After running downstairs, someone came in a short while. After greeting them, Fang Yun led the two people directly to the workplace. After settling them down, he returned to the experience store.

"Boss, who were those two people just now?"

"Oh, they are here to look for a job. We have already contacted them. Two people came today. They are mainly responsible for CG production. Fang Yun briefly explained.

At this time, the players saw Fang Yun's Weibo, which was undoubtedly a thunderbolt. The topic that was already a hot topic suddenly became a hot search!

Fang Yun slapped Sky Interactive Entertainment again?

This is the title of this hot search.

"Damn, Fang Yun really fought back! Everyone come and watch!"

"《"StarCraft"? It sounds like a sci-fi game. China is currently weak in sci-fi. Can Fang Yun make it?"

"Now it’s interesting. Not to mention the bet between Fang Yun and Sky Interactive Entertainment, now he’s competing directly with their flagship game of the year! We’ll see who gets slapped in the face next!"

"It’s time for my favorite laning session again, Fang Yunchong!"

"To be honest, I am a little worried about Fang Yun this time. Domestic RTS is not good at all. Sky Interactive Entertainment can be said to be the largest RTS company. Moreover, Fang Yun has chosen a science fiction theme this time. The difficulty is simply hellish!"

Some players were watching, some were worried about Fang Yun, and some were making a fuss.

After Fang Yun posted on Weibo, he ignored it as usual. This time is different from the past. This game must not have any flaws. After all, this is Fang Yun’s first masterpiece in this world! It can only be better than the original, not worse than the original!

This is the goal Fang Yun set for himself. If he can't even do this well, how can he talk about building the Azeroth universe? Just go home and grow sweet potatoes.

"Xiaoyi, please sit aside. I want to use this computer to make a picture.

Fang Yun said

"Is it about a new game?"


"I have to say, boss, you are really courageous. You even dare to touch upon the field of science fiction. Many domestic designers have failed in this field."

"My science fiction is different from those rotten fish and shrimp. You will know when I make it. By the way, go upstairs and help me get the drawing tools. I will use them later."

Fang Yun said.

The picture he wanted to draw was of course one of the most representative covers of"StarCraft": in the center of the picture was a human (Renault) wearing heavy armor, and on his right was a human-like female creature (Zerg Queen Kerrigan), with bone spurs on her arms, long hair casually draped over her shoulders, and faint bone claws behind her back. If this was a human, then she must be a beauty!

Behind the left of the human was a human soldier surrounded by armor, holding a huge sniper rifle in his hand, with the starry sky behind him, and a"I"-shaped spaceship floating behind him. To the right of the female character was a city on the verge of collapse surrounded by flames, and there were flying guns in the sky. There are several creatures similar to Western flying dragons!

The whole scene, the left side of the male protagonist is full of science fiction, while the right side of the male protagonist, that is, the female character, has a touch of magic!

After Qu Xiaoyi took down the drawing tools, Fang Yun began to create the original painting on the spot.

Qu Xiaoyi certainly would not miss such a great opportunity, so he gathered next to Fang Yun to watch, and Fang Yun completely restored the picture in his mind.

When it was just a line draft, Qu Xiaoyi just felt that it seemed to be just an"ordinary science fiction color" soldier picture, which is what future soldiers often look like in interstellar operations in movies, but as Fang Yun colored it step by step through the computer.

Qu Xiaoyi discovered that the woman on the right... didn't seem to be a human?

"Boss, is there something wrong with the way you drew this woman?"

If you find a problem, raise it immediately!

""You mean her? What happened?" Fang Yun looked at the newly painted Kerrigan. Kerrigan's overall color was dark yellow, with purple lines all over her body. The purple dots formed lines, full of mystery.

"Are all female characters' armor like this? Isn't it a bit strange?"

Qu Xiaoyi asked

"Uh, this is not a battle armor, this is her original accessory’"

"You mean, she's not human?"

"Who told you she was human? This is science fiction!"


"What kind of creature is she?!"

A male voice suddenly sounded, startling Fang Yun. He looked up and saw that Lu Ziming and the five men had surrounded him without him knowing when. It was Lu Ziming who had just spoken!

"Why are you all here?"

"Nonsense, everyone knows that you are going to make an RTS game now. If I don't come over to take a look, wouldn't it be a waste of my claiming to be a senior RTS game player? Boss Fang, don't hide it this time, tell us!"

Lu Ziming said

"She is not a human. It should be said that she used to be a human, but not now."

"Were they human before? What are they now?"


"What the hell?"


"No, Senior Fang, are you too anxious? If you say this woman is any other race, I would believe it. But you say she is a Zerg? I really don't believe it. How can she look like a bug?"

"Who told you that Zerg are all bugs?"


"Zerg is just a name I gave them, because many of their troops look like bugs, and they reproduce very quickly, so I decided to call them Zerg."

Fang Yun saw that the others didn't understand, so he added

"So the theme of this sci-fi is an interstellar war between Zerg and humans? Zerg invade the earth?"

Zhang Xin thought of Fang Yun's previous words"this woman used to be a human", and couldn't help but ask

"You are too naive, young man. How could I possibly do such a common subject? Also, who told you that there are only these two races?"

Fang Yun glanced at him and said

"And race? Why isn't that drawn?"

"Why do we have to draw it now? Isn't it good to leave a suspense?"

"What other races are there?"

Lu Ziming asked.

Fang Yun thought about it and decided to tell them some"small background stories"":

"Let me briefly talk about the background, the rough version, first of all, the origin of the human race……"

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