Breaking through two realms in a row, and stepping into the forbidden realm...

What kind of freak is this!

For a moment, Elder Xie was a little confused.

"How did you manage to break through two realms in a row and step into the forbidden realm?"

Elder Xie's voice trembled slightly.

If Su Chen spent three or four months to settle down before stepping into the forbidden realm, he could barely accept it, and even praise him as a peerless genius.

But how long has it been now?

One day?

Two days?

But it has only been five hours since Su Chen was poisoned!

In five hours, it would be fine to jump from the seventh level of Qi Gathering to the ninth level, but he could actually step into the forbidden realm by the way!

Even if he has great luck, it is impossible to do this!

Because this has nothing to do with chance, it has to do with talent and understanding!


This is definitely a freak!

Elder Xie shouted wildly in his heart.

He used to only focus on Su Chen's luck, and seemed to have ignored his amazing understanding and talent...

"I don't know either. When I was clearing the toxins, I felt a constant flash of inspiration in my mind, so I took the opportunity to practice. When I came to my senses, it was like this..."

Su Chen spread his hands helplessly and said.

He was indeed very helpless. He suddenly stepped into the forbidden realm, and his aura was released in an instant, leaving him no chance to react.


"This must be epiphany!"

"You kid..."

Elder Xie's face was full of envy.

The state described by Su Chen is no different from epiphany.

Epiphany, this is the state of practice that every cultivator dreams of!

It's a pity that epiphany is something that can only be encountered but not sought.

Elder Xie has not had an epiphany since he started practicing.

Looking at Su Chen's helpless expression, he had the urge to slap this kid to death.

"You go back first, I...I need to calm down."

Elder Xie tried to suppress the urge to slap Su Chen to death and slowly turned around.

He really didn't want to see Su Chen's helpless face, nor did he want to stay with Su Chen anymore.

Because if he stayed any longer, he was afraid that he would break down.

This kid...

Really doesn't know what's good for him!

If he could have an epiphany once, he would probably jump up to the sky with joy.

However, this kid was actually helpless.

Really doesn't know what's good for him!

Su Chen was a little confused when he saw this scene. He shrugged his shoulders, restrained his breath, and then bowed slightly to the back of Elder Xie:

"Disciple, I'll take my leave."

After that, he turned and walked out of the hall.

It wasn't until Su Chen disappeared outside the hall that Elder Xie's heart gradually calmed down.

Enlightenment is a mysterious state. Once you enter it, spiritual light will flow like a spring, and the previous unsolvable problems in cultivation will be solved.

Even in this state, the cultivators can find the shortcomings of their own cultivation methods and correct them to make them more suitable for themselves.

Unfortunately, this state cannot be sought, and it will not last too long.

After breaking through two realms, he entered the state of enlightenment. Although the probability is small, it is not zero. It can reasonably explain why Su Chen can enter the forbidden realm.

Elder Xie did not doubt this.

"This kid is really blessed, but I don't know if he really has great luck..."

Elder Xie stroked his beard and muttered to himself.

Luck cannot be seen or touched, but it really exists and can only be speculated through experience.

Su Chen had three adventures in a row. There is no doubt that he has luck, but Elder Xie cannot judge whether it is the legendary great luck.

Those with great luck are very terrifying. Not only will they achieve great success in the future, but they will also bless the people around them, and even lead a sect or dynasty to prosperity.

"If Su Chen is really a person with great luck, then the Taixuan Sect may be able to go to a higher level in the future!"

Elder Xie thought secretly in his heart.

The idea of ​​investing in Su Chen became more determined.

Su Chen, who left the outer door elder hall, also breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, if Elder Xie asked about some details, Su Chen would definitely be exposed.

Because he hadn't thought of a good excuse yet.

But fortunately, Elder Xie didn't ask any more questions.

Su Chen was also happy about this, anyway, Elder Xie had completely passed this test.

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