There are many islands in the lake in West Lake, so some people also call West Lake Qiandao Lake.

These small islands can be used to rest and watch.

There are flowers and plants planted on it, as well as official shops selling food and drinks here.

At noon, several people were also hungry. They found a small island next to them and got on the boat and went up.

Several people don't need to buy food, there is enough food in the backpack.

They found a place with a good environment, took out the barbecue grill and so on, and prepared skewered dishes for barbecue.

"Eh! You guys, don't light a fire here!" Just as Zhou Jiang took out coal to start a fire, a staff member came over.

Zhou Jiang gave Xu Feng a look, and Xu Feng nodded and directly released the Kamie turtle.

"We have water elves, and we will compensate if something catches fire."

"...Okay then, but be careful, some of the flowers and plants here are precious varieties." The staff hesitated, and finally nodded and left.

This world is so convenient.

If in a previous life, you would barbecue or something on the mountain, let’s just go in for tea!


With the magical creatures with supernatural powers like elves, what is a small fire?

As long as it doesn't spread into a fire in the first place, the elves can easily put it out, even if it is a fire, well-trained or high-level water elves, come a dozen, they can still be extinguished!

Of course, if there is a forest fire, it will be troublesome, and there will be a lot of elves. In that case, it is better to get the isolation belt... Anyway, the elves are good hands in the destruction world, and they will just hit the ground with a skill. pit……

After the inspection staff left, Zhou Jiang and the others continued to barbecue. When they were roasting, several people also released the elves, and then Zhou Jiang took out the energy cubes for them to eat.

After getting food for the elves, Xu Feng and the others were almost done roasting. Zhou Jiang picked up a crunchy-looking sausage on the plate and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

"good to eat!"

During their barbecue, someone came over from time to time and wanted to make a bid. They probably thought it was an official barbecue booth.

Zhou Jiang and the others did not refuse, so they sold it to them at the original price of the ingredients plus a little labor cost.

As a result...because the sale is cheap and the taste is very good, more and more people are buying...

Looking at the elder line behind, Zhou Jiang felt a little helpless.

How did this develop into this...

Originally, I just watched a few tourists, and then they kindly sold them and put the little money they made into public property. Then more or less it was also a little money. As a result...

There are more and more people!

They both opened two grills...

They only ate two skewers by themselves...

Really are……

"Twenty kebabs of Kentyro!"

"Okay, please... eh? Please wait..." Zhou Jiang looked at the visitor and paused.

Isn't this the staff member who reminded them of the patrol... I didn't expect that he actually came to buy...

Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, but he still took out the meat and let Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan behind him start skewers.

The ten of them, Xu Feng and the five daughters are all doing baking, one is baking, and the others are helping.

And Zhou Jiang was responsible for picking up the guests, and then let Zhou Nan and the others wear meat.

Of course, it is not only Zhou Jiang and the others who are stringing together, but also the elves to help...

Zhoujiang’s fire dinosaurs and Lu Ran’s fire elves act as the fire source. The precise flame control can produce better meat than coal.

They are all trained. Of course, they are not barbecues. They control the flames, so they can detect the degree of cooked meat inside the flames, so there will never be any staleness.

And this can also exercise the elf's ability to control the flame... It really does two things with one stone.

There is no need for many barbecue workers, the most important thing is to wear meat.

Because the elves come to barbecue, they grill very fast. They want to keep skewers, otherwise the order will be accumulated directly...

"Hey...I want to eat barbecue..." Zhou Nan watched the customers who got the barbecue not far away while skewering meat. Looking at the expression of enjoyment on his face, he was very sad... Obviously these barbecues should be mine...

"Okay, don't look at the fat man. Don't put your drool on it. You will be complained. You can eat it after you buy it. Forbearance!" Chen Yongan also sighed, but he still comforted Zhou Nan. .

"You have said this five times..." Zhou Nan looked at him bitterly, but his skewered meat was quicker again, because he was concentrated...

At last……

"Eh, don't wait for it, everyone, the meat is gone, everyone, let's go back!"

More than half an hour later, Zhou Jiang's super large inventory of meat was used up. As for vegetables, it was used up earlier. The many vegetables in Zhou Jiang's backpack persisted until now. These are good, except for what he left. I eat it myself, and sell the rest...

Hearing Zhou Jiang’s call, the queues behind all sighed and disappeared. Fortunately, most of them came back to the queue after eating once, so there is no complaint, only a small part is from others The island was called by a friend, but it disappeared as soon as it arrived...

Fortunately, the per capita quality is good. They all just pretend to complain that their friends call themselves slow, and let him treat them to dinner.

Zhou Nan finished the meat skewers in their hands and handed them to Xu Feng before spreading out on the ground to rest.

After so long skewers, they feel that their hands are about to break...

The elves are okay, this kind of intensity is just sprinkling water for them, but humans are not good, even if it is super-physical, but after such a long time, do it quickly and make sure that the meat is not crooked... …

This is really difficult.

After passing the skewers ordered by the last customer to the other party, all of them collapsed on the ground and rested.

The elves are nothing but alive and lively.

The elves are fine, so the mess and their food are naturally handed over to them.

Take out the last remaining meat and bamboo skewers, Zhou Jiang handed them to them and asked them to help barbecue.

"Zhou Jiang, where did you get so many bamboo sticks..." Zhou Nan asked, looking at Zhou Jiang who took out a bamboo stick again.

"Bought it, thinking that the barbecue will be used, I bought some more and kept it, but I didn't expect it to be used here..."

Zhou Jiang sighed and said.

I bought this bamboo stick, but I asked the system to buy it.

Sure enough, having a system is really super convenient, but it's a pity that you can't buy food.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you can't buy food, you can buy nutrient solution...the kind that can be used for a meal after drinking it is just a bit difficult to drink.

But it is also very useful in times of resource crisis.

But... he hoped that there was no such time.

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