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《The popularity of the map"dota" is still growing. Guan Tao and his team have made the latest plan according to Fang Yun's idea.

This time, Fang Yun is quite satisfied. The overall setting is almost the same as Fang Yun's. There are many items that can be made in it. A special item"Synthesis Furnace" is added. You only need to put the materials in and add the relevant"drawings"",【Synthesis Furnace] can synthesize the desired shape of building materials according to the drawings.

As for how to get the drawings? According to the setting, there is a certain probability of exploding some drawings when killing monsters, and some drawings can also be dug out when digging for treasure. Even when drifting on the sea by boat, there will be some scattered boxes in the sea, which contain things like gold coins/treasure maps/drawings.

Of course, the styles of these drawings are all relatively conventional drawings. If they are more"weird", players need to draw them themselves or download the corresponding original drawings from the Internet.

When players have drawn a drawing, they need to upload it to the system for judgment. If the system determines that this drawing is something in the [Drawing Library], it will not be recognized. If it is a drawing that does not exist, it will take effect directly, and this drawing will be generated into a game prop and added to the record in the [Drawing Library].

Other settings are also well combined with"Ark: Survival Evolved" and《ATLAS》Setting:

The background of the game is a vast sea with countless small islands scattered around, and countless dinosaurs live on each island! Of course, there are other beasts among them, but dinosaurs are in a dominant position.

Some islands have been occupied by the previous batch of people (NPCs). They have established defense lines to ensure their own safety while providing basic help to [trusted companions].

Of course, this help is not unlimited. Newcomers need to hand in some materials while getting help. After adapting to this strange and brutal world, the old people will use the materials collected by the newcomers to make a boat. At this time, the newcomers need to take their stored food and drive a simple raft to drift in the sea, and finally find an island to start their own life!

The reason for driving people away is also very simple, because there are too many newcomers, and the supplies on the island are far from enough for their survival, so they can only make such a decision.

There are many such islands, and the entire sea area is divided into【A-N these 196 areas. (i.e. A1 area, A2 area all the way to N14)

In each area, there are almost two to five large islands, and there are many small islands, but there are almost no resources.

Large islands are relatively rich in resources, and with the change of longitude and latitude, the plants, minerals and other materials grown on each island are also different!

But monsters (dinosaurs) are almost the same.

As for the sea, there are also terrifying underwater creatures. Be careful when you go to sea. There are ghost ships on the sea from time to time. These ghost ships are of different sizes. The old people may have been built by people before them, but eventually lost in the sea and formed ghosts. These ghost ships will not attack rafts, but once ships larger than rafts travel within a certain range of them, they will be attacked by them!

The character (player) attributes include eight attributes such as [Intelligence]. Among them, food and water are needless to say, [Oxygen] is the length of time you hold your breath when going into the sea, and [Weight] is the character's load. When the weight attribute exceeds half, the character's movement speed begins to slow down. When [Weight] is full, the character's movement speed is not much faster than a snail!

【Stamina: Usage: Shift to accelerate running, swimming in water, and gathering will consume stamina.

Recovery method: When standing still on land, automatically consume [hunger] and [thirst value] to recover

【Health Points]: Purpose: Stay alive.

Recovery method: When there is no abnormal state (cold, overheated, bleeding, sick, etc.), automatically consume [Hunger Points] to recover

【【Resistance】 refers to the character's body temperature and other issues. Too high or too low will cause blood loss, and if the temperature is too high, 【water】 will be consumed faster.

In addition, the character also has a vitamin setting, that is, the health value setting, which is divided into four types of vitamins ABCD. Players need to eat different things to supplement different vitamins!

Vitamin A is supplemented by eating vegetables

Vitamin B: Eat meat dropped by monsters (of course, the meat needs to be roasted before eating)

Vitamin C: Wild fruits/fruits

Vitamin D: Fish (Meat exploded by killing sea creatures)

Vitamins are very delicate things. They can neither be too little nor too much. Too little will indicate vitamin deficiency, and too much will cause poisoning (both poisoning and deficiency will lead to death). It is consumed over time and supplemented by eating. It is consumed slowly at ordinary times and consumed faster when going out to sea. The farther from the shore, the faster the consumption.

This also tells us a truth: people need a balanced diet, otherwise they will get sick!


The above is the overall background introduction. Fang Yun is also very satisfied with this setting. In fact,"allocation by area" is equivalent to [game area]. Each small area is equivalent to a game area, and players can freely switch between these areas: the premise is to have a ship.

In other words, Fang Yun cleverly eliminated the problem of"selecting a large area" that has troubled designers for a long time. Although there may be some lag when sailing through the large area, this is also a precedent!

If this is successfully completed, then even if the server load is not technically upgraded in the future, Fang Yun can use this"parallel" form to allow a server to load more players!

After all, in this kind of multiplayer online game, the greatest fun is for everyone to get together!

Many people can cooperate and confront each other, and one of the main purposes of Fang Yun's improvement of the construction mode is to allow players to cooperate, use their imagination, and build some creations that are difficult to appear in reality in this game.

This kind of game actually comes with a certain"social" attribute. People can make new friends when they work together to survive, chat and fart when they collect resources together, and a day will pass unknowingly. _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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