Soon, it was getting darker and darker. The players who were collecting had stopped collecting and built a bonfire in the middle of the open space. The five players who went to get meat also returned, each holding a few pieces of meat.

Put the meat and thatch together on the bonfire, and soon they became pieces of cooked barbecue!

The players finally ate meat! They were so excited that tears welled up in their eyes.

It was too dark at night, so they didn't travel far. They just chatted around the bonfire. The content was of course about this game. Now they are familiar with some basic survival skills. Although the dinosaurs have not tried to fight alone, it is almost no problem to survive safely.

Then some people wanted to leave and wanted to see the vastness of the outside world. The NPC when they first came in had already told them that they only needed to hand in 100 planks and they would provide a raft to the players!

A plank is made up of 4 pieces of wood, which means that they only need 400 pieces of wood to sail on the sea!

Now their basic life has been skyrocketed, some people think of this, while others are just experiencing the time now, so they stay on the Novice Island, surviving and getting familiar with other things.

So, the players are divided into two groups, one group chooses to leave, and the other group stays.

At dawn the next day, the players who choose to leave took tools and started collecting. In addition to 400 wood, they also need a bed on the raft (the bed is the resurrection point), a cabinet, and food needed for sailing and other things.

And because there are quite a few people who choose to leave, it seems that a raft may not be enough, so their work is very heavy, and those who choose to stay are a little easier. Some people made simple spears and prepared to try to hunt dinosaurs today, while others continued to collect wood and prepared to build a house here as their base for living here in the future...

Everything is on the right track.

The players outside who have no experience are deeply attracted by the magnificent world inside when they look at what is played on the screen!

For the first time, the word survival left a deep impression in their hearts!

"This game looks so fun! I must come early tomorrow to line up! By the way, I will call my friends to join me, so that I can have a companion when I go out to sea!"


As for the PC experience area, it was a different story. Players were initially curious about the comic style, but when they experienced it for real, they were quickly attracted!

The reason is simple: when entering the novice chapter of the game, players will follow Xiao Chaonao to encounter a small BOSS called [Giant Hand Ape Man]. It is a very small boss, and there is nothing to mention.

The progress of the players is similar, and some people even team up to clear the game together, so everyone almost arrived at the boss's position at the same time.

【The giant ape-man was very weak, and died in a few shots, but weapons exploded from his body! Weapons!

Some people exploded with white equipment, some people didn't explode, and some people... exploded with orange equipment!

What is orange equipment? It is legendary equipment! In other words, it is the strongest equipment in this game! (Except for special red equipment, legendary equipment is generally better.)

Name: Double-shot Hornet

Data omitted.

Introduction: Shake with fear from the swarm of bees! (High corrosion probability, 5 bursts with scope, newly increased to 6 bursts, and increased splash range)

5.3x scope

Continuous firing when using scope

Consumes 2 ammunition/each shot

Has a miraculous effect on armor

The first legendary equipment in this game, someone exploded it in a coquettish way when he first experienced it!

Then, the player who exploded this weapon began to ask around about this weapon. He thought everyone had the same weapon...

Then, people knew that all the weapons in this game were actually obtained by explosion? And the familiarity of this legendary weapon is so much stronger than these blank ones in their hands?!

Do you have to farm for good weapons yourself?!

This FPS game is actually a farm-based game?!

Then, the players went crazy! Some players who didn't get the Bumblebee chose to continue following the plot. They thought that the damage of weapons in the early stages of the game shouldn't be very important, and it wouldn't be too late to farm for it later. Some players went straight back to the previous map and farmed [Giant Hand Ape Man] again, just to get the same Bumblebee! After farming a few times, some people got it, but the name seemed to be different?

Name: Expanded Bumblebee

In addition to the name, other data is also different! The damage of a single shot has not changed, but it can only fire one bullet at a time, but the ammunition capacity is more than that of the [Double-shot Bumblebee]. It is also a weapon with poison attributes.

"What? Does that mean the same weapon has different accessories?!"

The player was stunned and told the people around him about his discovery. Soon, more and more players found Bumblebees. Players found that the different prefixes of weapons did affect the properties of weapons!

And not only weapons, but also shields, modules, and grenades are almost all different!

In other words, when you kill a boss, the 10 weapons with the same name may have different properties in the end!

This mode is unprecedented for players!

As players continue to play, they gradually find that many guns have special properties, and these properties have different functions:

Poison attribute (corrosive element): against armored units It has a significant effect on the position. Most mechanical enemies have yellow health bars, which are weakly corrosive.

Fire element: It has a significant effect on physical attacks. Generally, enemies with red health bars belong to this category.

Lightning element: It can break the shield of enemies with shields. Some enemies have a blue health bar above their red health bar, which is the shield value. This elemental weapon can directly break it.

Explosive element: All bullets/shells will explode after being fired. There is no special target, and the elemental damage caused is stable.

Purple slag element: Attack the target to make it have a purple slag effect, and then use other attribute attacks to have a bonus effect, which is equivalent to an auxiliary (increase damage) element.

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