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"What the hell? What is this?!"

"Is this a Western fantasy movie?"

"The girl with pointy ears should be an elf, right? But why is she dark?"

"Dwarf, elf, minotaur, greenskin, human, what's the other one?"

"Maybe a ghoul?"

"Fang Yun must have spent a lot of money on this CG, right? These special effects seem to be the most advanced ones currently, and it costs several million US dollars to produce one minute!……"

"Huh? There's an English dubbing version? I'll go check it out……"

"Is this the new game trailer? But after watching it for a long time, I still can’t figure out what type of game this is?"

"After reading this [History of Azeroth] posted by Fang Yun, I felt like it didn’t say much. None of the races in the CG were mentioned? Do we have to wait for subsequent updates?"

After watching the CG and the first section of history, players posted on this forum to discuss the content of the CG. However, after a long discussion, they only (probably) confirmed the races that appeared in the CG.

Since no conclusion could be reached, Fang Yun probably wouldn’t answer even if they asked him on Weibo. Players could only communicate with Fang Yun through the"Second Bridge". Unfortunately, Liu Xin, the"Second Bridge", didn’t get anything out of him this time. Fang Yun just replied mysteriously,"Just wait for subsequent updates."" and sent Liu Xin away.

The players only knew that the background story of Fang Yun's new game took place on a continent called Azeroth, and they knew nothing else.

If other designers did this, players might forget about the game in a blink of an eye, but Fang Yun was different. He had done this many times, but every time the games he produced were all masterpieces!

Moreover, this CG can be said to be the best one Fang Yun has ever produced. Even the CG animation of"StarCraft" last year, although it took much longer than this one, there is still some gap in terms of special effects (money)! In the following days, Fang Yun directly exchanged the early plots he recalled into fragments, and then made up a lot of points and exchanged them for the"Warcraft" trilogy from the system. Complete plot!

Fang Yun plans to combine the plots of the three parts of"Warcraft" into one work, and make it a true RTS pinnacle!

As for the subsequent plots, Fang Yun also plans to adopt the method of recall + exchange. After all, this will save a lot of points. There are too many points to exchange for the Warcraft plot! Especially the plot of"World of Warcraft", the plot points of each expansion pack are equivalent to the plot points of a 3A game!

Fang Yun's production team also began to work overtime at this time. It is estimated that"Warcraft" will be completed in less than a month!

Fang Yun has a very fulfilling life these days. He recalls the plot in his mind at work, and occasionally plays StarCraft and competes with a few acquaintances when he relaxes.

But the players seem to be in: because of Fang Yun's background The story update is really...slow, full of loopholes, and incomplete!

Finally, some players refreshed the new content updated by Fang Yun:

The Guardians led the crowd to conquer wave after wave of swarming Enraki, and trudged forward towards the mountainous shape of Y'Shaarj. By the time they captured the holy city and launched an attack on the Old God himself, the fragmented bodies of the Titan creations and the Enraki had already submerged the mountains and lakes.

However, Y'Shaarj was far more powerful than the Guardians imagined, and the spirits of the Titan creations were poisoned by him, and then they became afraid and could no longer see a glimmer of hope.

The Pantheon could not help but worry that their servants would fall into the clutches of the Old Gods, so they temporarily put aside the possible harm to the world and took more direct actions.

Aman'Thul personally broke through the Stormwind of Azeroth.

Aman'Thul saw the Old God's body, and grasped it firmly.

He then twisted his mighty arms and pulled the Old God out of the world.

The huge mass of Y'Shaarj broke apart, and the vast body flew away, shattering countless mountains in an instant, and even the hundreds of Titan creations that were in them were destroyed.

Although Y'Shaarj died, his tendrils penetrated deeper into Azeroth than Aman'Thul had imagined.

Although the Old God was destroyed, he had torn a wound in the surface of Azeroth forever.

Unstable arcane energy - the lifeblood of the newborn Titans - gushed out from this scar and flowed throughout the world.

Unstable arcane energy continued to flow out of this huge rift, washing over the world. The Guardians knew that if they left it alone, the entire Azeroth would be engulfed by this energy sooner or later.

So they worked day and night to create numerous magical barriers around the cracked wounds to stop the gushing lifeblood. With their efforts, the surging energy finally calmed down and returned to balance, leaving only a vast lake full of energy, which the Guardians named"Well of Eternity". After that, this wonderful spring will moisten this haggard world, allowing life to take root and sprout on the entire planet, and then bloom.

"Damn, it’s been a week and Fang Yun only updated the content of these few paragraphs? What’s the difference between this and not updating at all?"

"Update once a week? How many hundreds of words per update? Fang Yun, if you write a novel, I guarantee you will be beaten to death by the readers!"

"I've taken off my pants and you're showing me this?"

"What happened next? Where did the Titans go? A few days ago, it was said that the Titans created Azeroth, but now only the Titans' creations are left?"

"Fang Yun, you out-of-context dog, you haven't changed at all!"

"I have a feeling that what comes next will definitely be the highlight!"


This is the reaction of the players after Fang Yun updated the latest background story on the forum [National Geographic of Azeroth] a week later.

When the players finished reading these, they undoubtedly had many questions: Where did the Titans go? Who are the Guardians? Who are the Old Gods? And so on.

Unfortunately, Fang Yun did not mention any of these things. The players could only hate it, and at the same time, they could only hope that Fang Yun would update the next chapter quickly.

After all, judging from the above paragraph, [Well of Eternity] is undoubtedly a very important thing, and there will definitely be many stories surrounding it in the future. What are the specific stories?

Fang Yun did not say. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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