If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 47 Let’s see who is truly invincible in the same level! [Please read on! ]

"But I'm different. I prefer to eat it raw!"

When he heard the first half, Lu Zhen thought he had a chance of survival.

But after hearing the last sentence, his heart was in his throat.

No wonder Brother Zhou's body was still intact after falling into the hands of this dark creature.

It turned out that this dark creature didn't eat corpses!


Lu Zhen didn't sit and wait for death, but chose to take the lead.

His Qi Hai realm first level strength broke out, and the long sword in his hand swept out like a flash of lightning.

This sword was extremely fast1

In the blink of an eye, it had pierced in front of the dark creature.


A sound of golden swords clashing sounded.

A burst of sparks flashed by, and the long sword was firmly grasped by a dark big hand.

This palm has only three fingers, but it seems to be cast from fine iron, extremely solid.

Lu Zhen's sword seemed to be very powerful, but it didn't stir up any waves in front of this palm.

He held the long sword, and there was no wound on his palm.


"Is this a human cultivator? So weak!"

The dark creature in black robes sneered.


He slightly exerted force with three fingers.


A crisp sound rang out.

The long sword in his hand was instantly crushed.

Then, a punch was thrown without any sign.


The void exploded.

The surrounding void seemed to be shattered under this punch, and a black storm swept out in all directions.


Lu Zhen's body flew backwards again, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken string, flying backwards for hundreds of meters before barely stopping.

The punch just now almost broke all the bones in his body.

Even with the cultivation of the first level of Qi Hai Realm, he was unable to stand up at this moment.

The heavy injuries made him feel that his vitality was rapidly dissipating.

"Am I, Lu Zhen, going to die here?"

Looking at the dark creature gradually approaching him, Lu Zhen's heart was full of despair.

He could only watch the dark creature approach him, then stretch out its dark hand to grab him.

But he could do nothing.

The dark creature's scarlet and slender tongue dripped with foul-smelling black liquid.

Just as it opened its bloody mouth and was about to bite Lu Zhen, something strange happened.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded.

Then, a long sword flashing with cold light swept over with the power of golden stars.

It was like a meteor falling from the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Wherever the golden light passed, large areas of towering trees turned into dust.

The terrifying sword intent strangled everything around.


The dark creature noticed something unusual, threw Lu Zhen on the ground, and turned around suddenly.

But before it could do anything, its huge body was directly pierced by a long sword.

There was a transparent hole on the right chest, and dark blood flowed from the hole.

"Who are you?!"

Even though the heart was pierced, the body of the dark creature still stood firm.

It slowly turned around, looked into the depths of the black fog, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Taixuan Sect, Su Chen!"

The cold voice came from the black fog.

Then, a figure in a white robe appeared in front of it.

"Master Su Chen..."

When Lu Zhen saw the person coming, a complex flashed in his eyes.

He would never forget Su Chen's performance in the outer sect trial, nor would he forget what Su Chen's supporters said.

Unexpectedly, this time it was Su Chen who saved his life.

"Be careful, dark creatures are hard to kill!"

Lu Zhen struggled to get up from the ground and said to Su Chen.


The dark creature in a black robe laughed hoarsely.

Endless black fog was steaming all over its body, and the whole person at this moment was like a demon god from the underworld.

The boundless black fog enveloped it, and the wound on the right chest was also wriggling rapidly.

It returned to normal in the blink of an eye. From the surface, there was no sign of injury at all.

"He is right, we can't be killed!"


"Really? Why do I not believe it?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and stared at the dark creature with a smile.

The next moment, he shook his wrist lightly, and the long sword that had just flown out returned and fell back into his palm.

"Then I want to see if you are really hard to kill today!"

The voice fell.

The long sword in Su Chen's hand swept out.

The terrifying starlight shattered the boundless black fog.

The sword swept across, killing the dark creature with unparalleled terrifying power.


The dark creature laughed grimly.

Facing Su Chen's attack, it did not dodge at all, stretched out its dark big hand, and grabbed the long sword.


The dark palm grabbed the long sword.

"Is that all?"

The dark creature stared at Su Chen with its scarlet eyes, and laughed strangely.

But the next second, its expression suddenly changed.

A terrifying force burst out, causing its ten-foot-tall body to completely sink into the ground.


The dark creature's eyes condensed, and it let out a loud shout.

Then, it stretched out its other big hand, used both hands to grab the long sword, and suddenly turned the sword energy into an energy storm, sweeping in all directions.


Su Chen frowned slightly when he saw this.

When he was in the third level of Qi Hai Realm, he swept out with a sword, and none of the three priests of the Lin family could resist it.


The same realm, the same great success of the Star-Breaking Sword Art, encountered a dark creature of the same seventh or eighth level of Qi Hai Realm, and it could actually block his sword.

No wonder the dark creatures are known as invincible at the same level!

In addition to their strong physiques, these dark creatures also have a recovery speed comparable to abnormality.

Even Su Chen is ashamed of this.

"The taste of human genius blood is the best!"

"Be my food!"

The dark creature in a black robe jumped out of the ground, and it spit out a scarlet and slender tongue and gently licked its lips.

The scarlet eyes flashed with a ferocious light, and it quickly killed Su Chen.

"Then let's see who is truly invincible in the same rank!"

"Red Flame Flowing Light Slash!"

Su Chen shouted.

He was simple and direct, his long sword shone with light, and swept out violently.

He used the Red Flame Flowing Light Slash, a mid-level martial art of the Earth Rank, and swept out with a sword, with great force and power.

This was his first time to use the Red Flame Flowing Light Slash!

He was full of expectations for the power of this mid-level martial art of the Earth Rank.

Although he had just started, the power he had unleashed could not be compared to that of the Great Perfection Star-Breaking Sword Art!

This was the horror of the mid-level martial art of the Earth Rank!


A deafening roar sounded.

With every collision, the body of the dark creature would tremble, as if all the bones in its body were shattered at this moment.


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