After staying around the bonfire for a long time, Zhou Jiang came to his senses when he saw Laluras’s concerned eyes. He looked at the many elves who looked at him worriedly. Zhou Jiang smiled and rubbed their heads one by one. After rubbing, tell them they don’t need to worry.

Then Zhou Jiang smiled and set up energy cubes for them.

Well, of course Zhou Jiang did not forget the fruit salad of Qingteng Snake, and the "Fun Pills" of Guisi...

Seeing Zhou Jiang so generously giving himself a "pill pill", Guisi looked surprised.

You are afraid that you have changed a **** shovel officer, it is so generous today!

Seeing Guisi's surprised expression, Zhou Jiang smiled awkwardly and motioned to take it to eat.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang almost treated it as cheap labor before...

Even the food it likes requires it to fight monsters on its own to get points to eat.

Of course, the ghosts do not think so, after all, they do not know the existence of the system.

They just thought Zhou Jiang was training ghosts.

After all, Guisi is only 16th level, and has not even experienced a stage of evolution.

Although they don't know, it doesn't prevent this from being Zhou Jiang stingy.

Now think about it, the points are earned for them.

The "Fun Pill" that attracts ghosts is not a life form, but a kind of energy, so it is sold in the system, but the big needle bees like...

But Big Needle Bee likes sweet honey-like things. Zhou Jiang doesn't have these things, and there is no system. It can only make Big Needle Bee feel wronged.


In the end, with the exception of Guisi, Qingteng Snake and Bibi Bird, Zhou Jiang couldn't get the "small desserts" that other elves like to eat except for the energy cube. They could only look at Zhou Jiang enviously for them. Supper.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang promised them that he would supply them after the next city, which comforted them.

Said that they are, in fact, Menus and La Luras.

La Roulas is okay, little girl, who likes to act like a baby.

What Menus said...

Recently, I don’t know why, but I always look different from Qingteng Snake.

Two snakes...

and many more!

Menus is male, and Ivy Snake is female...


Did I find something!

Zhou Jiang looked at the Qingteng Snake eating with relish, until the Qingteng Snake felt something, frowned and looked at Zhou Jiang's side, and Zhou Jiang quickly withdrew his gaze.

The green vine snake who found nothing naturally continued to lower his head to eat the fruit salad.

Secretly glanced at the Qingteng Snake, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief when he found it continued to eat, then got up and started cooking his own meal.

Zhou Jiang did his own rice very casually, so he made an omelet rice...

Of course, it’s omelet rice, but actually that egg...

What should I say.

It's all lumps, and then put it on top of the rice, this should be counted...

After eating, Zhou Jiang hugged La Lulas, touched the head of Menus's dog, and spent two or three hours with the elves by the campfire, and then got into the tent when the campfire was about to go out.

Tomorrow we will move towards City B.

And after getting there...

Feiyu Gymnasium, wait for me!

All night well.

Zhou Jiang woke up early the next morning.

To be honest, he was a little scared when he fell asleep. After all, this was the first time he fell asleep in the wild outside of that small village. If he was awakened by a nightmare again...

Fortunately, everything was normal, which also let Zhou Jiang breathe a sigh of relief.

But now that he was awake, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to continue sleeping.

After eating breakfast with many elves, we sat on the bank of the river quietly waiting for the sunrise.

To be honest, staying with these elves, Zhou Jiang feels unprecedented peace and security.

Touching the head of La Lulas in his arms, the corners of Zhou Jiang's mouth cocked slightly.

The sun slowly rises, and the warm yellow brilliance shines on the earth, driving away the darkness and darkness, bringing light and warmth.

Seeing the elves cheering behind him, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but smile. After they disappeared, they cleaned up and set off.

This departure will be a new beginning!


Miss Joey, please open me a single room, thank you.

Zhou Jiang handed over the ID card, Miss Joey nodded, scanned the machine and quickly typed it on the computer before handing over the room key.

"Hello, your room is 201. Turn left and then right here. The first room is your room."

"Thank you!"

Zhou Jiang took the room card and ID card, then put on his backpack and walked in the direction pointed by Miss Joey.

This is already the fourth day after watching the sunrise that day.

Since Zhou Jiang didn't go too deep into the forest this time, but only walked around the periphery, there was no special encounter other than some wild elves and passerby trainers who were looking for someone to fight against.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang was on his way, except for the evening and dinner time, and fighting with passersby.

After all, there is nothing worth stopping on the road, and wild elves are relatively popular.

After opening the room with the room key, Zhou Jiang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking out a set of clothes from the backpack, Zhou Jiang went to the shower to take a bath.

It is impossible for the river to extend towards City B all the time. Zhou Jiang encountered a turn very early and then he could only say goodbye to the river with the pain.

The forest is so big that there is no river that extends towards City B. Every night, Zhou Jiang, who was sweating all over, could only let Menus wet himself with a water gun to make himself feel better.

After taking a relaxing shower, Zhou Jiang threw his clothes into the washing machine and then put on his backpack and went out.

It is morning, and after dinner, Zhou Jiang is going to challenge the Feiyu Gymnasium!

This is the first time Zhou Jiang has challenged the gym. I hope he can perform better.

Yes, I hope Zhou Jiang will perform better.

Zhou Jiang intends to let Little Fire Dragon and Guisi play.

Zhou Jiang is not afraid of losing.

If you only challenge the students, you only need to draw one among the many students and have a 3V3 competition. If you challenge the owner of the museum...

Because some gymnasium owners sometimes go to other places to handle things, they need challengers to challenge all the trainees and defeat them, and then go over and officially play against the museum owners the next day.

This can also prevent too many incompetent novice trainers from harassing the museum owners.

After all, many people who have just entered college or just graduated from college, have a little grade, and are very good among their peers. They will challenge the owner for pretending or miscellaneous reasons.

However, they can't even beat the students studying in the gym...

After finding the gymnasium by navigation, Zhou Jiang got on the bus and headed there.

Daoguan is the facade and patron saint of a city. The place where it is basically located is very large. After all, there will be many people here.

Before long, Zhou Jiang got outside the gymnasium.

Looking at the huge buildings behind the huge plaza across the road, Zhou Jiang once again had doubts about the gymnasium.

Isn't this really a huge shopping mall...

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