Naturally, Zhou Jiang not only discovered the situation there, but also other tourists.

"What's going on over there?" Lu Ran and their boat approached, and Jiang Shui asked Zhou Jiang several people.

"I don't know, I also heard Zhou Nan say that there was a fight there before I looked at it." Zhou Jiang shook his head, and then several people looked at Zhou Nan.

Zhou Nan also shook his head.

"It was already there when I found out."

Everyone nodded and continued to look over there.

People like to watch the excitement. As long as they don't really fight, or if they don't get involved, then basically everyone won't take action.

It’s naturally boring to watch the excitement away from the distance. Zhou Jiang asked Cirulian to control the ship to drift towards the opposite side slowly, and other people estimated that it was the same idea. In an instant, a large number of ships turned and drifted towards the other side. .


"Go crazy!"

"Who is going to stop them!"

"Fuck! Kirulian, stop them!"

As a result, before they got close, the opposite party had already upgraded from a verbal argument to an elf fight. Both sides released their own elf, one is a big-mouthed bat, which is no problem, the other one actually released an electric shock beast!

My day!

Discharging in such a place, if a bad battery is used up, it will kill people!

And if one is not paying attention, even Zhou Jiang and the others will be affected.

The expressions of the people who saw them release the elves all changed. There were elves and those who had the ability to directly let the elves rush up.

Kirulian's eyes narrowed, and then her little hand was lightly raised, and a burst of purple super-powerful coat suddenly rose on the electric shock beast's body.


The electric shock beast just wanted to roar, but Kirulian made such a move. The roar was halfway through, and then it was directly blocked in its throat, making a funny crow-like cry...

"Fuck, are you swollen by the electric shock beast!"

The trainer of the electric shock beast listened to the "dominant" sound of the electric shock beast, and when he looked back, he almost died of breathlessness.

Who the **** is so wicked, let the super power system attack my electric shock beast!

The man was desperate, and everyone else was relieved, including his companions.

After all, if this electric shock beast is stronger and does not have a b-number, everyone will suffer.

However, although the trainers who sent the elves to die were relieved, they did not let the flying elves that had flown past come back. Although the electric shock beast was controlled by the super power elves of which big boss, they still could not let them. Complete peace of mind.

What if you suddenly lose control?

On this water, the electric wizard must die!

No risk factors are allowed!

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Rafting freely on the West Lake, it is inevitable that there will be frictions, and then there will be battles. Ordinary battles are okay. If anyone releases the electric elves, then once the battle starts, it will cause a lot of damage to the waters.

And what if someone gets the phone?

Therefore, the government directly stipulates that if anyone releases the electric elves here, without registering in advance, they will be punished regardless of whether they are brought out to fight or not, and the trainers who stop the other party will be rewarded.

The reward is naturally determined by the strength of the other's elves or various factors. It is not impossible to reward an evolution stone, so everyone is so excited.

Although the electric shock beast is under control, it has not lost its fighting ability, hasn't it?

At this time, just hitting the electric beast would be considered a credit!

Although there are no evolution stones, a little money is fine!

It's not that ordinary trainers who don't lack money are still very short of money. Even Zhou Jiang and the others will go to the wizard center to pick up the task.

The fact that Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng are not short of money does not mean that other people are not short of money. They all need money to buy elves, even for tree fruits and food they eat.

It doesn’t matter if Zhou Jiang and the others treat them occasionally, it’s impossible to invite them every day, right? Even if Zhou Jiang and the others are willing, they themselves are not willing.

Although treats are nothing for friends, the more the times, the friendship fades.

Back to reality.

A few bibi birds, bi eagles, and armor birds flew toward the electric shock beast. When the trainer of the electric shock beast recovered before he had time to say anything or withdraw the elves, the attacks of the few elves arrived.

Yan Fan lined up on the Electric Shock Beast, and because it was stabilized by Chiruli, it could only endure it... However, after one round of Yan Fan, the Electric Shock Beast directly GG.

Seeing that the electric shock beast was cold, Kirulian withdrew his thought power calmly.

This incident was just an episode for Kirulian.

The strength of the electric shock beast is only the elite intermediate level, and she can directly crush the opponent with one hand...

"!" The electric shock beast's trainer looked at the scarred electric shock beast on the boat, shaking with anger.

It's really deceiving!

The big-mouthed bat trainer smiled and looked at the deflated electric shock beast and he didn't bother to continue fighting, anyway, this guy was finished.

If you release an electric wizard here, you are really looking for death, and he will be fined.

And although he releases the big-mouthed bat, it is harmless, is it? And the battle is still breaking out.

In short, he is not at a loss, and the other party... Haha.

After the big-mouthed bat trainer retracted the big-mouthed bat, he and his companions laughed and sailed towards the distance.

When the electric shock beast trainer's companions saw that he was angry and wanted to release the elves for revenge, they quickly grabbed the opponent.

He didn't know that electric elves could not be released here, but his companions knew!

Before he released him, his companions had no time to stop him. Now if he doesn't stop him, if he releases the electric spirit...

It can really be said that I have to sit down in prison.

Seeing that the excitement hasn't been watched, and what follows is a boring plot, Zhou Jiang and the others want to leave. As a result...

"Hey, you are Zhou Jiang?"

Suddenly there was a hearty laughter from behind. Several people looked back and saw a small boat behind them, with a man and a flying praying mantis on board.

"you are……"

Seeing the visitors, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

I do not know!

The visitor wore a wide linen T-shirt with a small head and a scar on his face. He was strong and looked a bit fierce. At this moment, there was a smile on his face, but he looked a little...sassy?

This smile, I guess the kid next door can be scared to cry...

"Hahaha~ Good question!" Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, the big man suddenly laughed, and Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a while.

This... Where is the second fool?

Several people were in a daze, only Kirulian was highly concentrated, this flying mantis-very strong!

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