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Yun's harassment this time was considered successful. Although his troops suffered heavy losses and only one lord escaped in the end, Lu Hai's probes used for mining were bitten to death! The speed of his economic development almost returned to the pre-liberation period overnight!

Fortunately, Fang Yun just targeted his own peasants, so when his fork forked his puppy, he did not encounter strong resistance, and many of his troops were preserved!

In other words, Fang Yun is now in a state of having money but no people, while Lu Hai is in a state of having people but no money!

In the long run, Fang Yun has the advantage, but how to survive the next attack of Lu Hai's existing troops is a big problem!

At this time, OB directly gave Fang Yun's base: two lords floating in the air, six puppies just hatched on the ground, and other than that, no troops were found!

"Maybe Fang Yun placed these troops among his lords?���The base has been developing steadily. Even if the troops suffered heavy losses just now, there should be some new troops now, unless he was just focusing on his four-line operations and forgot to build troops?"

"Forgot to build troops? This is really possible! After all, the four-line operation is too exaggerated. If he can take care of the development of his own base while operating the four lines, wouldn’t it be a five-line operation?"

The two commentators looked at Fang Yun's base, guessing one after another.

Lu Hai thought so at this time. Just now, when he was putting out the fire at home, Fang Yun's harassment troops kept moving. He also thought that Fang Yun's base should be relatively empty at this time, so he sent the remaining troops: 9 forks + two lightning soldiers + 4 dragon knights, and rushed out of the house again!

And surrounded the lightning soldiers with forks! Although the speed of the forks is much faster than that of the lightning soldiers, Lu Hai still sacrificed the speed of advancement for the personal safety of his precious lightning soldiers.

Along the way, he only encountered a peasant sent by Fang Yun to be a"human eye position", and no other troops were encountered!

This further confirmed Lu Hai's guess: Fang Yun's troops were really used up!

However, just when they were about to reach Fang Yun's base, two lords who upgraded their speed appeared in front of Lu Hai again!

"Still coming? And two lords? I don't believe that you have your large army in here, and the troops I left at home this time are not few, and they are still being produced continuously. You are just delivering food to me!"

This is what Lu Hai really thought in his heart, so he ignored the two lords and rushed directly to Fang Yun's base:


When Lu Hai saw the three bunkers at the entrance of Fang Yun's base and the three flying dragons hiding behind them, he was speechless.

Because Fang Yun's three bunkers completely blocked the intersection, and even a puppy couldn't pass through!

"If you block the door like this, you really have to rely on shooting down planes to get in and out, right?"

Just when Lu Hai was thinking about how Fang Yun usually"operated in the air" when entering and leaving his house, an alarm suddenly sounded from his base!

Switching back to the base, Lu Hai almost fainted!

Fang Yun's airdropped troops were quite a lot! Although most of them were puppies, it felt that his own troops might not be able to cope with this number. Even if the remaining troops killed all their troops in the end, his few probes might be completely extinct...

Lu Hai really wanted to rush directly into Fang Yun's bunker and finally fight Fang Yun to exchange homes, but looking at The seamless bunker, and the three flying dragons flying leisurely behind it...

Lu Hai gave in!

After all, when he broke through the restricted area, his own probe might be extinct first...

He could only choose to return home again. This time, Lu Hai was careless!

When he went there, his formation was quite perfect, but when he came back to help, he was so eager to save his family that he was careless and left two precious lightning soldiers behind!

Not far from Fang Yun's base, Lu Hai heard two"puffs" and"puffs"!

He looked and saw that four lurking soldiers had come out at some point and killed his lightning soldiers directly!

"Shit! When did he bury it here?"

Lu Hai had no time to deal with the two Hydralisks at this time. Fang Yun's airdrop troops were already causing trouble in his base. If he didn't go back home, he would be gone. He could only withdraw the main force.


Although Lu Hai didn't see it, the audience and commentators saw it clearly: just after the two lords passed by, one of the lords dropped these four lurks, and the lurks were buried in the ground as soon as they landed, waiting for Lu Hai's troops to come back for support!

After going through untold hardships, Lu Hai's large army finally rushed back.

At this time, Fang Yun's harassment troops were no longer dominant in number.

When everyone thought that Fang Yun might continue to harass with the previous multi-line operation, Fang Yun chose to assemble his troops and had a decisive battle with Lu Hai!

On the first day of the battle, Lu Hai was surprised again!

He found that his superior force was actually at a disadvantage on the scene!

What does this mean? It means that Fang Yun's micro-manipulation ability is stronger than his, and the positioning operations of various arms are better than his! Only in this way can we take advantage of the inferior forces to gain the upper hand in this battle!

The audience at the scene was also in an uproar. They didn't expect that Fang Yun would take advantage of it and not stop, but wanted to have a decisive battle with Lu Hai!

When they saw that Fang Yun was not at all inferior, they were all speechless:

"Why is the gap between people so big?"

Although the final decisive battle ended with Fang Yun's defeat, Lu Hai's remaining troops were few and far between. In addition, some of the bases had been destroyed by Fang Yun before, so Lu Hai was already at a disadvantage at this time.

Fang Yun's base had been operating well, and troops were being produced continuously.

The next step was Fang Yun's complete suppression phase. Fang Yun did not do any other art. The ordinary economic suppression plus constant harassment made Lu Hai, who had suffered a heavy economic loss, die in a chronic manner.

The game lasted for 27 minutes and Lu Hai knocked out GG.

In this round, he lost convincingly. Fang Yun's tactics suppressed him, and his operations also suppressed him. Lu Hai had no choice but to accept it.

Until now, Lu Hai still didn't understand why Fang Yun could accurately predict the time of his attack and set up bunkers outside his own base. Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question.

The two commentators were also sighing that Fang Yun was so strong!

The new world champion Lu Hai was defeated by Fang Yun simply and coquettishly!

The next step was the interview session. After Lu Hai finished his speech, the host asked him:"What do you think of the game with Fang Yun?"

"Fang Yun is very strong! In the game, he can always guess my moves in advance and respond, and his operation is also better than mine. I used to think that I was very good at basic arms, but today, although Fang Yun is using the Zerg, his operation of basic arms is even better!"

"Then let me ask Fang Yun, it has been rumored online that you are very strong, and today I see that it is true. I would like to ask how you did it?"

"There is a saying that goes, genius is made up of 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Here I would like to modify it slightly: genius is made up of 1% talent and 99% perspiration. I used 99% perspiration to create things that my 1% talent is good at, so my understanding of this game should be deeper than everyone else's at present. After all, as a founder, it seems a bit unreasonable if I can't come up with some solid stuff, right?"

Fang Yun thought for a while and said with a smile

"Damn, he’s really good at pretending!"

"I have already told you not to interview Fang Yun. Fang Yun's interviews are always full of shocking things!"

"He thinks he is a genius. Does he still have any shame?"


PS: When I wrote these competition stuff, I wasn't sure if you would like to read it. If you don't like it, please say so in the comment section. I will delete and simplify some of these things in the future.

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