As he walked, Zhou Jiang thought about the origin of the little girl.

There is still a short distance from City B, and it should be impossible for the little girl to reach here from there alone.

Even Zhoujiang’s trekking takes about four to five days. That's when Zhoujiang has spirits.

Without elves, it is possible to encounter some elves' pranks even if you are walking on the official road.

Plus, it’s not close to the official road. She shouldn’t be able to get here from that far away. This little girl didn’t carry anything on her body, so she couldn’t believe her...

Wait, is she looking for food and water to enter it?

After all, she didn't even carry anything like a kettle.

But who would let such a small child come from a place so far from City B?


In other words... from the previous village?

If you extrapolate from time, it might be the same?

The information tortured from "Uncle Lin" is also included. They came here about a week ago and controlled the villagers.

Maybe it was when the members of the Galaxy Group controlled these villagers that the little girl's parents thought of a way to send her out and ask her to go to City T or City B for help?

Zhou Jiang thought for a while and felt that this possibility was very high. After all, Zhou Jiang couldn't think of anyone letting a little girl into the forest alone.

Bringing the girl back to the camp, La Lulas gently placed the **** the ground and many elves gathered around and looked at the girl curiously.

Zhou Jiang walked towards the small bowl placed on the ground.

Seeing a lot of fruit missing in the bowl, Zhou Jiang's mouth was slightly tilted, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at Qingteng Snake, and the little fellow Qingteng Snake also secretly looked back at him.

Seeing the little guy's cautious look, Zhou Jiang's mood improved a lot.

Zhou Jiang carried the small bowl and came to the little guy. The little guy had been staring at the little girl who fell on the ground with a guilty conscience and did not dare to turn his head to look at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang did not speak, put the bowl next to it, and then took out some kitchen utensils from the backpack and started to cook.

The salad was given to the Qingteng Snake guy, and he didn't eat much, and the little girl was probably hungry and fainted, so she could just cook together.

Considering how weak her body is now, Zhou Jiang did not cook but cooked some meat porridge.

Even if the white porridge is Zhou Jiang, he can't eat it. Meat porridge is almost the same, and the little girl now eats the same meat porridge and white porridge...

After putting everything in the pot and boiled, Zhou Jiang came to sit next to the little girl, and then let the many elves who were idle and painful run to play with his own.

The little fire dragon still exercises. If the other elves are a little idle and bored, they will be the little fire dragon's sparring partners, or they will lie down not far away.

Only the little fellow Qingteng Snake does not go, nor does he go, just standing here watching the little girl.

Zhou Jiang sighed, picked up the bowl next to it, and then handed it to its hand.

"I have done a lot of this, can you please help me to solve it? I am asking you~"


The Qingteng Snake had his hands on his hips, and then "Stagastaga" "reprimanded" Zhou Jiang. When Zhou Jiang was confused, the little guy picked up the small bowl with a rattan whip and left...

Zhou Jiang shook his head helplessly as he watched the little guy walking with his tail flicking.

Tsundere is sick, he can be cured!

Zhou Jiang looked down at the little girl, sighed and took out a new towel from the backpack, and then let Menus soak the little girl's body with water.

Of course, even though Zhou Jiang is a lo*ic*n, she is not yet frantic. She just wiped her face, hands and legs to wipe off those mud stains.

Looking at the dark towel, Zhou Jiang shook his head and asked Little Fire Dragon to solve it.

Zhou Jiang looked down at the little girl's face, wondering why there was always a familiar feeling...

Although he is blind, he would not feel familiar when he saw a person, so where did he really meet her?

Looking at the little girl's face, Zhou Jiang was lost in thought.

Where have you seen it?

street? TV? poster? video?



Suddenly, Zhou Jiang remembered.

Isn't this **** the little girl in the photo I saw in the house occupied by "Uncle Lin".

Although the cheeks are sunken, the complexion is yellow, and the hair is messy, they still look alike.

Now Zhou Jiang thought about that, and after careful comparison according to his memory, he realized that this might really be the little girl.

In other words, I really guessed this. This is the people in the small village. When the Yinhe regiment arrested and imprisoned them, the little girl's parents didn't know what method they used to make her escape.

Maybe she wanted her to go to City B to find Miss Junsha or meet passers-by asking for help. Who would have thought that this little guy was actually lost in the forest. If it weren’t discovered by his own big needle bee, I guess this little guy would have been I'm going to starve to death in it!

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang watched her eyes more and more For about a week, I don’t know how much this little guy has suffered. He stayed alone in the dark forest at night, for sure. Scared...

It’s really not easy to survive loneliness and fear while also worrying about the safety of your parents...

"Guru Guru~"

Over there, the porridge in the pot had already begun to roll, Zhou Jiang got up and went over to put out the fire, and then moved the big pot to the side of the little guy.

Since she is hungry, let her smell the scent of food, so maybe she will wake up sooner?

Zhou Jiang had no medical knowledge, and he did not dare to "travel long distances" with her casually.

It takes more than an hour to walk from here to the nearest village, and it takes more than half an hour for Bibi to fly over. Zhou Jiang can't guarantee that something will happen to the little **** the road, so let's give her something to eat first.

As long as she wakes up, she is safe, Zhou Jiang has nothing to do with her, only hope that her life will be greater.

Zhou Jiang served her a bowl of porridge and put it on the side of her head to let the smell drift into her nose.

Later, Zhou Jiang also served himself a bowl.

The porridge is not delicious, I don't know if it is for my own reasons or because I can't burn it.

But even if it was not tasty, he still had to eat when he was hungry. Zhou Jiang could only eat warmly while taking small bites.


Suddenly, Zhou Jiang stopped his movements and looked at the little girl.

I saw the little girl frowning, chattering constantly, her eyelids kept moving but she seemed to be unable to open her eyes.

Zhou Jiang quickly put down the bowl in his hand, then picked up the bowl beside her and put it in front of her in a low voice.

"Get up for dinner~ I'm eating~ Deep-fried prawn crispy tenderloin sweet and sour pork ribs..."

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