The wind speed dog came back to his senses, looking at the little brothers frantically rushing around, with a look of bewilderment.

Who am I, where am I, what happened?

It stared at the small square on the ground for two seconds, then tentatively opened its mouth and bit towards it...

"Hey, another crazy one..."

The little fire horse snorted and shook his head helplessly.


Suddenly, the little fire horse caught a glimpse of the wind speed dog who was lowering his head, and its target was an energy cube on the ground!

"No! Boss!!!"


The many elves who were eating melons listened to the hoarse voice of the little fire horse, and looked at it reflexively and then looked forward...

! ! !





The energy cube that was originally just biting on the teeth, because the wind speed dog was stunned, he was crushed directly without controlling his strength, and then it was accidentally... swallowed...




I saw the wind speed dog roar to the sky, and then joined the army fighting for the energy cube with bright eyes. The other elves who were squeezed by their large size and strong strength had no place to eat...

"It's over, it's really over, even the boss is crazy!"

"It's over, let's break up, everyone will go back and divide the tree fruit..."

Wei Li, a group of elves stroked their stomachs and returned to them, looking at the sad and whispering elves with curiosity.

"What are you talking about?"

Bibi Niao looked gray and murmured: "Everyone is crazy... The boss is crazy too... it's over, it's over..."


Guai Li embraced his chest, touched his chin, and touched his head with a dazed expression.


Looked back twice.


Isn't this good food...

He shook his head, the strange force secretly said that he is too stupid? Why can't I tell...

Could it be that my brain has been trained into muscles? !



Did it finally succeed!

Wei Li was overjoyed, and the look in Bibi Niao's eyes changed.

Benefactor! Let me know where I am now!

Benefactor, thank you!

Guai Li thought, pulling up his belt slightly, and then took out an energy cube from the nectar protrusion.

This was originally intended to be stored and eaten later, but now, Bibi Niao let it understand the effectiveness of its exercise, and it is very happy.

Guai Li is a bold person, and the other party has "graciousness" with it, then it must repay it.

"Come, here!"


Bibi Niao looked back at Wei Li.


"No! I..."

Bibi bird flapped its wings and wanted to fly away, but Wei Li's reaction speed was not vegetarian.

I grabbed it and hugged it tightly in his arms, feeling the movement of struggling in his arms, with a strange smile on his face.

No, no, business matters!

Guai Li shook his head, and then stuffed the energy cube in his hand toward Bibi Niao's mouth.


Suddenly, a Bibi bird discovered the situation here.

Seeing her husband held tightly in her arms by the strange force and still doing strange movements, it suddenly became angry.

With a flutter of his wings, he quickly flew towards Wei Li.

The movement of Bibi Bird and Wei Li naturally attracted the attention of the rest of the elves.

Seeing the strange power stuffing the "poison" into Bibi Niao's mouth, the elves retreated three feet in horror, lest the strange power also give them a shot.

As for saving Bibi Bird?

Forget it, do you see the other Bibi Bird in Guai Li's hand...

That's the end...

Guai Li looked at the Bibi bird flying towards here, and naturally recognized it.

Seeing the wife of the "benefactor" also came, she was naturally not stingy. A big hand reached in and took out an energy cube again, and the other big hand grabbed the flying Bibi bird...

"It's over..."

When Bibi Niao saw her wife come to save herself, the hope that had been ignited in her heart suddenly extinguished, and her heart was ashamed.

Fortunately, dying with my wife is a perfect ending... Farewell... My love!

I don't know how the two bibi birds make eye contact.

The two birds took the initiative to grab the energy cube in Wei Li's hand, swallowed it, and then looked at each other affectionately...

This poison is delicious, but it has a scent, how...

Bibi Niao recalled the smell of "poison" with a strange face, especially the later one, staring at Bibi Niao with weird face.


this is!

The two birds waiting to die were shocked as they felt the energy flowing from their stomachs to the surroundings.

"This is not poison?!"

"Huh? Brother, what are you talking about? This is a good thing!"

Guai Li looked at Bibi Niao with a dumbfounded expression, indicating that he could not understand what it was saying.

Seeing that the two birds had eaten their own "heart", they let go of them.

"How about it, is this a good thing?"

Looking at the bewildered Bibi Birds, the Haoli behind Guai Li spoke.

While asking, they are still doing bodybuilding...

"After we ate these, our muscles became more beautiful. Ah! This perfect muscle!"

The two Bibi birds glanced at each other, and then looked at the wind speed dogs rushing for food, as if they understood something...


Without staying much, the two Bibi birds fluttered their wings and flew towards, they were not far from the many panicking elves, and they heard what they said.

They watched frantically rushing for food, the elves and the boss with a fanatical face, looking at the strange power coming back after eating the food, as if they understood something...

After being quiet for a second or two, the elves suddenly erupted!

You push me, I yell at you.

The elves rushed towards there frantically.

Looking at the elves who suddenly became enthusiastic, they were a little dazed.

What's wrong?

The elves who knew the truth looked enthusiastic.

One by one can't wait to smoke oneself.

Why didn't I find out when there were few people robbed before...

But it's not too late! I ran ahead and waited for me...


When they rushed past, they looked at the empty ground and the friends looking for the energy cubes with their heads down, they couldn't help but be confused.

Gone? !

"Ah! I found one!"

Suddenly, the elves coming from behind made a surprise sound. When the elves looked at it, they saw an energy cube in their mouth.

Before the elves could persuade it, it had already swallowed it.

Watching Dudu's face go from surprise to enjoyment to shock to crazy, the elves looked envious.


From this example of Dudu, you can still eat it if you are lucky!

So all the elves followed and looked down.

Meng Takibin is the one looking at them. The elves have gone from being dumbfounded to fearful, resisting, and now crazy...

Meng Takibin was shocked to see.

Nothing to say, just take a few pictures with the camera!

Looking at Nitorino, whose face was distorted with excitement on the camera, she didn't know what to say...

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