Although they want to advertise, they can't always stand in the middle of the road, so they just think about it as they walk. As a result, all of them arrived at the audience, and the advertisement didn’t come up with a name in the end...

Although he didn't think of any advertising words, at least Zhou Jiang knew the name of the company he started at home and what it did.

It’s a company, but it’s actually a studio that will be more specific. The name of the studio is a bit irritating. It’s called "Huami Artist". In the studio, including Zhou Wenbin and their two bosses, there are 23 in total. Employees and projects are basically outsourcing from other large companies or advertising design and art from other companies and manufacturers that they find themselves.

Already at the fourth venue, Zhou Jiang is going to the lounge. Zhou Nan and the others will go back to the auditorium and think about it. If they think of it, they will send a text message to Zhou Jiang, but in fact, it is nothing but advertising.

Even if Zhou Jiang didn't say any advertising slogans, but with his current popularity, he directly reported the name of the studio, wouldn't his reputation increase?

Facts have proved that Zhou Nan and others all "eat dry food." When the Zhoujiang competition started, they didn't think of any good-sounding and memorable advertising.

But they can't be blamed for this. After all, this thing can't be thought of in a short time.

The ad word can be thought of, but if it is good, it will be difficult.

The so-called Ningquewulan, Zhou Jiang would not read if there is no good advertisement, so as not to be criticized later and become a black spot.

Zhou Jiang's popularity is really high. He hasn't played yet, and when he is still in the contestant tunnel, he can hear the enthusiastic shouts from outside.

When Zhou Jiang walked out, the cheers and applause resounded directly across the sky, directly reaching the far away venues 3 and 5.

Zhou Jiang’s opponent is a trainer named Wu Liu, who is 29 years old like everyone else. After participating in this year, he won’t have his share in the next league competition.

To be honest, the people who came to participate in the league competition were basically these people. In addition, there were some young people who had just accomplished something and wanted to come to the league competition.

The age distribution for participating in the league competitions is very regular. The twenty-four and twenty-five-year-olds are Xiaobai, who basically walked through the field; the twenty-nine-thirty is a veteran, and they cannot participate in the league competitions if they are over thirty. No matter what, I will come and go for a cutscene and play.

In addition to the above two age groups, there are very few other people, such as the 26 to 28 age group, basically no one, unless the family has money and resources, or has adventures. , In short, it is a strong person, otherwise, everyone will slowly spend time and pile up the strength of the elves.

For an elf, just one year of training, the difference in strength will be not small, not to mention the gap between six elves, and spare elves.

At the age of twenty-six to twenty-eight, they all came from the white stage, and they naturally knew the strength of those old seniors who were about to "expire", and would not come easily if they were not confident.

This is the last time Wu Liu has participated in the league competition. It is really good to be able to reach the top sixteen.

He himself was quite satisfied with this result, so when he met Zhou Jiang, he felt that he would be eliminated without any frustration. Even when both of them stood on the opposite platform, he smiled and greeted Zhou Jiang. Said he is a fan...

Reaching out without hitting the smiley, Wu Liu took the initiative to talk to him, so he naturally talked to him with a smile.

Since they are all "celebrities" who have reached the top sixteen, it can be said that they have a certain social status, so the referee did not rush to announce the start of the game.

One is that this is the last game of this afternoon, not in a hurry, and the other is that the social status of the top 16 in the league competition is much worse than that of the top 32.

So although in the 32nd round, the referee will tell the players to start the game quickly and don’t talk nonsense, but in the 16th round, the referee will not take care of it, as long as it doesn’t talk for more than ten or twenty minutes. Yes, he didn't bother to stop them.

But most people don't talk for that long. After all, standing here, everyone is still a bit forced, and will not waste time casually.

Indeed, the two stopped talking within less than five minutes, and the referee duly announced the start of the game, allowing the two to choose to attack and draw the field.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang got the back attack, which meant that Wu Liu had to release the elves first.

After attacking first, the selection is complete, and then the venue. The choice of venue is not troublesome. In the eyes of everyone's expectations, the box quickly stopped and stayed on the green picture representing the grass field.

