Soon, the instant noodles were eaten. Although the tomato flavor is good, the taste is okay. It may be the reason why I haven't eaten it in a long time. Mobile https://

Zhou Jiang stood up with Lao Gan and the others, poured out the soup, and then threw the paper cup into the trash can.

Lao Gan and the three of them walked towards the original carriage, talking and laughing, Zhou Jiang followed them silently.

When he left the compartment, Zhou Jiang looked back at the car with the roof closed and the smoke re-wrapping the car, and he sighed slightly.

When he was squatting with them to eat instant noodles before, he was serious, and suddenly he thought of the plot of pretending to be face-slapped in the novel he read in his previous life.

He had thought about it. At this time, according to the routine in the novel, he would probably jump out of a two-hundred-and-five hundred, then desperately laughed and insulted Lao Gan, who was eating instant noodles, and then no one in the car could help. He would even stand on the side of the two hundred and five, and this is the time for Zhou Jiang to show his power. He released the big needle bee against the opponent's neck, and then said in a low voice, "I didn't hear clearly, please say it again. Okay?" or something...

Unfortunately, everyone is so friendly.

Before Lao Gan and the others were going to squat in the corner, the uncle who was smoking over there stepped aside. Although a bunch of people looked here, no one came out to pull the hatred...

Zhou Jiang sometimes thinks, in other words, is this world too normal or I am not the protagonist...

How come the routines that appeared on the protagonist are gone by him...

Obviously he is also a traverser, someone with golden fingers is here...

However, Zhou Jiang will no longer continue to struggle with this kind of thing.


Who knows who the protagonist is?

Just live your life well, otherwise it's yourself who is upset.

Now he basically thinks that this kind of problem is when he fails to pretend to be forced, or when he wants to pretend but has no chance...

Lao Qian and Lao Zhang's seats were in the back row. After entering the carriage, they quickly sat down. Zhou Jiang and Lao Gan greeted them and walked towards their seats.

Suddenly, when he walked closer to the location, Lao Gan stopped.

As Lao Gan stopped, Zhou Jiang, who was walking behind, almost ran into him. Fortunately, he reacted quickly.

"Old Gan? What's the matter?"


Lao Gan was silent for a while, and then walked a few steps forward, letting his birth position point to Zhou Jiang's position, and looked at Zhou Jiang and said, "Are you a trainer?"

At this time, Zhou Jiang had already walked up, followed the direction of his finger, and found that the Katy dog ​​and Ibrahimovic were asleep, and then nodded, somewhat wondering: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Zhou Jiang and the others quickly attracted the attention of the people next to them, and everyone in front and back looked over.

Since Lao Gan had walked a bit earlier, their row of seats was empty, so Zhou Jiang went straight in, picked up Ibrahimovic and Katy who were sleeping on the chair, and placed them on his lap after sitting down. .

After doing this, Zhou Jiang realized that Lao Gan seemed to be still standing there, then turned his head and looked over and found that Lao Gan's face...

What should I say, Master Yan Yi?


Lao Gan returned to God and noticed that the people around him were looking at him. He answered Zhou Jiang with a bit of a jam and then sat down, but...what should I say, after sitting down, he looked forward, and The kind that the whole person is very stiff, completely no longer the previous posture.

"Lao...Lao Gan?" Zhou Jiang was a little scared, what's wrong?

Suddenly become a zombie?



Suddenly, the Katie dog lying on Zhou Jiang's lap woke up, sobbing, opening his eyes and yawning.

And... just this cute cry made Lao Gan tremble slightly, and at this time Zhou Jiang's sight was still on Lao Gan, if Zhou Jiang hadn't been staring at it, he wouldn't be able to find it, but Later, his whole person became more stiff, but this was clearly visible.

Zhou Jiang looked down slightly weirdly at the little milk dog who was constantly rubbing his front paws on his face, and then at Lao Gan.

"Katy Dog?"

no response?

Zhou Jiang yelled, Katie Dog was still a little confused and didn't react, and Old Gan didn't react.

Seeing Lao Gan who had no reaction, Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and gently pinched Katy's tail. In an instant, Katy became sober and started barking "Wang".

The call was a bit abrupt, although the sound was not very loud, but for a special crowd...

In an instant, Lao Gan trembled violently, and his whole body almost jumped up directly, his back straight and straight...

"Puff~cough cough."

Seeing Lao Gan's reaction, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but squirted out directly. Fortunately, he responded quickly and covered it up with a dry cough.

Although Lao Gan must have known it, can't he hide his ears and steal the bell?

"Kati Dog, you go home first, you have worked hard, and then I will give you delicious food."

Zhou Jiang took out Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic's Elf Ball, and took back Ibrahimovic who was still asleep while Yoyo woke up.

"Well, Lao Gan, I took the Katie Dog back."


