Bi Diao's wind not only blows away the stench, the wind helps the fire, but also makes the fire spirit's flames more intense.

The flame lasted for ten seconds and then dissipated.

Bi Diao stopped the fan as the flame dissipated.

Zhou Jiang looked.

I saw that the rock walls and passages in front of the fire elves had been burned to red, and the small gravel on the ground had been melted and turned into a pool of red liquid.

A lot of red liquid names gathered in front of the big rocks on the ground, these were all burned by the flames!

But there was no shadow of the Rockets and the Elves.

Even the Rockets members who had been knocked to the ground before disappeared.

Of course Zhou Jiang would not think that their burnt ashes were gone, even if people would, but what about the elves?

Those elves in this kind of flames, at best, are burned all over and lose the ability to fight, how can they not even leave a shadow.

"Big-mouthed bat, noise!"

The eight voices rang together, and eight big-mouthed bats also flew out from behind a huge rock.

Zhou Jiang just wanted to give those Rockets a few hard hits.

Use [Noise] in the cave, Nima!

Do you want to die?

[Noise] is put in the cave, the sound is absolutely powerful!

And it's still used by eight elves, so you don't have to do it like this. Maybe this cave collapsed, everyone will die here...


Just as Huahuo asked the Fire Elf to stop it, and the other people threw the Elf Ball one after another, a grimace appeared in front of the eight supersonic bats!

Then the eyes of Grimace instantly turned red, and the eight big-mouthed bats that were about to use [Noise] stopped instantly, and then they crackled like dumplings, and all the big-mouthed bats fell to the ground!

For the sudden change, not only the Rockets members were shocked, but also the people on their side.

However, Zhou Jiang was not idle, and gave Guisi a wink. In an instant, the eight Rocket members also fought with their eyelids and stepped into the footsteps of the Bigmouth Bat.

The eight Sparrows next to the Rockets saw their trainer collapsed for a while and then screamed angrily and attacked Guisi.

Guisi laughed, then disappeared.

The Spears rushed into the air, and after they couldn't find the ghosts, they screamed angrily and then attacked Zhou Jiang and others.

However, the fire elves are not vegetarian.

One move [Flame Vortex] trapped eight spearfishes in the flames, making them afraid to move.

At the right moment, the ghost came out again and hypnotized the sparrows with [Hypnotism].

After getting all the elves, the team members ran up, and after paying their elves, they skillfully **** the Rockets and set them aside.

After getting it done, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he released the ghost last night just in case, otherwise it would be too late if he lost the poke ball.

Turning his head, watching them skillfully tying the ropes, Zhou Jiang was a little curious about how they exercised...

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and a bold idea emerged in his mind...

I glanced aside, although my body is not good, but my face is extremely beautiful...


Zhou Jiang suddenly felt a breath of crisis, and quickly turned his head to the side. At this time, sparks also frowned. They turned their heads, and saw Zhou Jiang looking at other places, and the strange feeling disappeared before wondering. Turned his head.

Does it feel wrong?

I don't know what Miss Huahuo thinks.

Zhou Jiang was relieved when he saw Huahuo not looking at him, and the feeling of crisis disappeared.

When Hua Huo turned around and stared at himself before, Zhou Jiang felt a deep chill.

Zhou Jiang once again thanked this world for not being able to cultivate immortals.

Otherwise Zhou Jiang will really die under the sword qi...

Zhou Jiang, who looked back, didn't dare to look and think again, if he was discovered...

Will be beaten to death...

It didn't take long for all the Rockets members to be **** and they continued to rush in.

"Big Needle Bee, poison blow!"

"Pointing to the gun!"


Along the way, from time to time a Rocket team jumped out to block the way, and the farther behind, the more people and the higher the elf level.

Even encountered two elite seniors.

However, those Rockets were paper-cut in front of everyone and were easily defeated.

You must know that the league's inspection team was set up specifically to deal with evil organizations such as the Rockets.

There are five levels within the organization.

White, green, blue, purple, gold!

These five levels also represent the five strength stages

The white ones are the elite, the green ones are the elite intermediate, and then the elite high, the quasi-king and the king!

City X and City L are relatively remote areas, so there are not many prosecutors with a purple level.

There is only one in City X, which needs to be guarded. Although there is only one in City L, the fireworks just happened to go there to do the task, so the fireworks were sent over.

In this operation, in addition to the purple prosecutors, there were more than 30 blue prosecutors ~ The rest were all more than 50 and all were green!

This is an elite team!

Coupled with the number advantage, they can easily deal with these miscellaneous fish!

Along the way, most of them were Zhou Jiang and Huahuo.

Zhou Jiang did not expect that the combat power of the people inside was so weak, they were basically hovering at the elite middle level.

He sent a big needle bee and could basically sweep it.

Defeating the elves of the Rockets, I don't know why they got so many points.

For example, defeating an elite mid-level big-mouthed bat, Zhou Jiang won 50 points!

If it were wild elves, it would only be thirty!

So easy to get a lot of points, Zhou Jiang really loves the Rockets!

Of course, Zhou Jiang also has some dissatisfaction.

After Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee had killed the first elf, Hua Huo didn't know what was the brain twitching, so he let the fire elf go up and grab experience with Zhou Jiang!

It's not to solve the other things, but to grab the big needle bee!

And along the way, she stared straight at herself from time to time.

If there are Ruowu's unemotional eyes, Zhou Jiang really feels very uncomfortable, but he can't say it directly...

Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee's current strength and speed are probably comparable to the level of the King of Heaven.

At the beginning, when Zhou Jiang sent the Big Needle Bee, Hua Huo didn't care about it.

When they reach their level, they all look at the "origin."

Whether the elves have understood and touched the origin, they can easily see that Zhou Jiang's big needle bee obviously has not touched the origin.

But the moment Big Needle Bee swung her gun, she was shocked!

With one blow, a big hole was opened directly on the rock wall! And the whole cave began to shake, this is really a monster!

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