Not only are the online players waiting for feedback, Fang Yun is also looking forward to the feedback from the players on site.

Walking to the side of Lu Ziming and Liu Xin, seeing the two of them looking at the introduction of the three major races and arms, he couldn't help but nod secretly:

This is what a professional is! If you are playing a fighting game for the first time, if you don't understand these general introductions first, you may be at a loss when you really get started.

Seeing Fang Yun coming over, Lu Ziming asked directly:

"Boss Fang, which race is better for a first time player? There should be one that is more suitable for beginners, right?"

"No, the three races are actually similar. You have all read the introduction. In terms of mass production, the Zerg is definitely the first choice, followed by the Terran, and then the Protoss. In terms of individual soldier strength, the Protoss is the first. It depends on your personal preference which race you choose."

"What about map selection?"

"If there are only two of you, I recommend the Lost Temple.(LOSTTEMPLE)"

Fang Yun pointed to a map in the map list.

Following Fang Yun's advice, the two of them chose the Protoss on the classic map of the Lost Temple, with Lu Ziming choosing the Protoss and Liu Xin choosing the Terrans.

A PVT battle started!

Since this was their first encounter, the two did not start fighting directly, but honestly developed themselves, familiarized themselves with the shortcut keys above, and carefully experienced the skill effects of each type of soldiers. The two were in this state of mutual adaptation throughout the game. The two of them got serious in the second game!

It was also the Protoss vs. Terrans!

Although in Fang Yun's eyes, the two of them were still rookies, but from the scene, the two of them had already fought in a good way: the left and right quickly pressed various shortcut keys on the keyboard, and the right hand kept clicking the mouse, occasionally circling the soldiers to gather, or switching on the small map.

This time, the two refreshed in adjacent positions! The two did a good job of exploring the way, and they both found each other's position at the first time!

Then, the next thing was much more exciting: enemies were extremely jealous of each other when they met, one of them was desperately attacking machine gunners, and the other was desperately attacking crossbow soldiers (nicknamed XX soldiers by Protoss fanatics), and they fought directly in the middle of their bases.

Although the two people's operations were remarkable, the battle between machine gunners and crossbow soldiers made Fang Yun, who was watching the game, want to laugh. But thinking about their first time playing"StarCraft", this performance is understandable now.

Soon, the two finished this game. Liu Xin's human race was still better in operation. He gained an advantage through a little micro-operation, and then crushed Lu Ziming directly, forcing him to type GG.

"How is it? Our operation is pretty good, right?"

After the fight, Lu Ziming looked at Fang Yun who was watching the fight and asked

"The operation is OK, he is a high-level player, but your tactics... it is better to practice more."

Fang Yun thought about it for a while and commented tactfully

"I know this, after all, I have just started playing. Now the experience feels great, and it makes me feel like I am playing a foreign RTS game masterpiece!"

"Yeah, I feel the same way!"

Liu Xin nodded in agreement when he heard Lu Ziming say that.

Fang Yun just watched them play and he felt a little itchy. How long has it been since he last played StarCraft? But Fang Yun still remembers many classic (dirty) tactics. His level was not good enough before, but now the operation is not a problem. It's just right to use these two to satisfy his desire!

"Do you want to play with me?" Fang Yun asked

"Boss, are you good enough? Although we don't have any tactics yet, ordinary players can kill him just by operation."

Lu Ziming said

"No problem, come and have a try!"

"Then I'll go first, after all, I'm still a bit of a novice compared to Liu Xin." Seeing Fang Yun say this, Lu Ziming stopped talking.

Liu Xin also gave up his seat to Fang Yun. After Fang Yun sat down, he adjusted to the mouse and said:

"What does the map say?"

"No, let's do it randomly this time. A random two-player map"


So, the two entered the race selection interface. Lu Ziming chose the Protoss as before, while Fang Yun chose: random (random race)!

"Boss Fang, why don't you choose a race? How can I fight without choosing a race?"

"Sorry, I'm just random."


The game started with a typical two-player map, so both sides knew each other's spawn points, but Lu Ziming didn't know Fang Yun's race.

Liu Xin saw it clearly from behind, Fang Yun randomly got the same race as him: human!

"Let's see if Boss Fang has any tactics? It's a good opportunity to learn from him, after all, he is the designer of this game!"

With this thought in mind, Liu Xin stared at Fang Yun's screen and his operations, only to see that Fang Yun's fingers seemed to click on the keyboard faster than him!

But as soon as he saw Fang Yun's opening, Liu Xin almost fainted:

Fang Yun placed two barracks in the middle of the map very fiercely at the beginning! After a while, a large number of SCVs (Human farmers) in Fang Yun's base rushed out. It looked like they were queuing up to visit the girls' dormitory!

At this time, the probe (Protoss farmer) used by Lu Ziming to explore the way finally visited Fang Yun's base. Originally, Lu Ziming wanted to play well with the orthodox climbing technology in this game, but now that a dragon knight has not yet appeared, he saw a bunch of SCVs and several machine gunners rushing towards his base.

At this time, Lu Ziming's base was still extremely clean, and he could not put up any effective resistance. After a while, he typed GG

"……This game can still be played like this? Your tactics are too shameless!"

Lu Ziming was speechless. Rushing directly at the beginning, is this going to let people live? The key is that when Fang Yun and his machine gunners and SCVs rushed to Lu Ziming's base, they also showed off a small wave of multi-line operations, and their own base was still developing, which stunned Liu Xin who was watching the game behind.

This tactic is one of the famous Terran tactics in the previous life of"StarCraft": 8BBrush tactics, also known as the wild barracks tactics!

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