After playing a round with each of them, Fang Yun stopped. After all, although Liu Xin and Lu Ziming were masters in terms of operation, they were at best elementary school students in terms of tactical thinking. It would be too much for Fang Yun to play with them like this.

After satisfying his desire to play, Fang Yun stood behind and watched the two people's game.

After being beaten by Fang Yun just now, the two people have made great progress and started to think about the matching of arms, the improvement of technology, and even the placement of buildings.

Soon, the two-hour experience time was over.

"How is it? This is the battle module of StarCraft. When it goes online, the battle will basically be like this. At most, we will make some numerical adjustments to these arms and supplement the maps in the map library.

Fang Yun, who was tired of standing and sat at the front desk early, asked when he saw the two people coming after getting off the plane.

"The experience is great! And the playability is very strong, there are no useless arms, and you need to think about how to match the arms to face each situation. In my opinion, it is even better than Hurricane's"War Alert"!"

Liu Xin gave a high evaluation.

Other players who came to experience it, who love RTS games, all think this is a very good work, and the players who came to join in the fun also said: I don't know why, but I feel it's awesome!

"Although I haven’t figured it out after playing for two hours, this game is fun!"

This is the feedback from most players on Weibo

""This is a tactical, highly operational RTS sci-fi game. In my opinion, it is a better masterpiece than War Alert!"

This is Liu Xin's own answer after experiencing it.

Liu Xin is also a very famous anchor on Xianyu Live, and he has a lot of fans on Weibo. As soon as this Weibo post was released, fans commented:

"Is it really that fun?"

"Can you live stream it? I want to watch it live!"

"Is it a bit exaggerated? If you say it is better than the existing RTS games in China, I believe it, but if you say it is better than"War Alert", which is now generally regarded as a classic RTS game, I really don't believe it.……"

Many people doubted Liu Xin's statement, and some fans wanted Liu Xin to start live streaming because they were not in Shanghai and could not experience it even if they wanted to.

Liu Xin also told Fang Yun about his fans' desire for live streaming, and Fang Yun thought about it and decided to agree to this request.

"You can live stream, but you have to do it on the second floor. Leave the first floor for the players to experience. You can use the machine on the second floor for live streaming. There is no one there recently. But you have to bring peripherals with you. There are no good things there."

Fang Yun said

""Boss Fang! What about me?"

Lu Ziming said quickly.

"You can also go to the second floor. Liu Xin needs an opponent for his live broadcast, so you can be his opponent.

Fang Yun's idea is that the people who are close to him now are actually the five-member group and Lu Ziming. If they come to experience the game, there must be some"backdoor" for them to go through, but it can't affect the experience of other players. It just so happens that there are more than a dozen computers on the second floor that are empty, so why not let them experience Fang Yun's new game there?

"If you know any other anchors, you can also invite them over, but don't invite too many. I only want those technical anchors. You can play together on the live broadcast tomorrow. The effect will be better, and it can also help me promote the game."

Fang Yun thought about it and added

"Technical anchor? That's easy. I know a few who live in Shanghai. I'll contact them later. They should all be able to come tomorrow!"

Liu Xin thought about it and agreed.

Then, Fang Yun took the two of them upstairs to play, leaving Qu Xiaoyi alone to watch, and Fang Yun went upstairs to laze.

"I just asked Mr. Fang, and he generously agreed to use a few computers in his second-floor office to live stream. Tomorrow, we will officially start the live stream of the StarCraft trial!"

Liu Xin quickly posted on Weibo to tell the players the news

"Fang Yun's workshop? Damn it, Liu Xin, you better take good pictures! I've been curious about what it looks like!"

"Stop the live broadcast and take a quick look while you can to see if Fang Yun has any other new game plans!"

"Boss Fang, I also want to try out the game, can you let me in?……"

"No, get out"


As soon as Liu Xin posted his Weibo, it attracted attention from all sides, not only from players, but also from other companies!

Other companies were also curious about what Fang Yun's game was like, and why some people said it was better than"War Alert".

In the past, they could arrange people to come and line up early and experience the game, but today Fang Yun randomly selected players to experience it, which broke their ideas. No one knew whether Fang Yun could draw their people.

At this time, Liu Xin announced that he would broadcast live tomorrow. In this way, even if people who couldn't go to the scene to experience it in person would have a place to watch, and game companies would be able to know what kind of game it was at the first time.

Many live broadcast companies also smelled the smell of"traffic\money" and came to contact Fang Yun one after another, wanting to arrange a live broadcast position for their anchors, and then share the gift money with Fang Yun.

All these companies were rejected by Fang Yun on the grounds that"the workshop is too small to accommodate many people".

Liu Xin, on his side, has contacted 4 anchors of RTS games, and there is even a professional player who just retired!

Including him and Lu Ziming, there are a total of six people, and they have agreed to broadcast live together on the second floor of the experience store tomorrow!

Friends and players who heard the news were looking forward to tomorrow. As for today...

Fang Yun thought he could go upstairs to be lazy, but Lu Ziming and Liu Xin dragged him to play a few"teaching" games.

"I have never seen people like you who come to my door to be abused!"

Fang Yun had no choice but to open the game and fight against the two people. At the beginning, it was one-on-one. Fang Yun abused the two people one-sidedly. If the bloody level was expressed in words, then what was written would definitely not pass the review!

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