If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 75 Bronze Token, Heir of the Ancient Tiangui Sect! [Please read on! ]

"Since His Highness said so, then Su will stop showing off."

Su Chen poured another glass of spiritual wine, drank it all, and put down the wine glass in his hand.


He turned his palm, and a crystal clear jade bottle suddenly appeared in his palm.


Seeing this jade bottle, the Ninth Princess frowned slightly, looked at Su Chen strangely, and said:

"Fellow Daoist Su, what are you..."

"Earth Spirit Lotion!"

Su Chen spoke concisely and to the point, and slowly spoke out four words.

"Earth Spirit Lotion?!"

The Ninth Princess's heart moved, and huge waves arose deep in her heart.

Her plain white jade fingers tightly grasped the armrests on both sides, and her delicate body straightened a bit.

But on the surface, it still looks calm and calm.

"Fellow Daoist Su is taking out the Earth Spirit Lotion right now, is he trying to show off the strong financial resources of your Taixuan Sect?"

The Ninth Princess glanced at the Earth Spirit Lotion and said calmly.

Earth spirit lotion is very precious.

Looking at the entire Dachu royal family, there is not much earth spirit lotion.

Even though she was the ninth princess of the Great Chu Dynasty, it would be difficult for her to get the Earth Spirit Lotion from the Emperor of Great Chu.

Now, Su Chen suddenly took out the Earth Spirit Lotion, and the Ninth Princess couldn't help but start thinking too much.

Right now, she happened to have a martial art that was stuck in the most critical place, and she was in urgent need of earth spirit lotion.

But Su Chen happened to take it out...

Could it be that he was showing his loyalty to himself again?

To know.

Just now the eldest prince used a jade pendant to recruit him, but Su Chen didn't even take out the earth spirit lotion.

On the contrary, Su Chen took out the Earth Spirit Lotion without giving anything.

If the other party didn't mean to give it to her, she wouldn't believe it!

After all, no one would be stupid enough to show off the earth spirit lotion in front of the ninth princess of the Great Chu Dynasty.

"Ninth Princess is too worried. Su is not a boring person."

Su Chen casually threw the jade bottle containing the earth spirit lotion to the ninth princess, drank another glass of spirit wine and said:

"Su just thinks that eating people is short-tongued and soft-handed. This is today's meal money."


The Ninth Princess stretched out her slender jade hands, caught the jade bottle steadily, and revealed her spiritual consciousness.

There is no doubt that the jade bottle is indeed Earth Spirit Lotion!

This made her eyes look at Su Chen with a touch of gentleness.

Anyone who gets a bottle of Earth Spirit Lotion for free will probably not be able to harbor any ill will toward the person who gave it to him.

I just don’t know how the Ninth Princess would feel if she knew that Su Chen used the Earth Spirit Lotion directly from the bucket.

The Ninth Princess put the Earth Spirit Lotion aside and said slowly:

"How did Fellow Daoist Su know that it was me hosting the banquet?"


Su Chen responded calmly.

Naturally, it was not because he had eaten the food here that he gave this small bottle of Earth Spirit Lotion to the Ninth Princess.

His intuition told him that the Ninth Princess might be able to give him a lot of help in the future.


The Ninth Princess chuckled lightly and said nothing more.

At this moment, she had decided that Su Chen should be on her side.

Otherwise, why would you give me Earth Spirit Lotion as a gift?

after all.

She and Su Chen only had a one-time relationship. Even though she had the status of the Ninth Princess of Chu, she didn't think that she could use this status to get a person who met her for the first time to give her a small bottle of earth spirit lotion.

After pondering for a moment, the Ninth Princess turned her jade hand over, and a bronze token suddenly appeared in her palm.

She gently stroked the token, then gritted her teeth and threw it towards Su Chen, saying:

"I'm not a stingy person either. If you gave me a bottle of Earth Spirit Lotion today, I'll also give you a token!"

"Previously, the jade pendant my imperial brother gave you could protect you from running rampant in Huangji City. Although my token cannot be used in Huangji City, as long as you go outside Huangji City, no matter where you are, As long as you activate the token, a strong person will appear to help you!"


When Su Chen heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He reached out and took the token, looking at it carefully.

This token is bronze in color and is made of unknown materials. It has cold tentacles. It has a crescent moon and several stars surrounding it. It looks extremely mysterious.

"What an unexpected surprise!"

Su Chen put the token into the storage ring, slightly raised his hand towards the Ninth Princess, and said:

"Thank you so much, Princess Ninth, Su!"

"It's getting late now, so I'll take my leave first!"

Say it.

Su Chen stood up and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Su, walk slowly!"

Princess Ninth stood up and said with a smile.

This attitude was already very polite to Su Chen.

The majestic Ninth Princess Chu stood up to see her off. Ordinary geniuses did not get this treatment.


In the view of Ninth Princess, Su Chen deserves such treatment.

Because Su Chen was the first person who took the initiative to join her without being recruited by her.

Coupled with Su Chen's extraordinary talent, he had already entered the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm.

With such talent, his future achievements must not be underestimated!

"What's going on lately?"

"First, a mysterious man came to my door with Shenhai Dan, and then Su Chen, the genius of Taixuan Sect, took the initiative to give me a bottle of Earth Spirit Lotion..."

The Ninth Princess looked back at the jade bottle next to her, with a hint of excitement in her dark eyes.

"It seems that I am really blessed with great luck, as the elders of the sect said!"

"With such luck, how can you be my opponent, my great emperor brother..."

"But then again, that mysterious person came with the Divine Sea Pill and wanted to exchange a place with me to enter the Hundred Demons Battlefield. I should give her an answer now!"


Deep in the palace.

In a secret room.

A figure bathed in divine light sat cross-legged.

She seemed to be immersed in cultivation, with a real dragon flying in the air and a white tiger stepping on the ground, which was very magical.

The whole secret room was covered with a layer of mysterious light.

Behind her were two black figures, motionless, without any breath, as if two shadows were quietly guarding on the side.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Just then, a knock on the door came.

The figure who was originally in cultivation suddenly opened his eyes, and his bright eyes illuminated the entire secret room like purple lightning.

"Please come in."

A very neutral voice came out, making it impossible to identify the specific gender.


The door of the secret room was pushed open.

The Ninth Princess's long skirt dragged on the ground, graceful and beautiful, like a fairy in the Moon Palace slowly walked into the secret room.

Her dark eyes glanced at the figure sitting in the secret room, with a look of inquiry in her eyes.

The other party had come to her house for some time.

But to this day, she still couldn't see the details of the other party.


She didn't even know whether the other party was a man or a woman, what he looked like, or how much cultivation he had!

The only thing she knew was that the other party claimed to be the descendant of the ancient Tiangui Sect, had a Shenhai Pill in his hand, and planned to make a deal with her.

"Ninth Princess, what do you think?"

The figure sitting cross-legged in the secret room also looked at the Ninth Princess and asked slowly.


ps: In the last four days, I hope everyone will not keep reading, and read more!

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