【Ding, exchange successful, team members will arrive at the studio in 30 seconds, please be ready. 】

The system prompt came quickly.

Fang Yun hurried downstairs after hearing the prompt.

Sure enough, 30 seconds later, ten people came into Fang Yun's store!

"Boss Fang, we had an appointment before.……"

The leader was interrupted by Fang Yun before he finished speaking:

"I understand. Come upstairs with me. The salary and benefits are the same as those of existing employees."

"Uh, okay."

The leader was shocked by the swift and decisive boss Fang, and so was Qu Xiaoyi:"Boss, are you hiring people? Is it because you don't have enough manpower to make the game? But isn't this recruitment too casual?"

Ignoring Qu Xiaoyi's strange expression, Fang Yun led the ten people upstairs.

On the second floor, Fang Yun led the ten people to the workshop and asked,"I'm going to make a game now, and I need a lot of original artists. How many of you can create original paintings?"

Fang Yun quickly asked the most important question at the moment. If only one or two of the ten people can do it, Fang Yun would have to start considering asking those outsourcing companies to come over.

"Well, to be honest with you, Boss Fang, since we only have so many members, many of us have multiple jobs. For example, the basic things of the game, such as the original painting, all ten of us can do it, but the creation speed is not as fast as the professionals."The leader said.

Of course, the professionals he refers to are of course the professional painters produced by the system, not the professional painters in this world.

Okay, then if you have nothing to do now, just get down to work? I forgot to ask what your names are?

"My name is Zhao Hui, Boss Fang can just call me Lao Zhao, and as for them, Boss Fang can just call them Zhao Yi, Zhao Er... Zhao Jiu! We can start working now, can we just sit anywhere?"The middle-aged man in the lead said


Fang Yun was speechless again, but it was okay this way. They were all common faces. If Fang Yun was told ten different names at once, he really couldn't remember them all at once. Now, he only needed to remember one. Anyway, Fang Yun and Zhao Hui would be the ones to coordinate in any situation, so the names of the other"little brothers" didn't matter.

"Let's start working now. The game I'm going to design is"Romance of the Three Kingdoms". The overall style should be more traditional Chinese. Of course, it's a strategy game of siege and capture. I have written out the specific plan, you can take a look."

As he said that, he handed over a document.

The content of the document was Fang Yun's plan, and the focus was on several scripts in"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", as well as the writing of settings and values such as arms, buildings, etc.

As for the specific content of the script (famous battles or major events in the Three Kingdoms), Fang Yun did not write it, after all, these things are everywhere on the Internet.

Zhao Hui took the plan, flipped through it briefly, and asked,"Is there a time limit? The script doesn't look very difficult. Modeling only needs to focus on the modeling of the large map, which is all very fast, but there are really too many characters involved, and the original painting may be the most time-consuming."

"I have already thought of the original paintings.

You are mainly responsible for the original paintings of some major characters.

As for the style, I will send you a few sample pictures later.

Just follow the style.

I will find other people to draw the remaining less famous characters.

My plan is to finish the original paintings within two weeks as much as possible, and the code should be completed at about the same time.

Then use three to four days to integrate it, and the remaining days will be for testing.

This work must be completed before October 1st!

Fangyi can also help you complete part of the code.


This is Fang Yun's request, and of course it is also the system's requirement.

After explaining the task, Zhao Hui and the other ten people assigned the task. Five people made the original painting, and the remaining six people, including Fang Yi, started to write code, search for historical data and other tasks.

And Fang Yun still remembered that after completing the second task of the system, there was also a reward of"double the points within a week" in the system's rewards.

After checking the status, it turned out that this reward is now in an activated state.

According to the trend of mobile games, this week should also be a day when two mobile games are selling well.

Points should be accumulated.

If there is a problem with the manpower of"Romance of the Three Kingdoms", some personnel can be temporarily exchanged to make up for the shortage of manpower.

Of course, the reward for the task also includes a primary version of ten consecutive draws.

"System, just do the ten-pull sequence."

【Ten consecutive draws...drawing in progress……】

The virtual screen showed a scene similar to the first lottery draw. After a while, ten cards were drawn from the prize pool by the system.

"Open them all at once!"

With the experience of the first time, Fang Yun was not going to waste time this time and opened them all directly.

《Fate: Staynight story fragments × 3, efficiency potion × 1, physical quality improvement potion (that is, the original physical potion) × 1, memory enhancement potion (short-term) × 1,"StarCraft" game story fragments × 4!

Generally speaking, this lottery is not bad.

"StarCraft" is a classic RTS (real-time strategy) game.

Although it is not as popular as Warcraft, the two should be evenly matched in terms of gameplay.

As for the anime story of Fate, plus the one given in the last ten consecutive draws, Fang Yun now has 5 fragments.

The synthesis price of anime is not high.

It only takes 20 fragments plus 100,000 points to exchange.

Now Fang Yun has completed a quarter.

If he is lucky, when this task is completed, he will draw all the ten consecutive draws, and he should be able to draw almost all the fragments.

The new efficiency potion has the effect of improving work efficiency within a day. As for how much it can improve, the system does not say. This depends on Fang Yun to discover it himself.

After drinking the physical fitness potion and storing the other potions and fragments, this time's lottery was successfully concluded.

Seeing that it was still early, Fang Yun was about to continue drawing an original painting when his cell phone suddenly rang!

He picked up the phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Could it be that the boss of the ad space I reserved in Fruit Ninja has come to visit?"

With a hint of doubt, Fang Yun answered the phone...

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