If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 54 Everyone brags about the fourth level of Qi Hai realm! [Please read on! ]

"Brothers, you don't have to be like this!"

Su Chen slowly turned around, looked at the many inner disciples, and said.

"Junior Brother Su Chen, your aura seems to be very strong..."

An ordinary-looking male disciple looked at Su Chen and said.

When Su Chen heard this, he looked at this senior brother with some approval and was very satisfied with what he said.

Didn't he do so much just for this moment?

This senior brother's words just gave everyone an opportunity to think about it.

"I have been traveling outside for the past fifteen days, and I have gained some enlightenment. I have accidentally broken through several realms..."

Su Chen looked indifferent, as if he was telling a very ordinary thing.

"Have you gained some enlightenment?"

"How many realms did you break through accidentally?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the corners of the mouths of the many inner disciples present twitched slightly.

"Then, Junior Brother Su Chen, are you at the second level of Qi Sea Realm now?"

The senior brother continued to ask.

Since Su Chen did not release his cultivation on his own, no one present knew his specific state.

But then, the senior brother shook his head again and said:

"No! Those three dark creatures are all at the ninth level of the Qi Sea Realm. Even if Junior Brother Su Chen has entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm, he can be invincible at the same level."

"However, if you want to use the Xuan-level high-grade Broken Star Sword Technique several times in a row, you must have huge spiritual power to support it. The spiritual power of monks at the second and third levels of the Qi Sea Realm cannot support it at all..."

"Junior Brother Su Chen, you...haven't you broken through to the fourth level of the Qi Sea Realm?!"

The words fell.

The senior brother had a look of surprise on his face.

Su Chen was noncommittal and just smiled lightly without admitting it.

Naturally, he couldn't admit it at this time.

If admitted, it would be equivalent to violating system regulations.

"Junior Brother Su Chen can perform the high-grade Xuan-level Star-Shattering Sword Technique several times in succession. He is definitely a fourth-level Qi Sea Realm existence!"

Another senior brother was also shocked.

He had been present during the outer sect's trial and knew about Su Chen's terrifying talent.

He had previously thought that Su Chen was a monk at the second or third level of the Qi Sea Realm, but after listening to that senior brother's words, he realized that something was wrong.

Seeing that Su Chen was so indifferent, he must have broken through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm!

Just fifteen days!

Breaking through from the first level of the Qi Sea Realm to the fourth level of the Qi Sea Realm, what kind of terrifying talent is this? !

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm: 1/200]

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm: 2/200]

The virtual panel that only Su Chen could see popped up again.

The two senior brothers who spoke one after another believed from the bottom of their hearts that Su Chen had broken through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm, so they started bragging.

The other disciples heard what they said and agreed with them from the bottom of their hearts.

At this moment, many inner disciples have full trust in Su Chen.

Therefore, the characters on the virtual panel also began to jump rapidly.

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm: 99/200]

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm: 100/200]

In the blink of an eye, the number of people has exceeded one hundred, and is still increasing at an extremely fast rate.

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm; 198/200]

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm; 199/200]

[Breaking through to the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm: 200/200]

In just an instant, the progress bar was full.


A beam of energy surged out from Su Chen's dantian and dispersed towards his large limbs.


A huge aura spread out from Su Chen's body.


"This is the breath of the fourth level of Qihai Realm!"

The expressions of several inner disciples changed.

This level of aura is not unfamiliar to them.

Because many of the people present were at the fourth level of the Qi Sea Realm, and there were even disciples at the seventh or eighth level of the Qi Sea Realm.

"I just said that Junior Brother Su Chen is a monk at the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm!"

"This is the top genius monster!"

The eyes of many inner disciples present had a strange light.

In their view.

This was Su Chen's response to everyone, indicating that he was indeed a monk at the fourth level of Qi Sea Realm.

In fact, this was just Su Chen's sudden breakthrough and he had no time to control his aura.

"Junior Brother Su Chen is indeed a monster who stepped into the taboo realm in the Qi Gathering Realm! His talent is really powerful..."

"I must keep in touch with Junior Brother Su Chen in the future!"

"In just fifteen days, not only did he perfect the high-grade Star-Shattering Sword Technique at the Xuan level, but he also broke through to the fourth level in one fell swoop. As long as such a monster can gain some connections, he will have no worries about the future!"


Many inner disciples thought secretly in their hearts.

At this moment, they all had the same idea in their minds.

That is, we must try our best to hold Su Chen's thigh!

"Junior brother!"

at this time.

Mu Qingxue's cold voice came from behind Su Chen.

When Su Chen heard this, he turned around slowly.

I saw.

Mu Qingxue held two jet black bracelets in her slender hands and handed them to her.

"Junior brother, I took these off the wrists of those two dark creatures."


When Su Chen heard this, he looked deeply at Mu Qingxue.

To know.

Every item on these dark creatures is extremely precious, and every item is worth a lot of money.

If it were anyone else, I'm afraid he would have secretly stuffed it into his storage ring.

I didn't expect that Mu Qingxue didn't covet her spoils.

Seeing this, the other inner sect brothers left tactfully to rescue the remaining inner sect disciples.

"Thank you, senior sister!"

Su Chen said.

"You're welcome."

"I should thank you. If you hadn't taken action today, I'm afraid..."

Mu Qingxue stared at Su Chen slowly with her lavender eyes.


Su Chen chuckled and didn't reply.

Even if he hadn't taken action today, Mu Qingxue could still escape from the hands of these two dark creatures.

If there was no system, Su Chen's talent would be far inferior to hers.

It might even be inferior to Lu Zhen.

Su Chen took the bracelet, cut his finger, and forced out a drop of blood to make it recognize the master.

He took a rough look.

The internal space of this bracelet was not large, only about a dozen cubic meters.

There were a bunch of materials he didn't recognize inside. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the product of the world where the dark creatures lived.

There is also a pile of black stones, about the same size as the spirit stones in this world.

A quick glance showed that there should be several thousand pieces.

Su Chen took out a piece at random and held it in his hand. A sense of coldness immediately spread from his palm.

"This is..."

"Black Blood Stone!"

In Mu Qingxue's mind, the old female voice sounded, with excitement in her tone.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of it?"

Mu Qingxue's master murmured to himself, "How could the dark creatures invade without bringing black blood stones?"

"I should have thought of it earlier..."


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