The host confirmed with the backstage through the headset, and after confirming that there was no error in the data, he directly announced the score, and then began to score the next game. The next two games were relatively average, and the comments given by the judges were all"relatively euphemistic", which means: compared with previous years, there is almost no improvement except for the graphics, and we don’t know what to say except that it conforms to the theme of national style.

The scores of the two works are: 31 points and 31 points.

The player data is: 10258 minutes, 19 points; 9013 minutes, 16 points.

The total score is 50 points and 47 points.

These two games are out of the question at first glance, and then it comes to number five.

The number five work is a game designed by Qi Pa Xiong under Sky Interactive Entertainment Company. It is also a martial arts-style strategy game. And this game is the"asked-for" game that Lu Ziming and Fang Yun talked about before!

The fifth judge, Yan Yangyao, stood up:

"This game, like the next one, is one of the games that our judges debated the most. The overall martial arts style is similar to the first one, and the gameplay is also similar, but the graphics are more exquisite than the former.……"

Yan Yangyao's first sentence seemed to hint at something. After all, Qian Li's"Wulin Alliance Leader" has been online for quite a long time, while this strange brother's"Wuxia Supreme" has not yet been launched!

After the judges made a lot of comments, they gave a controversial score of 46 points.

Then the player data was given on the big screen: 62148 minutes, and the score was 37 points

"46 points plus 37 points, the total score is 83 points! Just one point higher than our No. 1 work! And the game time of this game is ranked second! I wonder which work is the first? Everyone can guess!"

"This is the highest score so far! It seems that this year's competition is very fierce! I wonder if anyone will surpass this score in the future. Okay, next. It's time to score the sixth work"Three Kingdoms". Now, please ask the judges to give their evaluation of the game"Three Kingdoms"."

The host looked at the players below who seemed unconvinced by this score, and quickly opened his mouth to shift the topic to the sixth game.

The sixth judge, You Cheng, stood up!

In other words, the evaluation and scoring of"Three Kingdoms" will begin soon!

"Well... this game can be said to have shocked me enough. It can be said that this game has refreshed my view of the entire strategy game category. It can be said that it has greatly changed the development direction of strategy games, and can even become a benchmark for the development of future strategy games!"

"The rich interactive links and game mechanics can greatly extend the life of this game.

The combination of arms, the choice of marching routes, and even the choice of internal affairs and rewards will have a certain impact on the development of the forces controlled by the entire player.

Although some of us have different opinions, the vast majority of judges still gave extremely high evaluations and unanimously believed that this is a masterpiece that can become a benchmark for the entire strategy game industry.


"I heard that the production cycle of this game is very short, and it was even very popular online before. After playing it today, I can only give it a four-word evaluation: well-deserved! So the final score we gave is: 57 points!

The judges scored 57 points!

"It's 57 points! As far as I know, since the annual competition was held, only one game in the first session has scored 57 points, right? No other game has scored more than 55 points! Today,"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has scored 57 points again. Maybe we can witness a record? There should be a higher score today. Now, let's take a look at the players' data."

The host was also shocked when he heard this score. The competition has been held for nearly ten years. This is the first time that someone has received this score except for the first session. You know, the judges' vision is as high as the sky!

Player game data: Total game time: 315698 minutes. Score: 40 points!

Total score: 97 points!

"The data from the players showed that the total duration of the game was... 315,698 minutes! What? 315,968 minutes? Converted to... 5,261 hours? Oh my god! Is there something wrong with the backend data recording? Wait for me to confirm it!"

The host couldn't believe that the data displayed on the big screen was real. He quickly asked the data statistician in the background through the headset, and after confirming with the backend statistician again and again, he finally confirmed this fact.

"After my repeated confirmation just now, this data is indeed true!

315698 minutes, this data has broken the highest game duration record in the past ten years!

The original game record was...

a game work in the third year, with a duration of 192387 minutes.

Now this record has broken the previous longest record!

And the total number of minutes is 540,000.

This means that more than half of the players did nothing for three hours and were playing this game!

Before today, if someone told me that such a terrifying data would be generated, I would definitely laugh at the other party for thinking too much.

I never thought that I would have the honor to witness the birth of a masterpiece today!

Although I haven't experienced it yet, I must buy this game when I go back!

This data is really exaggerated.


The female host was obviously shocked, and her tone of speech was not very clear.

"Mom, come and see God!"

"Although I have played"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" for more than two hours, these data really scared me!"

"I haven't played for a minute! I strongly question the authenticity of this data, it's hype! All this is Fang Yun's conspiracy!"

"You think too much, kid. Can you show me the whole plot of this kind of game? When you were playing the game, didn't you see that everyone around you was supporting the Han Dynasty?"

"Damn, this guy is obviously a shill from another game. Why are you wasting your breath explaining this to him?"

The performance of the players in the venue was actually not much different from that of the host. Some questioned the authenticity of the data. Some couldn't believe it. Some even shouted,"Mom, come and see the aliens and God..."

Even the five-member group, Lu Ziming, and Qu Xiaoyi who were mixed in the crowd were stunned by the data displayed on the big screen.

Moreover, they were mentally prepared to a certain extent, knowing that Fang Yun's game would definitely not be bad. But they didn't expect it to be so good. The judges' score directly tied the historical record. And the player data score directly broke the previous record of 190,000. No one has ever been so exaggerated!

""Fuck! Can anyone pinch me? I think I'm still asleep. I think I played a fake game for three hours this morning, and now my brain is a little confused!"

Zhang Xin stared at the big screen and said to Lu Ziming and Wang Yu next to him.

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