After signing the contract, Fang Yun began to state his requirements:

1. Each floor is divided into three small compartments, each equipped with a computer desk and a small partition, and equipped with high-end computers and game design-related equipment according to the number of computer desks.

2. The overall wallpaper style should be simple and bright.

3. A rest area with sofas is provided on each floor.

This is Fang Yun's requirement. Dividing the compartments is also Fang Yun's advance preparation for exchanging with other production teams later. As for the rest area, Fang Yun is not short of money now after all. Although these are employees provided by the system, Fang Yun is still happy to see that they can have a better working environment. Fang Yun himself is not a person who particularly values money.

"Are there any requirements for the number of those devices?"the person in charge asked

"One hundred, one hundred computer desks and computers and other related equipment.

Fang Yun thought about it and felt that this number was about right.

"Then I'll call and ask for the price, please wait." The person in charge said, took out his phone and walked aside to make a call.

After a while, the person in charge hung up the phone, turned around and said to Fang Yun:"I have told the company all these decoration requirements. The total decoration fee is 1.8 million, which is already a discount. The decoration can be completed in two days!"

""Okay, that's 4.8 million in total, right? Give me your account number and I'll transfer the money directly via mobile phone." Fang Yun took out his mobile phone.

The person in charge reported his account number and soon received a notification that the funds had arrived.

"Boss Fang, I wish you a prosperous business!"Putting away the phone, the person in charge extended his hand

"Thank you. Fang Yun stretched out his hand and shook his hand, then took the key from the person in charge and left immediately. After all, there were still many things for him to do.


"Senior, are you back? What did you do just now?"Lin Han had just finished painting an original picture and saw Fang Yun coming upstairs, so he asked

"Oh, I rented another store and plan to turn it into a special workshop. You can see the situation on the second floor now. The area is too small. I plan to move the production team there and leave a small workshop and meeting room here.

Fang Yun briefly said.

"Yes, the place is a little small now."Lin Han smiled.

After looking at their work, Fang Yun went downstairs. Now more and more people came to visit the store, and most of them came to see Fang Yun. Fang Yun could not continue to work. In order to ensure efficiency, Fang Yun took over Qu Xiaoyi's"front desk" job. Qu Xiaoyi worked on the second floor, leaving Fang Yun alone downstairs. Seeing

Fang Yun coming downstairs, several players sitting in the rest area playing with tablets stood up and greeted Fang Yun.

""Boss Fang, what are those cards you posted on Weibo last night?" a player asked directly

"I can’t say it. I can’t say it."

No matter how the players asked, Fang Yun just refused to say anything. They had no choice but to give up the idea of getting information from Fang Yun.

""Boss Fang, do you have any plans to update Fruit Ninja and Temple Run? For example, a new character for Temple Run?" a slightly chubby boy asked.

"What? You've played all these characters?"

"Yes, and my running scores are not low now. Fruit Ninja is not my favorite game, but in Temple Run, I always start with at least 10,000 meters!"

The boy said, and showed Fang Yun the tablet in his hand. It showed his running result: 12318 meters!

"Not bad, you seem to be a good player. What's your name?

Fang Yun smiled and praised.

"Lu Ziming, fortunately, I am best at RTS real-time strategy games, but there are no good RTS games for me to play in the market now. I hope Sky Interactive Entertainment can release a better game this year. After all, this is what they are good at... Now there is nothing to play, so I can only settle for the next best thing and wait for this year's strategy game competition. I hope there will be one or two fun games. Boss Fang, you have to work hard!"

The fat man (Lu Ziming) sighed.

"RTS game?……"

Speaking of RTS, Fang Yun immediately thought of several well-known masterpieces in his previous life:"StarCraft》、《Warcraft》、《Red Alert》、《Age of Empires》、《Company of Heroes, etc.……

""What's wrong? Boss Fang?"

Seeing Fang Yun in a daze, Lu Ziming asked

"Nothing, the development of PC games seems to have fallen into a stagnation period. Most people have invested in the VR game industry. After all, it is a new industry with a big cake."

Fang Yun said, but he didn't say that he had a lot of good ideas for RTS. After all, these are already big productions, and he needs to spend a lot of points to make them. Fang Yun is waiting for an opportunity, and now the opportunity has not appeared yet.

"Yes, everyone is struggling in the field of VR and refuses to turn back."

Lu Ziming smiled and replied

"Hahaha, you really understand!" Fang Yun also laughed.

Just like that, a day passed by in the casual chat between Fang Yun and the players who came to experience the game.

At 4:30 p.m.

"Boss Fang, it's time for you to check Weibo. In half an hour, it will be time for you to announce the answer to the first card!"

"Yes, yes, it’s time for Senior Fang to open Weibo! We’ve been curious all day!"

The players began to make a noise.

"The voting is too intense! There are several numbers with only single-digit vote differences, and everyone is canvassing for votes like crazy. Are they crazy?"Lu Ziming was also shocked when he opened Weibo and saw

"Stay calm, don't worry, there's still half an hour left, why rush? I will definitely announce it after the voting is closed.

"Fang Yun seemed very calm.

He opened Weibo to check the current situation: the lowest number was No.

1, but the number of votes had reached 190,000.

The three numbers with the most votes: 2, 5, and 6, all of which had reached more than 370,000 votes.

And the difference in votes was just as Lu Ziming said.

The number with the most votes was No.

5, with 371,845 votes, followed by No.

6: 371,839, and No.

2: 371,836!

You know, each person can only cast one vote, and the total number of votes for the seven cards has reached more than 2.1 million votes!

What a terrifying number!

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