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As soon as the game is opened, the first thing is the opening animation of more than one minute: with a strange background music, a black bird flies to the window on the second floor of an independent house, and the camera cuts in from the window, Wilson in the room is doing an experiment.

Unfortunately, the experiment failed, the beaker exploded, and his handsome hair turned into an afro. Wilson sat in a chair in frustration. At this time, the radio on the table next to the chair suddenly broadcast!

"You seem to be in trouble. I have some secret knowledge to teach you if you are ready to receive them!

Wilson nodded happily.

"OK, then……"

Then a lot of knowledge came out of the radio and was forced into Wilson's brain.

Wilson started the experiment again according to the mysterious knowledge: two mice tied together; gears, nails, welding, and even his own blood!

In the end, he made a strange machine. Looking at the pull rod of the start switch on the machine, Wilson seemed a little hesitant.

""Turn on the switch!"

The radio behind Wilson urged.

Wilson could only pull the lever down, and the machine started to run. At this time, two strange black long hands rose from the ground, rolled up Wilson, and pulled him underground.

The animation ended, and the game screen officially entered!

The style of the main interface seemed to be the same as Fang Yun’s first two mobile games: simple!

The style of the main interface is full of black humor, with five main options: [Adventure Mode] (Single-player Mode) [Online Mode] [My Collection] [Module] [Options] and [Exit].

Of course, in the previous life,"Don't Starve" was divided into two versions: stand-alone and online, and Fang Yun combined the two versions together.

Today, Liu Xin is going to play the online mode with Lu Ziming, so he simply clicked on other options and took a look before exiting. At this time, there is no MOD in [Module], and there is only It is just the adjustment of sound and picture quality, without the adjustment of difficulty. In [My Collection] there are clothes worn by some characters, but there is no place like a store to buy them. I think these clothes need to be obtained from other places.

Click on the online mode and select [Create World]. First, you have to choose the game style: social; cooperative; competitive; crazy.

It would be unacceptable to be beaten by Wei Zi in the first play if the choice is too difficult, so Liu Xin chose a relatively simple option: cooperation.

The game mode selected is [Survival], the number of people is the default (), and then a password is set.

The ground settings and cave settings are all default.

After confirming with Lu Ziming that there is no problem, Liu Xin clicks [Generate World] and the screen changes to enter the reading page: [World is being generated...

Solve the game principle...

Deal with Wendy's twin tails……】

Soon, the loading was finished and the character selection interface was entered: [Wilson] [Willow] [Wolfgang] [Wendy] [WX78] [Wickerbottom] [Woody] [Wes] [Maxwell] [Wigfrid] (Valkyrie!) [Webber] [Winona] [Wally]

Looking at so many optional characters, the two were all tangled up.

Although each character would have a brief introduction if the mouse was placed on it, the introduction seemed specious.

In desperation, they could only ask Fang Yun for help.

After calling Fang Yun, Liu Xin pointed directly at the character on the screen and asked,"Boss Fang, your character's introduction is too much, isn't it? What are the words 'can't speak, it's hard to live, use balloon tricks' and 'can grow a magnificent beard'? What are these?!


"I think it's okay, these are their skills. Wilson's skill is to grow a beard, which can then be shaved off. Wes is a mime actor, a mute, so he can't speak, and it's hard for him to survive. Doesn't this clearly tell you that he is a weakling, which means that his ability is not in combat?"

"So which ones are combat professions? It's our first time playing and I think it's better to choose a more powerful one."

Lu Ziming asked

"Combat professions, [Wolfgang] and [Wigfrid] are very powerful!……"

Before Fang Yun finished speaking, he saw Liu Xin chose Wolfgang and Lu Ziming chose Wigfrid, and then entered the game.

Fang Yun could only shake his head and walked back to the front desk, laughing in his heart:"These two are combat professions, and they are indeed strong men and women, but one is a big eater and gets hungry very quickly, and the other only eats meat. I want to see how you two newbies can solve the food problem.……"

As for Liu Xin, as soon as they entered the game, they found that their characters appeared at the door of a gate!

The style of the game characters is the same as in the previous CG. The color of the game is dark yellow, and the style is a bit like absurd black humor.

Click the mouse, and the character will move with the mouse. Of course, the WASD on the keyboard can also control the movement of the character. Q and E will rotate the perspective. After adapting to some basic operations, the two teamed up to wander around the map.

The sound effects of the entire game are very rich, with footsteps, birds chirping from time to time, and the sound of collecting things, as well as the sound of wind, which makes the two feel that this survival game does not seem to be that difficult.

The elements on the map are very rich: wild berries, carrots, saplings, big trees, thatch, stones, flint, iron ore, etc.

Since both of them are playing for the first time, they did not separate. The two of them swam around the map together and collected all the materials on the ground. Lu Ziming's Valkyrie started with a set of equipment + a Valkyrie-specific spear, while Liu Xin's Wolfgang did not have so many things.

While the two were collecting and opening maps, Liu Xin looked at the function bar on the left side of the screen: [Tools] [Lighting] [Survival] [Science] [Combat] [Clothing], but there were empty spaces between these functions, which might be other options that will appear when the technology is upgraded later.

Looking at the [Tools] column, they now have collected a lot of things and can make an axe, so Liu Xin made an axe directly, and then put the mouse on a big tree next to it, and the word"cut down" was also displayed.

"So this is how you make tools and collect materials, right?" While chopping trees, Liu Xin told Lu

Ziming, who was still collecting resources, about his findings.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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