If you keep bragging, I will be invincible forever.

Chapter 92 Entering the battlefield of a hundred monsters, the blood of the true dragon and phoenix!


A white jade chariot suddenly appeared above the sky.

A tall figure sat in the chariot.

He slowly swept over the people in the valley, stretched out a hand, and gently tapped the depths of the valley.


In an instant.

Ten thousand divine rays burst out, like a river falling from the sky, and instantly fell on the stone wall deep in the valley.

The power of this attack can be called divine power!

In theory, this attack is enough to raze thousands of miles to the ground and kill everything!

But the stone wall deep in the valley did not show the scene of the sky collapsing and the earth splitting.

Along with the fall of this attack.

A crack slowly appeared on the stone wall deep in the valley.

The inside of the crack was pitch black, as if a terrifying force had forcibly torn it open as a space barrier, and the howling wind seemed to be able to destroy everything.

"The battlefield of the hundred monsters has been opened, and you all quickly enter!"

A plain voice came from the chariot above the sky.

The supreme being in the chariot was known to everyone present.

It was the Great Chu Zhenbei King who appeared in the competition a few days ago!

As the voice of the Zhenbei King fell.

Immediately, disciples from the deep valley quickly rushed into the crack.

With the first person taking the lead, the disciples of other sects also set off, unwilling to lag behind.

In the blink of an eye.

The originally bustling crowd in the valley was instantly reduced by more than half.

"You can also go in."

"Remember, don't forget our agreement!"

The eldest prince stood on a huge rock, with his hands behind his back, looking at the three people in front of him indifferently, with a majestic expression, and said:

"Don't do whatever you want in there just because you have a high level of cultivation, otherwise, you will not be able to leave the territory of Great Chu!"

His words were very straightforward, and his tone was full of threats.

"Don't worry, the eldest prince, we will naturally follow the agreement."

A man in a black robe said with a smile.

After that.

He led the two people behind him into the crack.


Seeing the three people behind the eldest prince, Su Chen's pupils shrank suddenly.

The royal family of Da Chu clearly stated that there were only 450 places for entering the Hundred Demons Battlefield this time.

But in fact, there were more than 450 people entering the Hundred Demons Battlefield this time!

The eldest prince and the ninth princess both arranged their own people to enter.

"Rules are simply a joke in the face of absolute strength."

Su Chen murmured in a low voice.

After that.

He retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at his junior brothers and sisters behind him, and said gently:

"Let's go in too."

As the last person entered the Hundred Demons Battlefield, the cracks on the mountain wall slowly dissipated.

The elders of various forces saw this scene and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

Each time the Hundred Demons Battlefield is opened, it will last for a month.

After a month, the King of Zhenbei will open the passage again and lead the disciples of various forces out.


Hundred Demons Battlefield.

On a black mountain, Su Chen's figure slowly appeared.

He stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance, his eyes deep, and whispered:

"Is this the Hundred Demons Battlefield?"

The Hundred Demons Battlefield is even wider than he imagined.

At a glance, there is no end at all.

Looking around, there was a dead black everywhere.

The entire World Cup was shrouded in gray, with only a few stars in the sky shining dimly.

But this little light was not enough to dispel the darkness scattered in the Hundred Demons Battlefield.

Su Chen did not stay on the top of the mountain for long.

He took a step and came to the bottom of the mountain in an instant.

The moment he fell, he brought a strong wind.

The strong wind blew up the monster bones next to him and turned them into powder.

This was not Su Chen's intention. This monster body has existed in this world for many years and has been completely weathered.

It only takes a light blow to completely disappear.

"It's really as Elder Fan said. This was once an ancient battlefield of the monster clan. Monster bones can be seen everywhere. No wonder there is the blood of the beast..."

Su Chen looked at the stars that turned into powder and drifted between heaven and earth, and murmured in a low voice.

Before entering the Hundred Demons Battlefield, Elder Fan told him everything about this place.

Including how the Hundred Demons Battlefield was formed.

It is said that

In ancient times, there was a great war among the demons.

At that time, various divine beasts, fierce beasts, and demon beasts participated in the battle, and even real dragons, Yuanfeng and the emperor of the human race fell.

Their blood fell on this land.

After countless years of precipitation, their blood has lost its spirituality and turned into waste blood, and some have even dried up.

However, there is no lack of blood of some divine beasts, which is still intact in this secret realm today.

As long as you are lucky enough, you can pick up even the blood of a real dragon.

Even if you can't find the blood of these divine beasts, even a drop of ordinary demon beast blood containing spirituality is enough to benefit people.

Of course.

Most of the benefits in the Hundred Demons Battlefield have been plundered by the Great Chu Dynasty.

But occasionally there are some omissions.

However, it depends entirely on personal luck to get these omissions.


The spiritual energy in this secret realm is very abundant, and because of the special environment, dragon blood grass and phoenix blood grass and other strange spiritual medicines are naturally formed here.

This kind of spiritual medicine is very rare.

If you want it to grow, you must water it with dragon blood or phoenix blood.

As long as you get one, it won't be a problem for it to soar into the sky.

"I don't know where the others have appeared..."

The environment of the Hundred Demons Battlefield is very special.

All people who enter it will appear randomly in a place.

At the moment.

The Taixuan Sect disciples who came in with Su Chen have long disappeared, and no one knows where they fell.

While looking for Taixuan Sect disciples, Su Chen looked around the environment, trying his luck to see if he could find some opportunities here.

I finally came in, so I can't go back empty-handed, right?



Su Chen stopped and looked ahead vigilantly.

I saw.

The darkness in front of him began to wriggle, and two blood-red lanterns lit up in the sky a hundred meters high.

At the same time.

A wave of pressure that made people's heart palpitate swept over.



A numbing sound sounded.

The two big red lanterns fell rapidly.

The distance between the two was instantly shortened.

Su Chen finally saw the full picture of the two lanterns.

The two big red lanterns were actually a giant snake that was hundreds of meters long. Its body was pitch black and blended into the darkness of this world. Its scarlet and cold eyes stared at Su Chen.

"Oh my god..."

"I just came in and encountered a demon beast of the God Stage. Should I say I am lucky or unlucky?"

Su Chen looked up and looked at the giant snake.

He smiled bitterly with excitement in his eyes.


However, at this moment.

The giant snake moved without any warning.

The huge snake tail swept across, and a small hill along the way was blown up.

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