I’m a Detective In the Marvel World

Chapter 639: Louise Uncontrollable

"After another investigation, we can confirm that Hans does have a sibling brother. But soon his brother was adopted from the orphanage. At that time, they were still very young, and logically speaking, they would not have a deep relationship." James frowned and said to Xie Lun, "But now it seems that the brothers are really brothers, and blood dissolves in water."

"Is it true?"

Xie Lun doubted it in his heart, but he didn't show it. Instead, he smiled at Louise who was sitting next to him: "My beautiful reporter, it seems that you can cover the big news again this time."

"I would rather not have such big news."

Louise glared at Sharon with a bit of resentment.

Xie Lun gave her a completely different feeling at the beginning, and she has always regarded that night as a beautiful dew love. But after not seeing him for such a long time, she saw Xie Lun again, but she felt that the man opposite had a more lethal attraction to her. As long as she was by his side, her heart could not be accelerated by the Lord.

"It's over, do you really want to fall?" Louise touched her hot cheek and shook her head vigorously. "No, I still have to focus on my career now, and I must not be attracted by beauty."

She coughed vigorously, restored her professionalism, and said solemnly to Xie Lun: "Inspector Xie, do you have anything you want to say about this violent terror case?"

Xie Lun smiled slightly: "No comment."

Louise glared: "You should know what kind of situation you will face after waiting for a while to get out of the car?"

"Of course I know," Sharon stretched his hands. "Harlem is a black area. I'm going to pick something up in that place. I'm absolutely dead."

"Don't worry, it's okay." Willie turned his head from the front, "I just called the gang leader in Harlem, and he will arrange for his younger brother to clear the street to ensure that no one will come to trouble you."

"Huh? Boss Willie, do you still have this ability?"

Xie Lun said slightly jokingly.

Willie shrugged: "I'm also black, not to mention that I saved the life of the guy in charge of Harlem, so the relationship is pretty good."

"That would be great." James patted Schellen on the shoulder, "This way, even if you don't bring a gun, I can rest assured."

Xie Lun shook his head, put away the smile on his face, and said sternly: "This is not good, think about it, why does Simon have to let me do that?"

"Just think about it, he wants to take the hand of the **** over there to kill you."

Willie pouted.

"That's right." Xie Lun nodded. "But if you let them clear the street so that Simon can't see what he wants, what would you say he would do?"

He pointed to the camera next to him: "Don't forget, it will be broadcast live in a while."

Willie frowned: "Then what do you want to do?"

"It's very simple, just let your buddy accompany me in the show."

Looking at Xie Lun's pure smile, Willie understood that this kid had come up with a bad idea.

After dozens of minutes, the black business car, which looked ordinary in appearance, stopped at the 7th intersection of the main street in Harlem.

"Okay, we're at the place, let's change clothes." Xie Lun stood up and asked while taking off his shirt, "By the way, are the two signs written yet?"

Seeing Xie Lun's clothes getting less and less, Louise's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. The muscle masses that look like steel are combined into streamlined lines without a trace of fat. The allure of this body line is much stronger for women than the explosive muscular man.

What's more, Sharon also has her own charm aura, so that Louise didn't even know when she stood up. When she reacted, she had already touched Sharon's chest with her hand several times.


Except for Sharon, everyone in the car looked at Louise with very strange eyes.

Louise blushed and put her hands down a little embarrassingly. Just then Willie came over with the whiteboard full of words. She took it and clumsily pasted Xie Lun on her body.

Xie Lun allowed Louise to play tricks on himself, and laughed in a low voice: "Big reporter, I think you have to give me an interview after this case is over, what do you think?"

Louise didn't speak, but nodded gently.

For a while, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit ambiguous.

Anyone who is not blind can tell that there is a problem between the two.

James gave a dry cough, interrupted the atmosphere of allowing single dogs to eat dog food, and handed a button-sized headset to Shay Lun: "Put on this, keep communication, and call as soon as possible. We are nearby. do you understand?"

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart."

Xie Lun pushed the car door and got out of the car with his head high.

After Louise and the cameraman carrying the camera got out of the car, the commercial vehicle closed the door, kicked the accelerator, and drove away.

At this time, the nearby black residents saw an Asian man in shorts at the intersection, carrying two whiteboards on his back, and a line of large characters was written on the whiteboard with a red paint pen. The rough idea is that this Asian man wants to make friends with the female family members of the black brothers, and does not dislike them for being ugly...

This black buddy is already irritable, and he usually thinks about how to take a stroll on the street when he is fine, and he gathers a crowd to get some free daily necessities on foot, not to mention the current situation.

What was even more annoying was that beside the Asian man, there was a beautiful white woman and a black buddy carrying a camera.

What does this mean?

Do you make a movie?

Even if you are making a movie, you can't use such discriminatory and insulting words.

Seeing that the black guys nearby gradually came around, the black brother carrying the camera was okay, and Louise's legs were a little weak. The crime rate in Harlem is the highest in New York, especially for vicious crimes. If one person dies every day, then the world is peaceful.

Being brave doesn't mean that you are not afraid.

Imagining the atrocities she might suffer, Louise couldn't help but leaned against Sharon.

Among these blacks, the one walking in the front is a fat black man wearing a white suit. I saw him with a big gold chain and a small gold watch, and his ten fingers were covered with rings, and he was dressed like a hippie singer.

"Wat Malfak!" The fat man came up with a classic American curse, "What are you doing?"

"Calm down, sir~www.NovelMTL.com~ please don't hinder our work."

Despite her pale face, Louise still did not forget her responsibilities as a reporter.

"Work? What kind of work? Do you specifically insult our work?"

Without a word, the fat man drew a dagger from his waist. And this was like a signal, just listening to "wow," the other black buddies also took out their weapons one after another and pointed them at the three of Louise.

"Hi guys, you are so excited."

Sharon took a step forward, quietly blocking Louise behind him.

Among the three, Sharon was the most eye-catching, and he immediately focused everyone's attention on him with this step. Looking at the whiteboard on Xie Lun's back, a few emotional black buddies almost opened fire.

"Wait, brothers, please ask clearly, after all, we are not the kind of unreasonable primitive people, are we?" The black fat man was startled, and he quickly stopped the younger brothers before turning around to be angry with Xie Lun. Yelled, "Fucky boy, what do you want to say?"

As he said, he blinked at Xie Lun.

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