I'll hand over the system soon.

Chapter 598 Tracking Master (10)

The live broadcast room was also shocked by Sancho's behavior of conquering the vines. Because Sancho couldn't see the reaction in the live broadcast room, he didn't pay attention and just gave his advice.

She didn’t know whether the aggressive plants on the ancient star could be subdued. She used the power of her soul to forcibly bind the vines. Others who didn’t have her ability would easily die without a burial place if they copied her behavior rashly. So she had to Don't say ugly things first, I hope Gao Tao and the others won't be irritated by her and lose their minds.

"There is a precedent for this on the ancient planet, but it was not suppressed by force or conquered by taking advantage of the danger, but cultivated and conquered since childhood." Ji Chang suddenly relaxed and said.

Seeing that everyone was looking over, he looked calmly, "There are examples of this kind shared by our predecessors in the resource library of seekers. They are intelligent, so the success rate of training and conquering them from a young age is higher, but they are not rare. I suggest Don’t try it lightly.”

Power should refer to the power of the soul that she feeds to this little guy from time to time. This they should refer to Gao Tao and the others.

Animals and plants are also intelligent, but animals express themselves more intuitively because they have the ability to move, while plants cannot move, so it is easy for people to ignore that they are actually intelligent.

Sancho asked one by one, and Gao Tao and others on the side fell into sluggish mode again.

She had only sensed the little guy's scattered emotions and thoughts before, but she had never heard it speak. She thought it couldn't speak.

The little guy who was praised was obviously very happy, twisting slightly on Sancho's wrist, and even suddenly bloomed a flower the size of a small fingernail.

Sancho did not answer Du Yuan, but opened his mouth, took the flower in one mouthful, chewed and swallowed, and then answered Du Yuan: "I don't know, maybe it is happy?"

Sancho paused, then said: "If it wants to kill me, it shouldn't use such a tortuous method of feeding me poisonous flowers."

"Master...power, he, they said, I, I learned it." Qing Xing stuttered to organize his words.

So the little guy is saying that after it absorbed the energy she fed it, it slowly learned to speak with Gao Tao and the others?

Sancho was a little shocked. This little guy's learning ability is quite strong.

Everyone was shocked for the second time. Gao Tao trembled and said: "You, you just eat it like this? Aren't you afraid of being poisonous?!"

Finally, with everyone watching, Sancho selected three edible plants, including the plant tubers she dug yesterday.

As a Chinese, letting her sleep in the open for a hundred or two hundred years was no less torture than the abyss cram school.

This behavior shocked everyone who had been looking at Sancho and the vines in her hands again.

"Is this edible? If so, just poke me once. If not, just poke me twice."

Gao Tao was stunned, then nodded, "That seems to be true, huh?"

It's just that there are not many people who dare to try this kind of thing, that's why it seems so shocking.

Sancho understood for a while and roughly understood what the little guy meant.

Sancho lowered his head to hide his shock.

"Why can you suddenly speak?"

The vine bound to Sancho's soul sensed the bitterness in her heart, and gently rubbed the back of her hand to comfort her for no apparent reason.

"Great, keep up the hard work." Children, need encouraging education!

Sancho, who was deeply persecuted by the comparative education of the Abyss cram school, did not hesitate to praise him, and also gave him real rewards, and gave this little guy a lot of soul power.

Sancho felt bitter when he thought that he might have to struggle on the ancient star for another hundred or two hundred years in the future.

But now the aggressive plants on the ancient planet can move and actively attack people. Their intelligence has been revealed and cannot be ignored.

"Lord, Master, no... don't cry." A childish and unsmooth voice sounded in Sancho's mind.

That vine is wrapped around Sancho's hand. If you really want to kill Sancho, you can always pierce Sancho's body and string her back and forth several times. There is really no need to bloom poisonous flowers and feed Sancho to eat this roundabout way. Way.

The little guy is indeed very happy.

You know, she didn't treat her stomach badly even after she was in the Xuanyuan Realm!

"Master, eat, eat." The little guy picked the flower himself and shyly handed it to Sancho's mouth.

"Here, what operation is this? What does it do to feed the flower?" Du Yuan pointed to the flower on Sancho's lips.

The purpose of Sancho binding Qingxing was to use it openly in the future, so she had no intention of covering up Qingxing's various uses. After returning to the wooden house, she took out the various foods she had cooked yesterday and asked Qingxing .

"Can aggressive plants... still be used in this way?" Du Yuan held his chin and murmured.

She dug up a total of eight kinds of plants that were suspected of being edible yesterday, but in the end only three were edible. Sancho frowned. The edible rate of plants on the ancient planet was a bit low.

There is no way, the reason given by Sancho is too strong and cannot be refuted at all.

So why on earth does this vine bloom to feed Sancho? Could it be that it was because he was happy as Sancho said?

It blooms when it is happy. Is there such a plant in this world?

Gao Tao's problem was actually Sancho's own problem. She silently asked the little guy in her heart: "Why did it suddenly bloom for me to eat?"

They really know too little about aggressive plants, so no matter what behavior the vine on Sancho's hand does, they will find it very novel, let alone bloom a flower and feed the flower to Sancho's mouth. This behavior is very strange at first sight.

But this is a good thing. Being able to speak makes communication easier.

Gao Tao and others were not surprised that the aggressive plants mentioned by Ji Changsong were intelligent. Intelligence has never been exclusive to humans.

"How dare you try it?" Gao Tao responded with a wry smile.

Gao Tao replied to him in a daze: "It's the first time I've seen it too."

The group of people dragged their tired bodies back to the wooden house. On the way, Sancho dug up a few more edible plants that Qingxing said were edible.

Sancho raised his eyebrows. It turned out that there was a precedent. But judging from the little guy in her hand, it is not ruled out that most of the aggressive plants on the ancient planet are intelligent. Since they are intelligent, it is not surprising that they can be conquered by humans. .

"The master is bitter, the flowers are sweet." The little guy said shyly.

Ah~ Huahua is so cute, I want to move it

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