Before the game, everything was ready, and the referee shouted at Wu Liu: "Please let the blue player Wu Liu come out first!"

Wu Liu nodded and took out a poke ball, but after holding the poke ball in his hand, he did not rush out, but shouted at Zhou Jiang: "Excuse me, I have a request, I hope you can Can you play against me with Xanadu?"

"Sanaduo?" Zhou Jiang was taken aback, and then "suddenly realized" and understood the other party's intentions.

Why did Wu Liu want Zhou Jiang to release Xanadu to fight him?

It must be because he consciously couldn't beat Zhou Jiang. In order not to lose, it was "too ugly", so Zhou Jiang was asked to use Sanaido!

For example, when he was fighting Li Si before, Zhou Jiang was almost "lossless", and one of the elves defeated the opponent without falling down.

Although it's not such an exaggeration that one elf picks up the opposite six, but sometimes it is "lossless". It is even more embarrassing that one elf does not fall than being overturned by one elf!

Like the previous battle between Zhou Jiang and Li Si, the elves that Zhou Jiang played against were even elves that hadn't completed the final evolution, such as Bibi Bird, Fire Dinosaur, and Qingvine Snake!

Isn't it shameful to be "lossless" by these elves who have not yet completed their evolution?

And being crushed by an elf is like being picked by Zhou Jiang’s Xanadu. Although it looks ugly on the surface, after all, it’s really ugly to wear six, but now everyone knows Zhou Jiang’s Strength, especially his Xanadu, is not decent, and can also be evolved by Mega. He was picked six by this kind of elves. Wu Liu will only be discussed for a while at best, and people will understand him later.

Because if Xanadu can pick him and Wu Liu, he can naturally pick others too!

The more Zhou Jiang hit the back, the stronger the enemy he faced, and then Shanaido simply defeated his opponent, the more proof that Wu Liu couldn't say even if he was picked six by one.

And if Xanadu can't pick Wu Liu's six elves, the popular star Xanadu will be overturned by Wu Liu. Even if it is a wheel fight, then even if he loses, it is worth it!

Zhou Jiang’s Shanaido is now a popular star. Once Shanaido is defeated, the popularity it will bring is immeasurable!

All in all, as long as Zhou Jiang uses Shanaido to fight Wu Liu, then the worst result for Wu Liu is only six picks by Shanaido. Even if he loses a bit miserably, he will not be sprayed because of it. Said his strength water.

In an instant, Zhou Jiang wanted to "understand". Although this was only his personal thought, he felt that his guess was quite accurate and the possibility was still high.

But no matter what, if Wu Liu asked Zhou Jiang to use Shanaido to fight him, he would not refuse.

Since the siberian vine snakes have evolved into the monarch snakes, his guess may be correct. What the fire dinosaurs lack in evolution is fighting.

As for fighting, after the league tournament is over, go inside the border, will there be less fighting?

So he is not as anxious now as before.

And the points of these things, no matter what kind of spirit is used to fight, it is fixed, so it doesn't matter if you use Shanaido, since there is a Xiao Jiujiu on the opposite side, then sell him for face~

After clarifying the situation, Zhou Jiang nodded and said: "Okay, no problem!"

Wu Liu nodded and said, "Thank you!"

Zhou Jiang smiled and did not answer.

After Wu Liu finished speaking, he threw the poke ball, which was a flying praying mantis.

Now that he agreed, Zhou Jiang didn't make a choice, and directly threw Shanaido's Elf Ball.

There was no accident in Shanaiduo's appearance. Once again, there was a wave of cheers, and the court directly reached Xiao.

"Flying Mantis, go up, cut continuously!" Wu Liu shouted loudly with a wave of his hand.


The Flying Mantis leaned forward, his wings and legs suddenly exerted force, and the whole elf jumped out like a sharp arrow, and swiftly headed towards Xanadu.

Shanaiduo didn't wait for it to rush over, and before Zhou Jiang issued an order, she directly raised her hand, and then three transparent shock waves flew towards the Flying Mantis.

The elite high-end Flying Mantis, this warrior-like spirit, must be well developed for combat intuition and the like. Although the special attack version of the finger gun can not see the attack, the airflow is still driven, although it is small. But it doesn't mean there is no.

