If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 43, could it be in here? [Please read on! Please give me a monthly vote!]

Even if there is nothing in this secret realm, the rich spiritual energy inside is enough to be called a paradise.

One year of cultivation inside may only be worth three to five years outside!

"I didn't expect that the three of us would have a day of success!"

"A secret place without an owner was discovered so easily by us!"

The white-robed old man beside Wan Chongfeng said with surprise on his face.

Yang Chongfeng was also full of joy, looking at the entrance in front of him, his Adam's apple rolling.

Only Wan Chongfeng showed suspicious eyes, stared at the crack, and said, "Do you think Su Chen and Ye Ruxue are in here?"


"It shouldn't be possible, right?!"

The old man in white robe said hesitantly.

In their opinion, Su Chen's breakthrough to the sky was only at the third or fourth level of the Qi Sea Realm.

Although the strength is not weak, it is only not weak. Compared with the three of them, there is still a big gap.


This place is more than a thousand miles away from Qingyang City. In their eyes, it is impossible to fly here with Su Chen's cultivation level.

"I just said it casually. We will find out if it is inside or not!"

Wan Zongfeng walked towards the entrance of the crack, and as he walked, he warned:

"Since this secret realm has been opened, it means there must be someone inside!"

"We'd better be careful not to get cut inside."


When Yang Gongfeng and the old man in white robe heard this, they looked at each other and nodded.


The three of them entered the secret realm.

The first time they came in, the three of them saw the mountain peak not far away.

after all.

Apart from the solitary mountain peak, there is really nothing else eye-catching about the entire secret realm.

The three of them looked at each other and moved forward cautiously.

It should have taken them a few minutes to arrive, but it took them a full stick of incense to reach the foot of the mountain.

The three of them started climbing side by side and soon reached the top of the mountain.

But the moment they reached the top of the mountain, the expressions of the three people suddenly changed.

All he saw was a woman in white robe sitting cross-legged in front of the palace.

The woman in white seemed unaware of the arrival of the three of them and was still immersed in her practice.

"Ye Ruxue!"

The old man in white robe spoke first.

Although Ye Ruxue rarely appeared in the outside world, as the enshrined elder of the Lin family, they had seen Ye Ruxue's portrait.

Otherwise, they would not have come out to hunt down Su Chen and Ye Ruxue.

"Then Su Chen should be in the main hall. It's just an opportunity for the two of them to separate now!"

Wan Chongfeng turned his head and winked at Yang Chongfeng beside him.

The latter immediately understood, stretched out his palm, and a gleam of light appeared in his palm.

The light dissipated, and a black rope appeared in his hand, entwined with an almost substantial evil spirit.

This is a spiritual rope!

Once entangled by it, even a strong person in the Shentai realm will have to submit obediently.

At the same time, in the main hall.

As soon as Su Chen opened his eyes, two rays of light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were extremely clear.

He glanced at the stone bucket and found that the milky white earth spirit lotion in the stone bucket had completely turned into water.

Absorbing a large amount of earth spirit lotion directly increased his strength to a terrifying level.

"The Broken Star Sword Technique has reached perfection in one leap, and the divine walking steps have also been greatly improved. It is only one step away from reaching perfection!"

"I have learned all the other martial arts skills. If I fight those two puppets now, I will definitely be able to defeat them within three moves!"

Su Chen stood up slowly, his black hair falling like a waterfall and hanging around his shoulders.

His body shone with white light, like a piece of beautiful jade, white and flawless.


Su Chen's palm fell gently.

The originally indestructible stone bucket was easily crushed by him like tofu dregs.

"It is worthy of being a priceless treasure of heaven and earth. Even my cultivation level has broken through the third level of Qi Sea Realm!"

Su Chen said with emotion.

The main function of Earth Spirit Lotion is to assist in the practice of martial arts and supernatural powers.

But it's not just about assisting in the cultivation of martial arts and magical powers, it also has a certain increase in cultivation.

But compared to assisting in the practice of martial arts and magical powers, its effect is slightly inferior.

Su Chen walked out of the stone bucket, put on his clothes, and was about to go out to see how Ye Ruxue was practicing.

But just when he reached the entrance of the hall, his eyes froze.

Suddenly, three figures were seen walking towards the main hall.

One of them was holding a black rope in his hand and was quietly approaching Ye Ruxue.

"court death!"

Su Chen shouted softly, and the sword instantly appeared in his palm.

The terrifying sword intent made the entire hall begin to tremble.

This is the first sword used after the Broken Star Sword Technique is completed, so the sword's intent is extremely terrifying.


The long sword was thrown out by Su Chen. The sharp blade seemed to be able to break everything. It made bursts of wind and thunder like a dragon, and emitted the light of the stars.


"Something's wrong! Twelve out of ten things are wrong!"

Wan Zongfeng and the others looked at the black rope gradually approaching Ye Ruxue in the sky.

He was about to tie him up, but at this moment, a terrifying sword intent erupted from the hall.


There was a loud noise from the sky, and the void seemed to be shattered at this moment.

Immediately afterwards.

A long sword flashing with cold light collided with the black rope, bursting out with bright light.

In the midst of the radiant light, the long sword pierced through the sky, with a sharp whistle, and quickly killed towards the end of the black rope.

"Wan Gongsheng, save me..."

The old man in white robe holding the other end of the rope only had time to let out a loud cry.

Before he finished speaking, the whole person completely lost his life.


The long sword passed through the body, and the huge impact force carried the old man's body, flying hundreds of meters in a row.


A loud sound rang out.

The long sword nailed the old man in white robe to a withered towering tree.

Blood flowed, and the hilt trembled slightly.

The strange scene made the other two people feel numb and shudder.

The old man who was still alive just now was nailed to the tree in just a blink of an eye.

You know.

The old man in white robe is a strong man of the eighth level of Qi Hai realm!

Facing this sword, he had no power to resist at all!

Of course, the white-robed old man was careless and didn't dodge, but at the same time, it can be seen that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated!

"A person from the Lin family?"

The cold voice sounded in the ears of the two.

As soon as the voice fell.

A slender figure appeared in front of the two.

No one saw how he appeared, as if he was standing there.

The sharp sword intent lingered around him, and people couldn't help but feel endless despair in their hearts.

This kind of elusive body movement was the first time that Wan Gongsheng and his friends had seen it.


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