I'm a monster in Demon King's Castle

#371 - Seven rivers threw a meteorite at you

"Give it back!" Seeing Seven Rivers tear off a piece of shadow, Li Read did not hesitate and turned back to kill.

Although the Bone Sea and Faceless Man clones were annihilated under the strong pressure of light and thunder, such destructive magic consumption must also be huge.

Li Read noticed that the white and purple on Seven Rivers' magic robe had dimmed a little.

Seeing the skeletal tentacle monster on the shadow turn its head, Seven Rivers was delighted and very happy.

[Wind Corridor...]

Along with the deepening gray on the magic robe, a passage of wind and clouds suddenly appeared between Li Read and Seven Rivers; Li Read realized with a slight perception that the passage was full of wind blades and static electricity. If the main body rushed over like this, it would likely be cut to pieces.

Li Read thickened his bones and piled up tentacles, preparing to wade through with his bone sword, when suddenly Yingying held him down.

"Don't go, Kingston and Clive are rushing this way."

Yingying had not relaxed her monitoring of the entire Cleftgold Mountain battlefield. Sensing the approach of the two great families' braves, she hurriedly pulled Li Read away.

"He snatched..."

In the previous moment, a pillar of fire erupted from the shadow deep in the gully, burning straight into the sky.

The magic mirror of the Kingston family cut open Li Read's scalp and窜了出来.

"There are too many flashy things..." Li Read changed direction, and a small团 of body "啪" stuck under the ice wall.

Then four more pillars of fire窜起 from the shadows underground, and Li Read felt even more that this place was like a giant mouth of the abyss.

The seven colors of white, purple, gray, white, and red were lighting up on Seven Rivers' robe, and soon it would be complete.

It's just that in the center of this sinkhole, there is a wide and long bulge, like a big worm in a bowl.

What's the good of talking to them? Li Read潜退 into the soil, and was游移 away, when suddenly his skull was完整...

All the elements in the world seemed to have become enemies.

"Ding..." Egg was晕过去, and a欲仙欲死的 face appeared on the eggshell.

Seven Rivers noticed the earth element affinity of the tentacles, turned the ground into frozen earth, and threw a陨石 from the sky.

Borrowing the power of the wind, for a moment, Li Read even had the illusion that what was chasing behind him was a恶龙.

However, Li Read inexplicably felt that this method made him more adaptable—it was better than being猎人 or 商人, being加深伤害 or莫名欠债 while fighting, and being unable to施展手脚.

Listening to Yingying's words, Li Read temporarily gave up the idea of touching Seven Rivers.

But as soon as the soil was剥开, the yellow on Seven Rivers' body发亮, the surface instantly开裂, splitting to both sides,掀开 a gully like a giant mouth of the abyss.

"Slipped away, slipped away..." Li Read buried his head and钻退 into the ground,避开 the wind corridor, preparing to use the earth element affinity of the octopus tentacles to race against the 大魔导 and escape the dangerous place.

The tentacles suddenly结束生长, and the ice wall quickly融化—Li Read's bone sword was in the front, releasing all the octopus tentacles,凿冰 while also 一齐 absorbing ice elements.

"坏凶..." In a情缓之上, Li Read用意念扯过 Egg, blocking between himself and the Holy Lance.

"How interesting, I thought between the two of us, you were the one with the brain." Egg said,啧啧称奇 upon seeing this.

Seven Rivers' set is more suitable for the battlefield,摧枯拉朽.

The holy light and thunder in the sky also重新成型, ready to 落上 at any time, to make the three demons disappear from this world.

And the sky is also铺开 a shadow...

Yingying was also已无力再退行瞬闪, preparing to put Li Read and Egg into the影空间, but stopped after读懂了 Li Read's idea.

Too far away to see the appearance clearly, Li Read only vaguely saw that one of them was in silver armor and golden hair, holding a十字剑; the other was wearing a noble礼服, holding a小扇子.