And even if the Flying Mantis's eyes did not notice the changes in the airflow, but it was "stared" by the attack, its intuition would still remind it, especially when it was focused.

The three shock waves were evaded by Feitian Mantis and landed on the field behind Feitian Mantis, setting off large tracts of turf and soil, leaving three large pits, and Feitian Mantis was about to jump in front of Shanaiduo at this time.


The right sickle of the Flying Praying Mantis slashed towards Xanaduo, but unfortunately, a transparent glass appeared in front of Xanaduo at some unknown time!

This is Xanadu's proud stunt, light wall!

It missed a hit and hit the light wall. The flying mantis with the empty door wide open knew it was bad. The other arm and the left sickle were placed in front of him to prevent Shanaido from attacking. Its legs also violently retreated and withdrew. The flying mantis had two swords horizontally in front of him, looking at Xanadu warily.

However, Xanadu did not pay attention to it at this time, attacked it, just stood quietly in place.

Feitian Mantis saw that Shanaido didn't do anything. Although he still looked at her vigilantly, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. If he didn't understand the good opportunity before, why didn't Shanaido attack?

Before it finished thinking, in an instant, the deep purple dynamism energy appeared beside it, enveloping the whole body of the Flying Mantis in the blink of an eye.

The flying mantis sank in his heart and quickly mobilized the energy of his whole body, struggling with all his strength, but even so, it was still difficult to move, as if it had fallen into a muddy swamp.

"Flying Mantis, Sword Dance!" Wu Liu shouted at the critical moment.

Flying Praying Mantis immediately did it, mobilizing energy and preparing to perform the sword dance, but Shanaido no longer gave it a chance. A shadow ball flew out directly in front of her, slamming it fiercely as if it were rusty. The flying mantis of the robot.

The power of thought disappeared in an instant, and the Flying Mantis ate Shanaiduo's shadow ball firmly.

The smoke from the explosion of the shadow ball covered the flying mantis, but in an instant, it was blown away by the potential energy of the explosion.

Although it hurts, the Flying Mantis can bear it, and it is ready to adjust its landing posture in the air. However, before it starts to adjust, the thought force membrane of Shanaido has appeared on its body!


The Flying Mantis was slammed to the ground, and the entire site began to vibrate violently, like an elves using earthquake skills. Wherever the Flying Mantis was smashed, a flat oval pit appeared directly, green grass, The dirt is flying everywhere.

Even so, Shanaiduo did not stop, but quickly continued to attack, not giving Flying Mantis a chance to prepare.

The last finger gun!

The transparent shock wave flew straight, hitting the Flying Mantis who was lying there struggling to get up. The Flying Mantis was bombarded out again, but this time, it could no longer move. After rolling on the grass several times, The eyes appeared in circles.

"Fly...Flying Mantis loses the ability to fight!" Even the referee was shocked by the difference in strength between the two sides. It was a torture... He was a little suspicious. Is this really a league competition? How is this strength so bad!

Looking at Shanaiduo who had solved the Flying Mantis swiftly and neatly, the audience in the audience was silent for a while after being shocked, and then screamed frantically again, cheering for Zhou Jiang and Shanaido!

After the narrator was also dumbfounded, his lips moved quickly, blowing loudly at Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo.

At this time, people all over the world who watched the game live on TV and computers, after being shocked, also picked up their phones and quickly built buildings on forums and post bars.

[The fire-breathing dragon is number one in the world]: Who knows how strong Shanaiduo is? This is too scary!

[Protecting the Law of the B Key Association]: Is it too late to resign and join the A Key Association...

[I love Bai Jie]: Foul, this is, foul!


On the scene of the game, opposite Zhou Jiang, Wu Liu also swallowed the saliva stuck in his throat with difficulty.

Although he had thought of Shanaiduo's strength very high, he did not expect that Shanaido's strength would be so high!

He naturally knew what strength his elves had. The Flying Praying Mantis was one of his trump cards. Is it so special that he was directly abused and killed?

He didn't even have the power to fight back...

Fortunately, he had already made a certain mental preparation before, otherwise he would have ghosts if his mentality didn't collapse.

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