Just as the players were discussing, the fifth day's vote came out!

This time the card back pattern was changed, and the number of cards changed from seven to six!

The numbers were: 123467!

"Damn, Fang Yun is causing trouble again!"

"? ? So this means that we have turned over all the cards of number 5? Does each card equal two characters?"

"According to what was said above, we turned over number 1 and number 2 before, so if we turn over these two cards again, these two will also disappear?!"

"Makes sense!"

"Brothers, go vote for number 12!"

Fang Yun's actions sparked another discussion among the players.

The steadfast"Party No.

5" suddenly became idle.

Some people switched to vote for other numbers, while others started to stir up trouble, making the originally smooth voting a mess.

One minute, number 1 was leading by hundreds of votes, and the next minute, number 7 directly surpassed by hundreds of votes.

This kind of operation was done by the idle number 5 party.

The originally smooth voting and canvassing process now has an extra link: always beware of the number 5 party!

"Beware of fire, theft and number five!"This is the true inner reflection of the players who were loyal to the other numbers after the fifth day.

On the fifth day, the number six card won, and the card that was finally turned over read:"This life has been divided into old dust, who can redeem me with gold? Don't be angry at the eighteen beats of the horn, you must know that you are a beautiful woman with a miserable fate." Cai Yan Cai Wenji!

Before editing a new round of voting, Fang Yun browsed the relevant comments. Throughout the day, most of the players discussed the"number five party" that was causing trouble. Even after today's results came out, many players shouted:

"Fortunately, it’s not number one and number two, otherwise there will be one more party causing trouble!"

In response, Fang Yun simply said: Young man, you guys think too simply!

Then Fang Yun also"removed" the winning card number 6 from the shelves."

In this way, there are only five cards left for voting on the new day!

"Damn! How come card number six is gone too?"

"Guys, it seems that your analysis yesterday was all wrong!"

"It's over. I have a feeling that Party 5 and Party 6 will unite to cause trouble tomorrow.……"

"Dad No. 5 and Dad No. 6, please let us go!"


As soon as the voting microblog was released, the Internet was in chaos again.

At this time, some sour words appeared again on the Internet:

Why don’t you concentrate on making games, but spend all day on these things on the Internet? Is this qualified to be a game designer? Do you remember what the responsibilities of a game designer are? The person who posted this microblog is a mid-level designer under Sky Interactive Entertainment, named Zeng Ming.

"What does it have to do with you that we're voting?"

"If you can't eat grapes, you say they are sour?"

"Hello? Is this XX Mental Hospital? A patient has escaped from your hospital!"

As soon as this Weibo post came out, a number of designers made similar comments, and more and more players refuted it!

When things were about to get out of hand, Fang Yun spoke up:

"It was Zeng Ming from Sky Interactive Entertainment who first said that, right? Mr.

Zeng Ming, do you dare to make a bet with me? Just bet whether my game will get the top three? If you win, I will transfer all the income from my two mobile games to your account or Sky Interactive Entertainment's account, and the copyright of the game will be fully handed over to you.

But if you lose, I don't want much.

Doesn't Sky Interactive Entertainment have many recommendation channels of its own? Is it okay for me to reserve a position on the best recommendation homepage?"

"OK! Fang Yun, I support you!"

"Fight him! Fight him!"

Fang Yun's Weibo post triggered a round of applause online.

Zeng Ming was a little panicked at this time. How could he, a mere mid-level designer, represent Sky Interactive Entertainment? In desperation, he could only report to the management of Sky Interactive Entertainment.

The boss Wang Lin soon learned about the matter. Wang Lin analyzed it and found that if they won, they would get the copyrights of two popular mobile games, and if they lost, they would only lose a recommended position on the homepage... After weighing the pros and cons, Wang Lin finally couldn't resist the temptation of the popular mobile games and made a decision:

"This Fang Yun really doesn't know how deep the water is in this industry? Go, let Zeng Ming agree to this bet. Isn't it just a recommendation position on the homepage? If we win, these two popular games will become ours. The income is visible to the naked eye!"

With the support of his boss, Zeng Ming was much more confident and immediately posted on Weibo:

Fang Yun, I accept the bet, but don't deny it when the time comes, so many players are watching!

Fang Yun also quickly replied: Don't worry, I'm not as tasteless as some people.

The bet was made.

As time passed, Fang Yun did not do anything weird. The number of cards kept decreasing, and the next few cards were:

"He is a seven-foot-tall man with a sword-like brow and tiger-like eyes, better than Pan An. He has been practicing martial arts since he was young and has gained a reputation for bravery. In a horde of thousands of horses, it is not difficult for a general to take something out of a bag. The good horse Red Hare adds tiger wings, and the Fang Tian painted halberd makes the enemy lose their courage."---The most powerful man in the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu, Lu Fengxian!

"The east wind is not favorable to Zhou Lang, and the two Qiao sisters are locked up in Tongque Spring"---The two Qiao sisters of Jiangdong!

"He visited the emperor three times to ask for advice on state affairs, and he helped the old ministers of the two dynasties. He died before he could achieve his goal, which always made heroes shed tears."---Mr. Wolong Zhuge Kongming!

"He fought alone in the southeast, and was called the Little Overlord. He planned like a tiger, and made decisions like an eagle. He dominated the three rivers, and his name was known all over the world. Before his death, he left a great plan to Zhou Lang."---Little Overlord Sun Ce!

"Infinite heroes looked at Xudu, but was it fate that they were spared in the end?"---Cao Cao, who held the emperor hostage to control the princes!

Including Diao Chan, Cai Wenji, Huang Zhong, Xu Chu, and Guo Jia, there are 11 in total!

With the announcement of Sun Ce and Cao Cao on the last day, the nine-day preview event was officially declared over.

Players also know what game Fang Yun is currently making, and the exquisite character original paintings make players full of expectations for the new game.

Players who love strategy games are waiting to experience the scene of surviving in the cracks of the Three Kingdoms, while players who are not so interested in strategy games are looking forward to the refreshing feeling of getting all the beauties in the world.

After the preview ended, a large number of players sent private messages to Fang Yun every day, asking him to continue to release some character original paintings and more specific game settings. Some media even came to him to get first-hand information about Fang Yun's new game.

All of these were rejected by Fang Yun, and now Fang Yun's production has come to a critical period. The production of the original painting is about to be completed, and the code writing has also been preliminarily completed. The character modeling has also been completed for the most part. The next step is to wait for the three to be connected, and then the game can be declared completed!

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