The quarterfinals have been decided. Except for the black horse Su Wanwan and Zhou Jiang, the other six are all celebrities on the original "ranking list."

The old one is Jin Yujie, the second is Dai Qianyi, the fourth is Chen Fan, the fifth is Chen Ziang, the old is Qiguange, and the ten is Cai Wei.

Except for these six, all the other people on the "ranking list" were eliminated.

The old third floor was unlucky, and met the original old one, Jin Yujie. After a fierce battle with him, he was directly eliminated and blocked the quarter-finals. Otherwise, with his strength, he would definitely be able to keep watch.

The strength of Jin Yujie, Dai Qianyi and Lou Ran is actually not much worse. The basic decision of victory or defeat is to see who makes more mistakes and makes more mistakes!

Originally, if there were no surprises, for example, if Zhou Jiang appeared, Lou Ran would be Jin Yujie's biggest opponent for the championship, but now, there is another Zhou Jiang, and Lou Ran was also eliminated by Jin Yujie when Jin Yujie scored sixteen. Up.

It's really good luck...

After the game, there will be a day and a half rest.

After going out to celebrate, Zhou Jiang and others returned to the dormitory.

The next day, it started to rain outside for a long time.

Fortunately, it is drizzling, and it is estimated that it will stop tomorrow or at night.

Although it is raining, the necessary process of getting to the wizard center to draw opponents is still indispensable.

When Zhou Jiang passed by, the other seven surviving people happened to be there too. When Zhou Jiang entered the wizard center, no matter whether he was busy or not, all the seven people looked over, almost not looking at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang, who had improved his psychological quality, glanced at them, and then walked straight inside.

Zhou Jiang came to the front desk and greeted Miss Joey. Miss Joey gave him a fishing rod and asked him to go to the fish tank on the side to fish for the carp king with a mark. That would determine the allocation of the eight-to-four opponent.

The eight carp kings in the fish tank are all trained and are specially used for "fishing". As long as the boom is put down for a period of time, they will go up and bite by themselves. They are not like wild carp kings. Some noises will also flee in panic. They are used to seeing humans, and when they are used to the fish being caught, they have long been able to make the Taishan collapse in front of their eyes.

I found a position and came to the front and back of the large fish tank. Just after putting the fishing line down, the person standing next to him who was holding the fishing rod smiled and greeted him, saying, "Hello, this is Dai Qian. easy."

"Hello, this is Zhou Jiang. I am glad to meet you." Zhou Jiang returned with a smile.

After speaking, Zhou Jiang briefly looked at Dai Qianyi. Wearing a white T-shirt and blue denim shorts, with a small head, the whole person looks very energetic, especially the way he smiles. Knowing why, Zhou Jiang always has a familiar feeling.

However, Zhou Jiang didn't think much. The two shook hands briefly, and then saw Dai Qianyi smile slightly and said, "I hope I don't meet you next time. Your elf is really like a monster."

Listening to his ridicule, Zhou Jiang didn't care, and smiled modestly: "I don't want to meet you so soon. You are also very strong. If you really fight, no one can win. "

"Haha, I joked, I joked, but you are really amazing. I dared to go into the forest alone at a young age. I thought that when we organized a group to travel with the teacher, we were scared to death at night, sleeping I can't sleep."

"Old Dai, are you still scared? I remember when you played the Rockets three years ago, weren't you the one who rushed the fastest?" Suddenly someone on the side intervened.

The voice came from behind Dai Qianyi. Zhou Jiang turned his head slightly to look over. A man poked his head out from behind Dai Qianyi, grinning at Zhou Jiang, and said with a smile: "Hello, I'm Chen Where."

"Hello." Zhou Jiang looked at this silly person and continued to smile.

After greeting Chen Fan, Zhou Jiang glanced around and found that besides them, there were five people fishing. As for the other three who had finished fishing, they did not leave. They stood on the side watching them, waiting for the result.

Among these people, Zhou Jiang recognized Jin Yujie, Dai Qianyi and Su Wanwan.

But except for Dai Qianyi, they all finished fishing and finishing work.

Dai Qianyi took two steps towards Zhou Jiang without moving the fishing rod, revealing Chen Fan behind him. He looked at Chen Fan and said, "What can be done, who let them grab my iron dumbbell~"

"Fuck! You are really shameless, what yours, at that time iron dumbbells weren't your elf, okay!" Chen Fan cried out strangely.

At the same time, someone caught a carp king with a white number written on it, A-2!

The markings on the King Carp are composed of letters and numbers. The letters represent "numbers". For example, if his is A, then he will fight against the person who catches B. If there is a 2 after the letter, it means He will play on the second field.

The sound of the King Carp coming out of the water attracted their attention, but they looked back soon. Zhou Jiang glanced at him, unaffected by any influence. The King Carp, who was swimming in the fish tank, looked at Dai Qianyi and the others, and was a little curious.

