The opening CG ends here temporarily. Why do I say temporarily? Because Fang Yun added four words at the end of the film: To be continued!

The entire CG lasts nearly 40 minutes!

The exquisite production and various storyboard designs fully present the history of the human race in"StarCraft" to everyone. Even if these plots are expanded and a protagonist's story is added, it will definitely be a Hollywood-level science fiction blockbuster!

"Fuck? This isn't really a movie?"

"Could this be Fang Yun’s main course? The previous battles were just appetizers before the meal?!"

"Fang Yun, you are so awesome, why don’t you go make a movie? You know how good the plot is!"

Liu Xin was no different from those crazy players who were posting comments. There were only two words in his mind: wonderful and shocking!

"So this is how the human race came into being!" Liu Xin thought silently.

"What about the Zerg? What about the Protoss? What are their origins?"

"Didn't you see the"To be continued" at the end of Fang Yun? These things will definitely be added later!"

"Even if we ask Hollywood screenwriters to come, it's just like this at most, right? Look at the various expressions and storyboards in the CG. Fang Yun must have found an extremely professional person to make it!"I was shocked when I watched it, and when I was thinking about it after watching it, I found that there were many details in the plot, such as human technology, arms, and their skills, all of which appeared in the CG.

"I strongly recommend Fang Yun to make this into a movie!"


Fang Yun looked at the"worship" of the online players and smiled with satisfaction. This was his first masterpiece, and he had to strive for perfection! This long background introduction at the beginning was a method he came up with. In his previous life, due to limitations such as human resources, although the plot was set up very well, it was not well presented. This time, Fang Yun thoroughly presented the plot of StarCraft to the players.

Of course, Fang Yun also set an option to"skip the plot", so that players can skip it directly if they don't like it.

At this time, Liu Xin finally came back to his senses:

""I'm sorry, the plot just now was so shocking that I just came back to my senses. Let's officially start the plot campaign experience!"

As he said that, he clicked on the only [Chapter 1 First Contact] at present:

1. Among the ruins, the federal capital planet Tarsonis.

Mission objectives: 1. Build an incubation pool. 2. Build a hydralisk. 3. Protect the pupa.

Briefing: Overlord: Wake up my child, and fight for your honor.

You must know that I am the Overlord, the eternal will of the swarm, and you are born to obey me.

Believe me, you will become the greatest brain worm.

You will gain knowledge and experience from other brain worms.

But your mission is different.

Other brain worms transmit my will to various swarms, and you only need to complete one task.

I have discovered a creature, and she will become my most powerful messenger.

Although she is still in the state of a pupa, waiting to be reborn in the swarm.

You must keep an eye on this pupa and not let the creature inside it suffer any harm.

You can start to act.

Then the battle will officially begin!

"What the hell? At the beginning, I was shown the background story of the Terrans, and now I am shown the Zerg? What is going on?"

Looking at the Zerg base in front of him, Liu Xin was a little confused. Fang Yun didn't follow the routine!

But the plot still had to go on. Liu Xin honestly built the blood pool and the Hydralisk den according to the requirements, and defeated the invading Terran enemies like a tower defense. After killing the last wave of enemies, Liu Xin received a new instruction message:

Sass (another Zerg brain worm): Hello, I am Sass. I am also a brain worm. I detected a small group of Terran troops in this area, and they may pose a threat to the pupa and the nest. You can't let them go back alive!

Get a new mission goal: destroy all Terran troops.

As required, Liu Xin arranged his troops and directly wiped out this small group of Terran troops, successfully completed the mission, and returned to the nest.

Continue the mission. The next few missions are all related to the"pupa" that Liu Xin protected before, until the fourth mission:

IV. The messenger of the swarm, the leader's nest Char planet

Mission objective: Protect the pupa until it hatches.


Sass: Be careful, brainworm. While Darth (also a brainworm) was fighting the army in the Terran-occupied area, the energy emitted by the pupa attracted more enemies to the planet Char!

Overlord: You have to destroy them, brainworm, because with each battle, you will become smarter. Indeed, you are the representative of my will and the powerful anger of the swarm! But you still have to suppress your anger and take care of the pupa for a while. The hatching of the sleeper is just around the corner, and then my strongest creature will be released!

When Liu Xin was halfway through the guarding, the human Raynor led a group of people and rushed over, triggering one of the most important plots in the entire"StarCraft":

Raynor: Get ready! Friends! Calm down and pay attention to any unusual situation around you. Don't forget, not only are we fighting the Zerg here, our former partner General Duke is also active nearby. I hope our mission this time is not a wrong decision...

Sass: Brainworm! The pupa is about to hatch! Don't let any human troops get close to her!

Overlord: Rebirth! My daughter! Rebirth!...Kerrigan!

Kerrigan: Follow your will, father! I was born to serve you! Let all your enemies feel the anger and power of the Zerg!

Overlord: Well done! Brainworm! I created all this just for today! Don't let any human troops go back alive!

Raynor: Oh my God! Kerrigan? What did they do to you?!

A new mission appears!

1. Infect or destroy Raynor's command center. 2. Kerrigan must survive!

When Liu Xin controlled Kerrigan and the Zerg troops to rush into the command center, he finally met Raynor, and the plot animation was triggered!

Raynor: Kerrigan, is this really you?

Kerrigan: In some ways, I am more powerful than before, Jim. You shouldn't have come here.

Raynor: But those dreams...I dreamed that you were still alive...Just like...You're calling me.

Kerrigan: I was calling you, when I was still in the chrysalis. My mind went into your dreams, and into the dreams of the Shepherd. Apparently, the Shepherd sent Duke here to find me. But that's impossible now, Jim. I'm part of the Zerg now. And I like it now. You can't imagine how good it feels....

Raynor: So what? Are you going to kill me now, dear?

Kerrigan: It would be easy for me to kill you. But you are not a threat to me at all, Jim. Be smart, leave here now, and don't fight the Zerg anymore.

Raynor: It seems I have no other choice.

Overmind's newest and strongest emissary, Kerrigan, was born from her embryonic pupa, but her terrible power cannot be fully exerted yet. Kerrigan must now break free from the devil's body that binds her power. Once this is done, she will lead the creatures of Overmind to attack the defenseless Protoss.

The plot ends here!

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