From 7 o'clock in the morning until 11 o'clock in the morning, people from Zhou Jiang's side came up to challenge one after another, but the interval was a bit long, so many people under his ring slipped away.

After all, there are too many people here, so crowded to death, you may not be able to see it, and almost no one will go up afterwards. Sometimes after a game is finished, it takes more than ten minutes before new people come in and go up. Challenge Zhou Jiang...

Naturally, Zhou Jiang is not the only one here, but the elves of Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie are also very strong in close combat.

Lu Ran's wind speed dog, Tian Zhengjie's Lucario.

Wind Speed ​​Dog is Lu Ran's main spirit, the mid-level quasi-king.

It was originally a beginner, but after eating a lot of Zhou Jiang's energy cubes, he accumulated a lot of hair and broke through to the middle level in a short time.

And Tian Zhengjie’s Lucario was brought out when he returned home. Lucario can be said to be his real "initial elf". He didn't take it with him when he left, so he left it at home. The family keeps it. By now, Lucario is in the first level of the king...

This is because no one at home trains it specially. If it is specially trained, then it may be a mid-level king.

However, it is good for no one to train. In that case, Lucario's trainer will still be Tian Zhengjie, and he won't be confused. After a little bit of running in with Tian Zhengjie, he can continue to generate pure fetters.

Tian Zhengjie looked at the back of Lucario, who was tall and sturdy in front of him, with his mouth slightly raised.

He brought Lucario, except for Chen Yongan, no one else knows yet.

Before feeding, he saved a little energy cube, and then sneaked out to feed when he was alone. This is to pretend to be a force. Now, it's time!

Not better than Zhou Jiang?

That would be too shameful, let alone other, he is also Zhou Jiang's elder teacher anyway!

The result is not more than a student, so much shame?

Take advantage of it now, pretend to be forced!


"Is there no one to challenge? Is there any brave trainer who wants to compete?"

Zhou Jiang sat on the small bench and rested on the pillar behind.

Listening to the referee who was yelling impatiently over and over again, Zhou Jiang got up and shouted at him: "Since there is no one, I will go to dinner. It's noon. I haven't eaten yet."

"Eh~! Don't don't!" The referee, whose mouth was about to reach the back of his ears, got anxious when he heard Zhou Jiang's words.

"You sit here first, I'll go buy you a boxed lunch!" As he said, the referee suddenly turned off the ring and ran...




Everyone present, including Zhou Jiang, looked at the referee's back with a bewildered expression, not knowing what to say...

Zhou Jiang was really surprised, is there such a dog licking? !

So humble, so skilled...

But... it's so cool to be licked~

Zhou Jiang said that his vanity was greatly satisfied.

Although this referee is not a little sister, but a big man, but what does that matter? Anyway, he doesn't dive...

In less than five minutes, the referee came back panting heavily, and he was carrying a white bag in his hand. Inside the bag should be a lunch box...

"Huh~hu~ here... here..."

The referee climbed onto the ring...

Seeing the referee kneeling on the ground, Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

About five minutes...

Isn't this guy sprinting all the way, he didn't even take the elevator?

How hard is this...

Zhou Jiang was embarrassed to take out the Yusanjia Bento from his backpack, otherwise the referee would be furious...

You worked so hard to get the bento, but did you have one? !

Zhou Jiang took the box lunch handed over by the referee, nodded and thanked him.

"Nothing, you just need to continue the game. Don't give up now. You have only won 17 games now. According to the regulations, you can only win after 20 games in a row and then win. Otherwise, if you forcefully leave It is equivalent to the interruption of the winning streak. After that, even if you win thirty consecutive games again, it will not be counted. You will not be able to get the reward of thirty consecutive wins!

Looking at the serious referee, Zhou Jiang nodded.

That's it... I didn't expect that there would be such hidden rules...

Fortunately, I almost missed the gift package.

He has won seventeen games in a row now, and after three more wins, he can reach 20 games. If someone continues to challenge him, those 30 games will be easy.

He doesn't think he will lose.

No matter how careful he is, he doesn't think anyone can beat Big Sting Bee in such a small place...

He has been looking forward to the gift package for a long time. Although he doesn't know what's in it, but seeing that the conditions are so difficult to obtain, the contents will definitely not be bad!

Although he himself certainly won't be short of his rewards, he likes to open the box!

And what if there is a rare elven egg delivery?

Although the probability is very small...

And even if it didn't, Zhou Jiang didn't want to miss this thing. After all, this thing was given for nothing to Don't take it, don't take it!

Zhou Jiang sat on the edge to eat, while the referee still shouted for someone to come on stage to challenge.

Now that he has won 17 consecutive games, his bonus will explode as long as he plays three more games!

If you win the next ten games later, then...

He couldn't even think about it!

Before, he thought that as long as a big player who won ten games in a row showed up and took him to fly, it would be fine. As a result, a player who had the potential to admit defeat!

Although angry, he could only suppress his anger and continue the game, praying for Zhou Jiang to hang up quickly.



Until now, he won 17 consecutive games!

In these seventeen games, except for the first game with King Nido, the opponents were solved one by one!

It's really strong!

Now that the referee has no hostility, he almost confessed Zhou Jiang as his ancestor!

But the result now is nothing bad. Zhou Jiang was responsive. Zhou Jiang was tired and brought a stool. Zhou Jiang was hungry, so he rushed out to get a lunch box...

As for the way others look at him?

The referee said he didn't care.

Anyway, he didn't cheat in the game. He helped the players outside the game. This is called considerate players! Is this wrong?

After the referee's hard shouting, someone finally came up to challenge.

"Don't think you are great, actually..."

Listening to pointing at himself and swearing arrogantly, Zhou Jiang shook his head and put down the lunch box reluctantly.

Not to mention, the lunch box the referee brought is really delicious...

There are so many ribs, great!

Zhou Jiangjue, if he could score, the referee would definitely give him five stars!

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