To be honest, Fang Yun has great ambitions. Here is a brief introduction to the game platforms in this world: the largest game platform in the country is the [Game Master] under the Design Committee. Basically, most of the games are launched here. Of course, large companies like the three major companies also have their own unique platforms. In addition to being launched on [Game Master], their games will also be launched on their own unique platforms.

Moreover, the unique platform is shared with Game Master. In other words, if you buy a game on Game Master, you can also activate the corresponding game on the unique platform with the activation code, and vice versa.

Fang Yun is now designing such a unique platform and plans to make this platform the largest game platform in the world!

Originally, Fang Yun did not want to spend a lot of manpower and financial resources to build such a platform so early, but since"StarCraft" is about to be launched, and"StarCraft" is a game that requires online battles, it requires a platform.���'s support, and if is just a platform for players to fight against each other, it would be a bit of a waste of talent.

Therefore, Fang Yun plans to make his own unique game platform. Since all players who play"StarCraft" against each other must rely on, this platform will not encounter the problem encountered by other unique platforms when it goes online: no players.

Later, other games will be absorbed. As for the early games, the games made by himself will be the main ones.

After calling his team to confirm the production status of the platform, Fang Yun quickly replied: The production will be completed in three days!

Therefore, Fang Yun set the time for the game to go online in five days! After posting a Weibo to inform the news, the players are no longer surprised by Fang Yun's current fast production speed, and they all regard Fang Yun as a game designer who is"high-yielding like a sow".

Fang Yun's game production speed also makes his peers extremely ashamed. They have never seen anyone who can make good games so quickly, and all these games are excellent.

The sales of"Battlefield" were further affected by the announcement of Fang Yun's new game's upcoming launch. Now, if you say that"Battlefield" is a flagship game, it will only lead to ridicule from players, and then they will say that"Battlefield" is really embarrassing for flagship games!

Sky Interactive Entertainment has no intention of saving"Battlefield" now. As for the"battle" with Fang Yun, they have already laid down and are ready to admit defeat honestly, and then hand over the recommendation position they lost to Fang Yun with both hands.

Notifying players of the game's launch time five days in advance will undoubtedly attract attention.���A lot of attention, but for the players, this seems to be a torture:

"Fang Yun notified us so early, which means the game should be good, and it has already been partially tested before. Why did they launch it directly without any testing this time?"

"Did they tell us five days in advance so that we could prepare the money? Did they worry that if they told us one or two days in advance, we wouldn't be able to prepare enough money?"

"Can you please come online soon? I can't wait! I'm so bored playing Battlefield!"

"Shit, there are still people playing Battlefield? Besides the numerical balance and good graphics, what else is good about that game?"

"Isn't this really boring? And as a professional player, I must have a deep understanding of both games before making a review, so that I will have more confidence when I give a bad review to"Battlefield"!"

"It seems to make sense, I'll go play it again……"

What Fang Yun didn't expect was that his simple microblog preview actually boosted the sales of"Battlefield" a little bit...

Three days later.

The platform was completed. Fang Yun opened the initial, which had all the functions. Although there were only two games,"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and"StarCraft", in the game store for the time being, Fang Yun believed that his would sooner or later become the world's largest game platform like"steam" in his previous life!

Fang Yun registered a ID, and the name of the ID was: Yun.

After a simple test, no temple bug was found, so Fang Yun was relieved. Now everything is ready, and he is just waiting for the game to go online in two days!

Here I need to say that games and platforms that need to be connected to the Internet, such as or StarCraft, need the support of servers. The servers in this world are not like the potato servers in the previous life. The technology in this world is advanced, and the server capacity is huge, so there are rarely queues and freezes. At

8 o'clock in the morning two days later, Fang Yun posted another Weibo:

At 12 noon,"StarCraft" will meet you on time! At the same time, a unique game platform,, will be launched. As a platform for online players of StarCraft, my game will be launched on at the same time as it is launched on Game Master. Of course, like other platforms, only an activation code is needed. At

12 noon, StarCraft will be launched on time!

Players who received the notification in the morning downloaded the platform at the same time as purchasing and downloading StarCraft.

Soon, the game was downloaded, and the players couldn't wait to open the game and start their own experience!

"Shit, why can't I build soldiers when I build a barracks in Protoss? Is this game bugged?!"

"Did you put a crystal next to your barracks?"


"How can you build troops without placing crystals next to the barracks? I suggest you read the introduction of the race carefully first!"

"The gap between the races is too big... The Protoss's units are so expensive! The most basic Zealot costs 100 dollars, but the Terran minelayer only costs 75 dollars!"


What Fang Yun didn't expect was that the"limited mechanism" of each race became a very important point to attract players: for example, the buildings of the Zerg are hatched by farmers, and the Protoss must have crystals to build soldiers. Although the Terrans do not have these restrictions, the hookup between the machine gunner and the nurse MM still attracted many players.

Moreover, a very important change of"StarCraft" compared to other RTS games in this world is that two kinds of resources need to be collected!

One is gold mine, which is used to make basic items, and the other is GAS mine (gas mine), which is used to make high-tech soldiers.

The combination of the two is also one of the charms of"StarCraft"!

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