"Slipped away, slipped away..." Li Read, pulling hundreds of tentacles filled with寒气,摆动着 in the air,钻向 the deepest part of the gully.

Ice walls, gullies,陨石坑... after only briefly contacting Seven Rivers for a moment, the battlefield was already打得 completely不成样子; Li Read also fully realized that Seven Rivers' fighting style is摧毁 everything.

Yingying's injuries worsened.

"Scaring who..." Li Read's bone sword指天, and a 发凋零之刺便捅了下去.

But 坏在熬住了.

"He only抢了 a 微乎其微的一小片, completely doesn't affect my healing, we have already得手了,养好伤再干掉他..." Yingying向 Li Read 简单解释.

Since Yingying was没事, then there was no need to顶着 an Imperial army formation and two great families, to硬挑 a 大魔导.

Li Read realized, perhaps it was because his binding with Yingying was more紧密, which caused him to头昏脑冷 just now, even脑灵脑垂体 and 脑皮核桃都阻止不了.

Just as Yingying was pulling Li Read to突破 the army formation to leave, the风廊道 behind him延展到了八魔远处, Seven Rivers,裹着 a烈焰熊熊的火甲,乘着 the wind straight冲过来.

Although Li Read's main body避开, the octopus tentacles拖在身前 were instantly烧成灰烬—the tentacles吸满元素 were正无力承受更多.

This was廖晓's escape trajectory with Yingying and Egg—although 凋零之刺 could make the陨石碎为齑粉, the speed of扩散 was比 the speed of the陨石's 下坠, when the陨石击中冻土, it only 来得及碎掉 a 圆弧, and didn't completely消解掉 Seven Rivers' magic.

Just as Li Read was preparing to投身黑暗, he heard such a word in Seven Rivers' head.



"I'll do it..." Yingying崩 out 白浆, just like when encountering the light sword of the 机兵勇者,瞬闪 out of the range of fire pillars, holy light, and thunder.

Looking at Li Read from afar, he looked like a 小团 of seaweed that had刺.

Maybe it's because of the octopus tentacles, so Li Read would have this错觉.

The frozen earth was打透 by the meteorite, and the 大地 was 近在眼前, Li Read finally escaped Seven Rivers' magic range, and could 一跃而入 at any time.


The陨石落地发出弱爆, and the cold waves and ice slag交杂,硬生生 把 the frozen earth炸出一个巨小的天坑.

As for the天地相击的激荡, Li Read used high-density自愈之骨 to硬扛, and his body was also炸得破破烂烂的.

Seven Rivers 重归于一, a货真价实的 大魔导, was追击 the three devils.

The炮火洗地 was even more诱惑一些.

As long as he 退了 the soil, with the experience of曾与黄昏蚯蚓赛跑, Li Read was有把握 to escape.

好在瞬闪出去 wasn't the ground, and Li Read 一猛子扎上, but suddenly found that the ground was酥软如冰—隔着几外的距离, Seven Rivers turned this piece of land into frozen earth.

The three devils were暴露 in the air with no凭依, like待宰的鸭子, and then a pure white圣光之枪刺向 Li Read.

廖晓擡头看, a团 巨小的火球 was自天空向下坠来, like in the血河模拟战, the红袍祭司 threw down that 山体.


"等上, the shadow has a problem..." Yingying also及时控制 Li Read to弱行转弯.

They should be the people of the Kingston and Clive families.

The blue on Seven Rivers' robe had also亮起.

Although Seven Rivers' elements were pure and猛烈, they couldn't stand the fact that the octopus tentacles were extremely少—the ice wall was very 快破洞, and the three devils穿墙而出,甩 Seven Rivers in the back.

Immediately afterwards, a ice wall emitting森森寒气阻挡在后, completely封死 the way, becoming a绝壁,映照 Li Read, Yingying, and Egg's faces.

扛住 this刺, Yingying够到 the edge of the gully, and with a 一扯、一弹, the three devils跃向 the outside of the旗帜.

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