyard.

A sword was swept out, and a harsh sound broke through the air. The void seemed to be shattered in this sword sect.

After waving for an unknown amount of time, Su Chen slowly stopped and put away the long sword in his hand, surrounded by a layer of lavender light, like a god.

"In five days, I finally transformed all my spiritual power into the attributes of the Purple Yao Tianluo..."

"The Broken Star Sword Technique has also been greatly improved, and it has reached a small level of success."

For five whole days, he had been practicing in the small courtyard.

He transformed all his skills into the Purple Yao Tianluo Jing, and in terms of martial arts, he also practiced the Shattering Star Sword Technique to a small degree.

He began to practice other martial arts.

He still understands the principle of biting off more than he can chew.

Su Chen didn't know whether this cultivation speed was fast or slow.

After all, he has no reference character.

But he estimated that this cultivation speed should be considered upper-middle level among the inner sect?

"The Star-Shattering Sword Technique and the Star-Shattering Slash have the same effect but similar approaches. I estimate that it will be completed in a while, and then I can start practicing other martial arts."

Su Chen murmured softly.

The Star-Shattering Sword Technique and the Star-Shattering Slash are both martial arts skills known for their explosive power.

He has the training insights of Shattering Star Slash, so he can get twice the result with half the effort and make rapid progress.

Just when Su Chen was about to continue practicing, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Is Senior Brother Su Chen here?"

Su Chen frowned slightly when he heard this.

"I'm here, you are?"

"Senior Brother Su Chen, there is an old man outside the mountain gate who claims to be the steward of the Su family in Tianyang City. He wants to find you."


When Su Chen heard this, he looked startled.

The Su family is his family in this world, the family that actually controls Tianyang City.

Since he joined Taixuan Sect, people from the Su family rarely disturbed his cultivation.

Every Chinese New Year, the Su family would send servants to invite him back.

But it's still a long time before the New Year, so why would the Su family send someone here today?

Could it be that something happened to the family?

For a moment, Su Chen was a little confused, but he still responded:

"Invite him in!"

"Yes, senior brother!"

The disciple outside the door quickly agreed upon hearing this, then turned and left.

Listening to the footsteps getting further away, Su Chen lowered his head and glanced at his clothes.

He had been practicing for the past five days, and his clothes had long been eroded by sweat.

"It will be some time before the housekeeper comes. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will take a bath first."

With that said, Su Chen put away his sword and walked towards the bedroom.

It didn't take long.

Outside Su Chen's small courtyard, a disciple dressed in outer sect clothes brought an old man with gray hair and a stooped figure to the outside of the courtyard.

"Old sir, this is the residence of Senior Brother Su Chen."

The outer disciple stopped, pointed at the small courtyard in front of him, and said kindly.

"Thank you, little friend."

The old man slightly arched his hands towards the outer disciple.

"This is what I should do. If the old gentleman has nothing else to do, I will resign first."

Upon seeing this, the outer disciple quickly returned the gift, not daring to make any excuses.

After all, this was a member of Senior Brother Su Chen's family, and he would not dare to neglect him under any circumstances.

He had personally seen Su Chen's performance in the outer sect's trial that day.

He had great respect for Su Chen, and naturally had a lot of respect for the people in his family.

"Okay, little friend, walk slowly."

The old man said with a smile.

After seeing off the outer disciple, the old man came to the courtyard and looked up and down, his old eyes filled with relief.

"I never thought that the last time I met the eldest son, he was only at the sixth level of the Qi Gathering Realm. When we meet again, he has become an inner disciple of Taixuan Sect. It is really a blessing for my Su family!"

The last time Su Chen celebrated the Chinese New Year, he was still at the sixth level of the Qi Gathering Realm. Only three months later, he had become an inner disciple.

This speed is amazing!

"It's true that the eldest son has become an inner disciple, so he doesn't know how to inform the family."

The old man was stroking his beard with one hand and slapping his stooped back with the other, shaking his head slightly.

However, at this moment.

A crisp voice sounded.


The gate of the small courtyard in front of the old man opened automatically without any wind.

Before the old man could react, his vision blurred, and a young man with unparalleled charm suddenly appeared in a white robe, with a jade tree facing the wind.

Then, an elegant voice sounded:

"Uncle Fu, long time no see."

"The eldest... eldest son?"

After not seeing each other for just three months, the old man looked at the young man in front of him with some surprise.

The first impression was that the young man in front of him was so handsome!

The second impression was that he exuded an unparalleled charm.

If he were in the outside world, I'm afraid that a large number of female cultivators would be attracted to him.

But then, he found something wrong.

To be the steward of the Su family, the old man was naturally not an ordinary person, and his strength had reached the ninth level of the Qi Hai realm.

But even if he had such strength, he didn't find out when Su Chen appeared.

"I haven't seen you for three months, Uncle Fu, don't you recognize me?"

Su Chen looked at the old man in front of him with a smile on his face and said.


"The eldest son has changed so much..."

There was a little emotion on Uncle Fu's face.

If he didn't listen to the voice, he would even think that he recognized the wrong person.

Uncle Fu raised his head and looked at Su Chen in front of him, his eyes full of relief, and said with a smile:

"If I'm not mistaken, the eldest son is already the first level of the Qi Hai realm, right?"

"Uncle Fu has a good eye!"

Su Chen nodded with a smile.

He didn't practice the secret method to restrain his breath, so he couldn't hide his cultivation breath.

Generally, people with higher strength than him can easily see through his cultivation.

This actually has both advantages and disadvantages. At least there are fewer hidden dangers that many people can taunt him.

Anyone who is not a fool can tell that this is a young hero by just looking at Su Chen's cultivation.

If you can avoid provoking him, try not to provoke him.

Of course, no one in Taixuan Sect dares to taunt Su Chen.

After all, his reputation has already resounded throughout the Taixuan Sect.


ps: The second update is here, the transition is over!

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