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As for the setting on the map of"The Elder Scrolls 5", Fang Yun decided to adopt the original work: 120 non-repetitive underground mazes, 9 large-scale cities for players to explore, and although there are roads connecting different areas and locations, players can also choose not to take the usual road. Although it is hard to travel through mountains and rivers, they can appreciate more natural scenery.

Of course, for those lazy players, paid transportation will be provided. You can find a public carriage at any stable in the evening. Talk to the driver to choose the destination and pay the corresponding fee, so that you can save the process of rushing on your own.

The difficulty of the game is divided into six difficulties: novice, apprentice, normal, difficult, master, and legendary. Normal difficulty is the default difficulty of the game.

With different game difficulties, players have different resistance limits, monsters have different blood volume and different resistance, damage is increased, drops become better, and enchanted souls are consumed faster.

Legendary difficulty: skills upgraded to 100 can choose"legendary".

This���Doing so will return the skill value to 15, and the previous Perks will be removed, allowing the player to upgrade again.

This effectively removes the upgrade bottleneck, and the player level will be higher.

At the same time, because the abilities of monsters in the game are related to the player level, when the player level is higher, the enemies are also stronger, and the player's own abilities have not increased (or even regressed), so it is more challenging.

Of course, this legendary difficulty is also a means to increase the life of the game!

《The overall setting of The Elder Scrolls is like this. Fang Yun has already spent points to redeem the content of the plot chapters from the system, and also redeemed a medium-sized production team for RPG games!

The next step is the boring production process. Warcraft is a big hit online, but Qu Xiaoyi and Guan Tao found that Fang Yun did not seem to care about the sales of Warcraft, but was lying in the VR theater on the second floor all day, playing something.

That's right, Fang Yun has been playing VR games in this world these days. After all, in the previous life, VR had just emerged, and there was no large-scale game. Even Fang Yun did not understand the VR industry, so this is one of the reasons why Fang Yun has not been involved in VR.

Now, Warcraft and Starcraft have been launched and have been successful. When The Elder Scrolls is launched, Fang Yun's reputation on the PC side will definitely increase again. It is time to try the deep waters of the VR industry!

After a few days of experience, Fang Yun always felt that VR games seemed to lack a little meaning, because the online game novels in the previous life all said: xxVR games are the second world of human beings, but Fang Yun did not experience the feeling of the second world in this game cabin.

In the past few days, Fang Yun has been playing various types of games on the VR surface. He has experienced FPS, but it seems to be no different from playing CS on PC. He has also experienced MMORPG, and there is no feeling of"second world" at all. However, there is one thing, that is, the pictures of these VR games are very beautiful!

In addition... Fang Yun can't find any other advantages...

A few days of experience made Fang Yun feel that he was a bit of a waste of time. In order to concentrate on experiencing VR. Fang Yun even failed to update the latest news on [National Geographic Azeroth] on time...

As a result, he is now being criticized by many players who are waiting for updates. In the eyes of the players, Fang Yun has evolved from a dog who breaks chapters to a dog who breaks updates!

"This is too miserable.……"

Fang Yun glanced at the reply, quickly uploaded the latest content, and then closed the post.

At this time, the [Professional League] once again approached Fang Yun and asked him for the authorization of the"Warcraft" professional league. Just like before, Fang Yun decisively gave the authorization.

"《It will take about one and a half to two months for The Elder Scrolls to be launched online. This vacuum period is not suitable for launching too many games. Now is almost time to prepare for the first WCG!"

Fang Yun calmed down and thought about the current plan silently.

Fang Yun's game production speed is undoubtedly very fast. This time, he only exchanged for the intermediate production team of"The Elder Scrolls" because he didn't want to do it too fast. It's fast to produce a game in more than a month, but it's not a good phenomenon to have too many games.

Fang Yun wanted to control the rhythm, so during the two-month vacuum period, WCG, which he had thought about before, was undoubtedly a good choice!

First of all, Fang Yun contacted the [Professional League]. After all, the venue is a big problem for hosting a competition. The Professional League can solve this problem very well. They have a professional large-scale offline competition venue in Magic City. Fang Yun only needs to pay a certain rent, and the operation (ticket security facilities and the like) will be entirely the responsibility of the Professional League.

After successfully renting the venue, Fang Yun contacted the [World Professional Competition Committee]. Every company that hosts a world event needs to report here. At the same time, the [World Professional Competition Committee] will also provide corresponding support such as referees. Of course, this costs money. Fang

Yun contacted them for one purpose, one, to report, and the other, to rent a batch of"StarCraft" from them. After all, this is a world-class competition, and the players come from all over the world. The referees also need to be very knowledgeable, and at least they need to know several foreign languages. Otherwise, if the players have any problems, the referees will be confused.

Since Fang Yun is now a very famous designer, and the professionalization of StarCraft has a bright future, the [World Professional Competition Committee] responded quickly, and a large number of highly educated referees are ready!

After doing all this, Fang Yun opened the background of the [Battlenet] platform and edited the announcement:

Yunmeng Entertainment Company is about to hold Organize WCG (World Cyber Games)!

Game competition items:"StarCraft" game prize money: 1 million prize money for the final 32, 2 million for the top 16, 4 million, 48 million for the top 8, 15 million for the runner-up, and 50 million for the champion!

Participation restrictions: You need to register here to participate in the auditions. The auditions adopt the competition system of the [Battlenet] online competition. There is no limit on registration. 128 people enter the offline competition. The offline competition is held at the XX sub-competition venue in Shanghai. The BO3 single-elimination system is adopted to determine the final 32.

The knockout round after the top 32 adopts a double-elimination system, a BO3 competition system, and the finals adopt a BO5 competition system to determine this year's"StarCraft" champion!

Note: The champion has the opportunity to personally fight with"StarCraft" designer Fang Yun! Don't underestimate Fang Yun's strength!

Registration link: XXXX release! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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