If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 79 I didn’t expect Senior Brother Su Chen to be so kind-hearted [Please read on! ]

"What's wrong with that?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and said in a serious tone:

"Junior Sister just gifted this stone to me, which proves that this stone is already mine."

"Now, as a senior brother, I would give it to my junior sister. This is normal!"


"Brother, I didn't mean that..."

Mu Qingxue shook her head slightly, about to say something else.

But Su Chen didn't give her a chance to speak at all, he waved his hand directly and said:

"It's getting late, junior sister, it's better to go back and rest early."

"Oh, by the way, you must be careful when facing the disciples of Wuji Sect and Xuanming Sect in the competition tomorrow."

At the end of his speech, Su Chen's tone became more solemn.

Although he is not afraid of Situ Feng and others, it does not mean that the disciples of Taixuan Sect are not afraid.

If you are not prepared and confront them rashly, you will probably suffer a big loss.


Mu Qingxue said with a helpless expression.

"Senior brother, please rest early. I will take my leave first."


Su Chen nodded lightly, then seemed to think of something, and spoke again:

"By the way, tell others what I just said and tell them to be careful of Wuji Sect and Xuanming Sect disciples!"

"Okay, I'll tell you later."

Mu Qingxue nodded gently, looked deeply at Su Chen with her lavender eyes, and then exited Su Chen's residence.

Come to the door.

Mu Qingxue took a deep breath, took out the black stone from the storage ring, and her beautiful eyes fell on it.

For a moment, my heart was extremely complicated.

"I didn't expect that Senior Brother Su Chen would be so kind..."

The words just fell.

An old female voice sounded in her mind:

"Watch your mind."

Then, the old female voice spoke again, with emotion in her tone, saying:

"It's hard to find a kind-hearted person like little friend Su Chen in this world!"

She was very powerful during her lifetime. She had been in the cultivation world for many years. She knew countless people and had witnessed numerous overt and covert fights and intrigues.

But she had never seen such a kind-hearted person like Su Chen.

Now that she saw it, even she was filled with emotion.

If I had such a good friend back then, how could I end up in such a situation?

"Wuji Sect..."

"We'll wait and see for tomorrow's competition!"

Mu Qingxue's lavender eyes looked in the direction of Wuji Sect and murmured in a low voice.

"By the way, Master, will the first place in the Hundred Demon Battlefield quota competition be rewarded with a high-grade earth-level technique?"

Mu Qingxue seemed to have thought of something, a flash of brightness flashed in her lavender eyes, and she asked.

"That's right, if you win the first place, the Da Chu royal family will reward you with a high-grade earth-level technique."

The old female voice said slowly.

She originally wanted to say that your main goal is to get a spot to enter the secret realm.

As for the ranking?

She didn't hold out any hope.

First, Mu Qingxue's physique has not yet truly awakened.

Second, the participants this time were all the top geniuses in the Great Chu Dynasty. Most of them were monks at the fifth level of the Qi Sea Realm, and everyone had trump cards in their hands.

With Mu Qingxue's current strength, it would be difficult to win first place.



A ray of spiritual consciousness penetrated the black stone in Mu Qingxue's hand.

The old female voice in Mu Qingxue's mind suddenly fell silent.

After an unknown length of silence, the old female voice slowly spoke:

"Maybe, should, probably, maybe, maybe, you have a chance of winning first place..."

Just now she was very puzzled as to why Su Chen would return the stone to Mu Qingxue.

At this moment she finally understood.

With the existence of the secret method in this stone, it would be easy for Mu Qingxue to hit the first place.

The next day.

The rising sun rises in the east, and three thousand purple energies illuminate Huangji City.

The entire Huangji City began to boil with the rising sun.

Countless people flocked to the west of the city.

In the very center of the west part of the city, there are two peaks towering.

Each peak is thousands of feet high.

The peaks tower into the clouds, like two sharp swords thrust into the west of the city.

It is said.

The two peaks were originally the same mountain, but were later split open by a prince of the Chu Dynasty with great magical powers for testing.

at the moment.

Formations have been set up on these two peaks.

Various mysterious runes loomed in the void, exuding a terrifying pressure that made people's hearts tremble.

The peak on the left is already covered with people.

The outermost perimeter was surrounded by countless soldiers.

Inside are tens of thousands of young people.

Each of them was in high spirits, standing in front of the cliff, eager to try.

"The content of the first level is very simple."

"As long as you fly from one hilltop to another, you will pass the level!"

"Only when we reach another mountain top can we be qualified to continue the competition!"

A disciple of the Lingjian Sect stood in the crowd, looked at the cliff opposite and introduced.

Competitions like this have been held many times in the Chu Dynasty in previous years.

This rule is said to have been in place for several years. Anyone who has a little knowledge of the history of Dachu will probably know this rule.

This is actually to eliminate everyone faster.

There were tens of thousands of young people present.

There are not only geniuses from various sects here, but also disciples from the families of dignitaries of the Great Chu Dynasty.

If they were allowed to compete one by one, it would probably take a long time.

Therefore, the Great Chu Dynasty set this rule to eliminate those who were lucky.

"There is a formation in the valley. Although the two peaks are not far apart, it is not easy to fly over."

"In the last competition, there were 30,000 people participating, but nearly two-thirds of them were eliminated in the first level alone!"

A young man who had learned about the previous competitions said worriedly.

Especially some cultivators in the third level of Qi Hai Realm.

Their spiritual power is not as strong as that of cultivators in the fourth and fifth levels of Qi Hai Realm. In addition to the formation in the valley, the probability of them flying over is almost negligible.

"Master, can you see the formation in this valley?"

Mu Qingxue stood alone not far away, ignoring the hot eyes of the people around him, and asked softly in his heart.

"A primary trap formation is not very powerful. With my master here, there is no need to worry at all."

The old female voice sounded in Mu Qingxue's mind.

"Empty Formation?"

Mu Qingxue nodded slightly after hearing this.

She had seen this formation in the Sutra Library before, and it was not very powerful.

At most, the people trapped in the formation would have hundreds of times more heavy power.

If it were placed in normal times, this kind of useless formation would never appear.

But today, for those who participated in the competition, it was almost fatal.

Once the force on the body increased, the spiritual power in the body would drain faster.

If one was not careful and failed to control the speed of the spiritual power draining in the body, he would fall instantly.

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