If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 87 Situ Feng takes action and kills with force! [Please read on! ]


Blue lightning criss-crossed and fell from the chicken's feet.

Chicken feet spread across the sky, covering the heaven and earth!

Before such a powerful attack is approaching, people feel a sense of suffocation.

"Do you really think I'm at the end of my rope?"

Facing such a terrifying blow, Mu Qingxue looked calm and spoke softly.

She didn't make any movement, but the aura on her body suddenly changed.

The cultivation level that was originally at the fifth level of the Qi Sea Realm suddenly broke through to the sixth level of the Qi Sea Realm!

With the blessing of the Burning Blood Secret Technique, her own realm has successfully broken through to the fourth level of the Qi Sea Realm!

That's why her aura changed at this moment.

In an instant.

The power of boiling Qi and blood flew out of her body like a blood dragon, penetrating the sky and shaking all directions.

The vast ocean-like power of Qi and blood covered the entire competition stage, leaving everyone stunned in place.

Facing the chicken feet that were quickly slapped down, Mu Qingxue looked calm and did not panic at all.

Her method was simple and crude, with a flick of her wrist.


An aqua blue sword appeared in her hand.

She thrust her sword in the direction of the chicken's feet.


The aqua blue long sword was radiant, like a magic weapon just forged from the furnace.

The long sword collided with the chicken claw, and the terrifying aftermath made the entire competition stage tremble.

This blow exceeded everyone's imagination.

The aqua blue sword was invincible and indestructible, and it pierced the huge chicken claw in an instant.

Red blood spilled into the sky.

Amid the wail of the native chicken, the power of the long sword in Mu Qingxue's hand continued unabated, and its divine light shone.


The long sword had unparalleled destructive power and instantly pierced the chicken's head.

Mu Qingxue was bathed in blood, like a female demon.

She stretched out her white jade hands and, as quickly as lightning, grabbed the Wuji Sect disciple on top of the monster's head.


"How can this be?"

The Wuji Sect disciple's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

A second ago, he was sure of victory, thinking that Mu Qingxue would definitely lose.

But the next second, the monster under him was headshot by Mu Qingxue's sword.

Falling from heaven to hell takes place in the blink of an eye.

He formed a seal with his hands, condensing a golden light curtain in front of himself, trying to resist Mu Qingxue's blow.

But the result disappointed him.

The golden light curtain in front of Mu Qingxue was like paper that was pierced by a sword.

Then, a plain white jade hand patted the center of his chest.


The Wuji Sect disciple felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Half of his body exploded with blood and bones, and he flew backwards.


"Do not kill me……"

"We have something to talk about..."

The Wuji Sect disciple felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. After the remaining half of his body landed on the ground, he hurriedly crawled towards the back.

While crawling, he kept begging for mercy in his mouth.

Just when he wanted to shout and admit defeat, Mu Qingxue took action decisively.


At this moment, her Xuanjie high-grade martial arts skills, including the Ten Thousand Miles Tracking Technique, were brought into full play.

Her figure was like lightning, and her palms were cut horizontally, like a peerless magic weapon, slashing towards the neck of the Wuji Sect disciple.

"It's too late!"

Mu Qingxue's cold voice sounded.

His dirty words from the beginning made Mu Qingxue murderous.

Now that he has the upper hand, how can he be merciful?


Just when Mu Qingxue's sword was about to land on the Wuji Sect disciple's neck, a roar like thunder rumbled.

The words just fell.

A majestic figure stepped out from the stands and appeared directly on the competition stage.

The moment he appeared, he punched out directly, hitting Mu Qingxue's chest.

This punch is extremely fast and powerful.

If he was really hit, Mu Qingxue would lose half of his life even if he didn't die!

But just when the fist was about to fall on Mu Qingxue, a purple figure appeared and stood in front of Mu Qingxue.

His clothes were fluttering, one hand was clasped behind his back, and the other hand was making a fist to meet him. He looked very calm and relaxed.

But such a casual punch collided with Situ Feng's fierce punch.


The two fists collided, emitting a thunderous sound wave.

The horrific aftermath centered on the two of them and spread crazily in all directions.

The purple figure did not take a step back. Instead, Situ Feng flew directly backwards and smashed seven or eight competition platforms before stopping.

"Isn't even Situ Feng a match for Su Chen?"

"Just one punch knocked Situ Feng away. The next battlefield of hundreds of monsters will probably be Su Chen's battlefield alone!"

"You can't say that. Situ Feng is a disciple of the Wuji Sect's beast-controlling lineage. Their strongest means are on monster beasts. Their own strength is not very outstanding. It is reasonable that they cannot beat Su Chen."

"First it was Gu Xuanyun, then Situ Feng. This Su Chen is also the only one among the younger generation!"

"As expected of someone who has stepped into the forbidden realm in the Qi Gathering Realm!"


Looking at Situ Feng standing among the gravel in the audience, many people whispered.

They knew that Su Chen was very strong.

Because since they met Su Chen, every time the other party made a move, they were refreshing their understanding.

Just today is a short day.

Su Chen first suppressed Gu Xuanyun with his coercion, and now he repelled Situ Feng with one punch.

This made many people feel like they were looking up to him.

Is he still a person of the same generation?

How could he be so powerful?

What would happen if he was given twenty years?


Just as everyone was talking, a blood flower bloomed.

Before the Wuji Sect disciple had time to admit defeat, Mu Qingxue chopped off his head with one palm.

The bright red blood flowed all over the ground, and the scene was extremely miserable.

"Su Chen! Mu Qingxue!"

Situ Feng's forehead was bulging with blue veins, like a prehistoric beast standing in the rubble.

A violent breath came from his body, wanting to destroy everything.

At this moment, his eyes were scarlet, and he almost lost his mind.

He slowly raised one hand and grabbed the monster bag on his waist.


The bag only opened a crack, and a terrifying pressure spread out, like a demon king from ancient times crossing the long river of time and descending here!

Even if there is only a trace of power, it can tear people's souls, making everyone present feel a terrible sense of suffocation, almost unable to breathe.

Some disciples who had just finished the competition did not disperse, and all surrounded the competition platform.

When they felt this terrifying power, they immediately collapsed to the ground.

That kind of great pressure is like a mountain, pressing on everyone's heart, making them unable to bear it at all.

This is just the result of a crack in Situ Feng's demon beast bag on his waist.

If the demon beast inside is released directly, God knows what a terrible scene will appear!

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There will be another update at 12 noon!

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