Chapter 2 2. I need more spells


Croya didn't expect that he could actually succeed in one attempt. He was quite lucky. Moreover, the description of this engraving seems very interesting.

The first is that it can follow his orders to attack - then can we think that it will give birth to its own spirituality?

Secondly, you can accumulate the power of Yang Yan. The longer you accumulate it, the stronger your attack power will be. Where is the upper limit? How powerful is the attack power?

Also, it can improve the spell model as it grows. Does this mean that it can optimize spells and become more powerful? You must know that the optimization of any spell is a huge project.

As a result, can it be optimized as long as it grows?

Is this the power of nature?

Finally, it can store the power of Yang Yan, or it is stored in the seeds.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to... solar energy?

You must know that although mages can build wizard towers, and then build magic pools through various magic circles to draw power directly from the atmosphere, sunlight, and even the elemental world.

But that can only be done by a high-level mage.

It is really wishful thinking for a first-level mage to want to do this.

But now looking at the description, a sunflower like this is enough!

There is no need for him to watch over it all the time. The sunflower itself can absorb the power of the sun's heat, and it can also be stored in the seeds and used at any time.

If we collect mature seeds, we can obtain solar energy stably. Wouldn't it be equivalent to planting a field of fire-attributed magic crystals?

Solar energy is endless.

Isn't it more reliable than any magic vein or magic crystal?

"This car is too slow, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

When he thought of this, he couldn't wait to plant it himself, and then see if the mature sunflowers really had this magical effect.

Ordinary sunflowers can bloom in about sixty days, but this magic plant can shorten it to twenty days.

If there is enough magic power and special potion stimulation, it can be even faster - he happens to know a potion that helps magic plants grow!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help knocking on the window and asked outside: "Rob, how long will it take to reach Hanjiao Island?"

Hanjiao Island is his territory.

It is an island with a thousand hectares marked on the map. This area is really quite small for a mage. Normally, a first-level mage dispatched would have 5,000 hectares of land as a fiefdom.

If you have some connections, everything will be no problem.

Croya's is directly one-fifth of the usual standard. Not to mention that it is still an island, and there is always the possibility of invasion by the sea tribe.

The population is even pitifully small, with only about a hundred households.

The place is small, the population is small, the geographical location is not good, the products are probably not very rich, and there are no magic mineral veins. It can be said to be an exile in the true sense.

It's no wonder that the original owner died in depression. The gap is indeed too great.

The butler who had been driving the carriage outside the window heard his inquiry and immediately responded: "Master, it will take another day. We don't need to rest tonight. We can arrive at noon tomorrow.

Hearing the voice, Croya immediately recalled the image of a middle-aged man who was meticulous and wearing a slim waistcoat. He was the kind of person who looked very reliable at first glance.

In fact, this is the case. The butler named Rob was bought by the original owner along with his son when he was selecting knights. It is said that he was still a down-and-out nobleman.

He manages things with extra care and also knows a lot of knowledge.

He was grateful to Cloya for saving him and his son.

In addition, the original owner's temperament is a bit kind for a mage, he is quite good to the knights and his subordinates, and he is bound by a contract...

In short, for various reasons, it seems to be quite loyal.

Cloya is very generous to people who can help her do things, and who are sure to be loyal and trustworthy.

Although he is a mage, he really needs someone to help him to control the territory and open up the situation as soon as possible.

He decided to give a small benefit.

He smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Rob. Please tell a few knights that I will prepare a magic bath after arriving in the territory to relieve fatigue and improve their physical fitness.

It can be regarded as a small reward for coming here with me. "

He doesn't feel bad at all when using the original owner's things. Besides, it's just right to win over people's hearts. The magic bath consumes only one magic crystal.

As long as I can help him do things better.

The interest relationship may be more stable than a simple master-servant relationship.

Steward Robert sighed slightly when he heard his promise, feeling that his young mage master was too kind.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been forced out of the royal capital through intrigues.

He replied thoughtfully: "Thank you for your generosity. However, Master, the tax revenue from Hanjiao Island is not likely to be very large. You still have to leave some magic crystals for yourself."

A very sincere tone and suggestion. The output of magic crystals in remote areas is almost zero. It is really difficult for mages to have no power without magic crystals.

‘This butler is really good, he also knows how to remind me. ’

Croya felt a little emotional that he was actually willing to refuse the benefit of the magic bath to improve his own strength. It would actually improve himself and also get rid of hidden diseases.

It is one of the main needs of knights to follow mages.

But since he wanted to give it, he couldn't let the butler refuse - the key was to win over the other knights as well. The emotional card had to be played, as did the interest card.

"You need to take good care of your body so that you can help me better. It is said that there are sea creatures on Hanjiao Island, and your strength is needed.

Robert, just listen to me."

He ended with a sentence, and Robert could only agree - of course he was very happy in his heart, and the magic bath was indeed a very useful way to improve strength.

It is better to follow a generous and kind lord than a harsh and stingy lord.

He decided to train his son and the other three knights more and let them help Cloya more. After all, after leaving the capital together, they were deeply bound to Cloya and could never be separated.


In the following day, Cloya used all his magic power to perform the Star Spirit Burning Spell. He successfully burned the remaining eleven sunflower seeds with the second-level spell "Sun Ray".

The reason why it was so fast was that there was no need to build a spell model and guide magic power in the outside world, which was equivalent to simulating spell casting.

His understanding of this spell has reached a new level.

The instructions for the Star Body Imprinting show that it seems that not all magic plants and magic beasts are applicable. Only special magic plants or magic beasts can be used.

So he didn't plan to keep the seeds.

At worst, he would buy some more seeds at that time. Special seeds must be treated specially and all transformed.

The transformed magic plants will definitely make more money than ordinary crops. With money, everything will be easy.

These sunflowers are all thirsty for fire, and have no other meanings. He tried to cast water arrows and other spells, but there was no effect.

He ignored it directly.

Other fire magics were also tried, but there was no mysterious feeling that fit well.

In the end, he could only record the "Sun Ray".

During this period, he experienced the feeling of being drained of magic power recovery, and also carefully combed through the spells he controlled.

As a result, he found that the original body's talent was really a bit poor-he controlled ten first-level spells and only two second-level spells.

Compared with other first-level mages, it was really a medium-to-low level. No wonder no teacher spoke for him when he was kicked out. If he is really a genius, the Royal Capital Association will definitely not let him go.

What's more helpless is that you have to master the corresponding magic to be able to imprint through the astral body imprinting technique.

For example, you need to master the sun rays before you can imprint on the astral body of the sunflower. Otherwise, how can you succeed if you don't know magic?

So Kloya could only start learning very hard.

The only consolation is that his mental strength and comprehension are not bad. The original owner also brought several thick books, which are all first-level and second-level spell models and magic, which are definitely enough for him to study for a long time.

In this way, time passed quickly while studying and imprinting, and he came to the pier leading to Hanjiao Island, which is also part of Hanjiao Island.

The former lord was welcoming his arrival here.

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