As soon as Zhou Jiang's voice fell, Lao Gan let out a long breath and leaned back heavily, leaning on the chair, his chest constantly rising and falling.

Zhou Jiang guessed that he almost didn't breathe much before...

After Lao Gan's condition got better, Zhou Jiang curiously asked, "I said, Lao Gan, what's wrong with you? Afraid of the Katy dog?"

He is really curious.

Forget about being afraid of other elves, afraid of Katy dogs? !

And it's a young caty dog?

What is this operation?

If he meets Miss Junsha with a Katy dog ​​on the street and then acts like this, I am afraid he will not be arrested as a criminal on the spot...

Old Gan Chang sighed, then turned slightly to look at Zhou Jiang, and said with a wry smile: "Brother, you almost scared me to death!"

"What's the matter? Isn't the Katie dog scary?"

Zhou Jiang adjusted his body position to make himself more comfortable, and then looked at Lao Gan and asked.

The expression on Lao Gan's face slowly began to enrich, and it was obviously relieved from the fear before, but he opened his mouth a few times and didn't say anything. In the end, Zhou Jiang didn't ask any more. Up.

According to his guess, Lao Gan may have been bitten by a dog before...

Anyway, I saw something terrible when I met a dog, that's why I was so scared.

This is a mental illness, and looking at Lao Gan's grade and his reaction, it is almost impossible to save, unless the elf directly deletes the memory, but this...

It's very difficult to read, let alone delete, and your brain will break if you are not careful. And, Lao Gan, a migrant worker, who treats his super power elves above the king of heaven?

Zhou Jiang didn't have this ability, and he didn't plan to manage it.

Anyway, Lao Gan has been here for so long, and he is only afraid of dogs. Perhaps he is only afraid of Katy Dogs, and Katy Dogs are very rare genies, so there is no need to worry about panicking at every turn.

Now although Zhou Jiang has put the Katy dog ​​back in, Lao Gan still failed to restore his previous mentality. Zhou Jiang glanced at him, sighed, shook his head, closed his eyes, put on headphones, and leaned against the window to rest. went.

There is nothing to look at the cell phone, Zhou Nan and the others have to go on the road, Lao Gan is still in a state of nowhere, no one chats with him, it is better to listen to music and sleep.

Anyway, the days when I ate, slept, and ate in my previous life were not unheard of. In addition, this physical physique was good, so there is nothing wrong with it now.


After falling asleep in a daze, the reason for waking up was the broadcast. I don’t know how many stops I have sat there. Zhou Jiang is a little worried about sitting too much...

Looking at the empty space next to him, Zhou Jiang sighed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Lao Gan got out of the car while he was asleep... Originally wanted to exchange cell phone numbers with them...

From Lao Gan, Zhou Jiang saw how his father was when he was working in the previous life, so they had a good impression of them, and they didn't expect to leave in a hurry.

But it doesn’t matter, just leave when you leave. Before, it was just "on a whim", and even if I added the phone, I guess there would be nothing to talk about. Just like before, he would just look at them silently and follow them behind. .

Shaking his head, without thinking too much, Zhou Jiang quickly took out his mobile phone and checked where he was now and where he was going to get off before the train arrived.

If he sits and stands, then just go straight down, he doesn't want to sit in there and wait.

Opened the ticket purchase software, then checked the itinerary, and found the upcoming "Shanglin" station......

Well, it took three minutes, and Zhou Jiang found out that fortunately, he had never sat down.

This train does not go directly to City N. If he gets to City N, he needs to get off at the station behind Shanglin, which means this is the last station!

As long as he gets through this stop, he can finally get off!

After sitting for so long, he feels that his **** doesn't belong to him anymore, it's already numb and almost doesn't feel...

Not long after Shanglin arrived, and no one sat down beside him until the train restarted.

Bored and afraid to sleep, he can only take out his mobile phone to play, open the post bar and browse casually.

As expected in the post bar, the message of Mega Dajia resurrected in Tokiwadai was still spreading.

And this turmoil has a growing trend...

After looking at the homepage that there were only water stickers except for the discussion about the Mega Big One, he didn't bother to click in and read it, and decisively closed it. When I was about to turn off the phone, I remembered the Tokiwadai official micro, went in and took a look, and sure enough, Tokiwadai had already released other information.

Zhou Jiang clicked in and looked at it roughly. He didn't bother to look at other speculations or physical data. He looked for Mega Dajia's name again.

After all, Mega's name is what he cares more about now.

It is more appropriate to say that it is caring, but it is actually more appropriate to say that it is curiosity.

Finally, after turning over for a minute, he found at the end of the article that Tokiwadai's temporary naming of Mega's name-Kairos! (Cough cough, what? I have difficulty in naming. After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn’t think of a name, so I just got this, don’t care... it’s all ⑨)

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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