It’s no secret that Dai Qianyi has a quasi-god—the giant golden monster, but he didn’t expect that the giant golden monster was obtained from the Rockets when he was still with iron dumbbells. This is somewhat unexpected. At least Zhou Jiang is Quite surprised.

Dai Qianyi took his gaze back from the unknown trainer who had previously caught the carp king, looked at Chen Fan, shrugged and said, "But now it's mine!"

Chen Fan curled his mouth and didn't say anything. Suddenly, his hand holding the fishing rod was pulled to the ground. Everyone looked at it and found that he had also caught it.

However, this is not over yet, Zhou Jiang also felt a pull from the fishing rod in his hand!



One after the other, Zhou Jiang and Chen Fan both got on a carp king with a white mark.

"Fuck, you're all out?!" Seeing Zhou Jiang also out, Dai Qianyi was startled. Another trainer who was waiting for the carp king to bite also looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise.

Now Dai Qianyi and the last person are left.

"Hey, old Dai, you can't do it~ I have you, slowly fishing here." Chen Fan smiled and handed the carp king and the boom to Miss Joey on the side.

Zhou Jiang also handed them over to Miss Joey, and then went to the front desk with Chen Fan to see the list of matches that had come out.

A-2: Cai Wei


A-3: Su Wanwan


A-4: Guan Ge

B-4: Jin Yujie



Zhou Jiang fished B-5, and Chen Fan fished B-2. In other words, the remaining Dai Qianyi and Chen Ziang, who did not know him before, are likely to fight Zhou Jiang!

Seeing this, the corners of Zhou Jiang's mouth twitched slightly, shouldn't he really match Dai Qianyi...

It wasn't that he was afraid of anything. After all, Dai Qianyi didn't pose any threat to him. Big Needle Bee and Shane Duo would lose all of this. He simply found a piece of tofu and killed him.

He was just a little emotional. Before the two were "humbly" with each other and said not to meet each other, they might have met now?

To be honest, this is a bit bloody.


There was the sound of the King Carp coming out of the water. Zhou Jiang and Chen Fan quickly looked back. It was Chen Ziang who caught him. They saw the white mark on the body of the King Carp who was biting his fishing line—A-5!

"Ha~" Zhou Jiang sighed slightly, not knowing whether it was happy, disappointed or something.

Yes, the result came out. Although Dai Qianyi's fish hook hadn't been bitten yet, if he didn't bite the hook by himself, it would be the same as all the hooks.

It was Chen Ziang who was confronted with Zhou Jiang, and Dai Qianyi was confronted with Su Wanwan.

But this is also very good. After all, he must "like" Dai Qianyi more than Chen Ziang. After all, both of them have spoken. In his opinion, the ones who have spoken and those who have not spoken must be Those who have spoken are even closer!

Although I didn’t kiss much...

So far, the result of the battle came out. The eight people waiting here all looked at their opponents. Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Ziang, and Chen Ziang looked at Zhou Jiang.

Although Chen Ziang's face was expressionless, Zhou Jiangneng could vaguely feel that he had a faint "desperate" feeling.

But feelings are feelings, after all, they are unreliable. When he recovered and prepared to observe the taste, he found that there was nothing.

It was Jin Yujie who broke the silence of the tacit understanding among the people first, and his opponent was Guan Ge, which came out very early.

Among the three people who had been bitten by the fish before, the third person Zhou Jiang didn't know was Guan Ge.

The reason why the two of them are standing here and not leaving is to see the distribution of the rest of the people. Now that the situation has emerged, there is no need for Jin Yujie to stay.

Although Guan Ge ranked seventh, he was the first, but he did not dare to underestimate the enemy. It can be seen from the knockout round that Guan Ge is very shrewd, and Jin Yujie naturally does not dare to underestimate him, who knows he has Did not hide one hand?

If Guan Ge really hid one hand before then he would definitely not keep his hand in this match. And if he is careless, Jin Yujie will definitely overturn the car, so instead of staying here, it is better to go back and search through Guan Ge's information with the think tank to find his hidden back hand and so on.

Someone took the lead and left, so naturally the others didn't want to stay long.

Everyone's strength is basically the same. In order to improve the winning rate, they all want to go back and look through the opponent's information. Even if the information has been rotten before, but at this time, apart from the information, there is nothing else that can make them feel at ease.

However, unlike Jin Yujie, not many people have mines at home, so everyone wants to have a good relationship with the masters. After bidding farewell to everyone in a friendly manner, Guan Ge, Chen Ziang and Su Wanwan walked in under umbrellas. The rain curtain is getting bigger.

For the remaining four people, except for Cai Wei, who had not communicated before, the remaining Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi were all in Zhou Jiang’s opinion, so Zhou Jiang turned his attention to them and wanted to see them. Whether to leave or stay.

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