Compared with the hot monkey, Chenglong is not too bad in strength, but the agility is really not comparable.

The hot monkey and Chenglong landed at the same time, but while Chenglong was still turning around, the hot monkey had already continued to rush towards it.

The hot monkey muscles are tight, and you can't see it from the outside. In fact, it used its big tricks and went on a rampage!

Rampage is a normal big move similar to the dragon's inverse scales and the grass's petal dance. The standard power of the skill is "120", and after using this skill, the elves will fall into chaos for a period of time.

Chenglong turned around and launched an attack. It was a blizzard of large-scale attacks!

The cold wind mixed with large swaths of snowflakes rushed toward the hot monkey, and the hot monkey did not dodge, but rushed straight toward Chenglong.

Although the power of Blizzard is "110", it is a large area skill, so the actual damage is actually much lower. Unlike the rampage of Hot Monkey, its "120" power skill can even be played. 130", "140" effect!

As long as the hot monkey has survived the blizzard and throws the skills on Chenglong's face, then the victory and defeat can almost be separated.

However, Zhou Jia naturally understood, so Chenglong did not continue to use the blizzard, but when the hot monkey rushed halfway and the ground was covered with white snowflakes, Chenglong switched to a big move, ice missile!

The ice missile is a typical combined skill, and unlike the combined skills of other popular goods, the attack power of the ice missile is extremely strong.

The power of destroying the dead light is "150", and the power of the ice missile is at least "170" or more!

The ice missile skill is a mixture of freezing light and spiked cannons (who knows how to use dragons to do this). While the power is greatly increased, the negative effect, that is, the ability to freeze is also greatly enhanced.

The ice missile will explode after it hits an object. According to the power of the skill, the area within a radius of at least one meter will be covered by ice. If it hits the target directly, the probability of being frozen is almost 100%!

The reason for saying it is almost because it is also possible that the body temperature of the opposite elves is too high to freeze or the level difference between the two elves is too large, and it is not easy to be frozen.

The bulge on the barnacle-like carapace on the back of the dragon was lit up with white light, and then a "missile" flew out, flying towards the rushing fiery monkey in the form of a parabola.

At this time, the effect of using the blizzard to ride the dragon before was reflected. The ground covered by the blizzard was not only covered with snowflakes, but even the ice layer was condensed. Although it would not cause the fiery monkey to slip and fail to stand up, but It is okay to change the movement to become difficult.

Coupled with the extremely low temperature, the body temperature of the fiery monkey drops, the body begins to cool down, and the blood circulation speed decreases. After the "hot blood" elves are excited, the passively increased attack power, defense power and evasion ability are reduced, plus the previous Deliberately put the hot monkey close to reduce the time it can react...

It can be said that after Zhou Jia's series of seduction, control and bursting out, even if she loses in the end, her score will not be so bad!

With this set of tactics, she is enough to score high.

Of course, this is not to say how wonderful the tactics are. The actual reason is that the evaluation does not require much of the students. After all, 80% of the student elves rely on recklessness in battle, and 5% of them know how Observing the situation of the elves on both sides, but the observation is inaccurate, and the effect of the command is not good. Only one percent of the students will use some tactics, and the performance will be bright.

As for the final 14%?

Of course, it is someone who can only stand in a daze and shout "Hurry up" and "Quickly go away", and most of them are still slow when they shout, causing the elves to listen to the trainer. , Will follow a slower beat, and be easily beaten by the opposite wizard.

Some self-aware people will reflect and work hard. As for others, they can’t see their faults, and they just put the blame on the elves. As a result, the relationship between the trainer and the elves is getting worse and finally breaks.

Don't doubt whether this is true, after all, it is now "open", everyone can go to school and everyone can be a trainer. Among so many people, there are always a few dubious pens.

Pulled away.

On the game field, Chenglong’s ultimate move ice missile is constantly approaching the Hot Monkey, and Hot Monkey is also a veteran, rich in experience and know how to choose.

The hot monkey at this time was indeed passive by Zhou Jia's routine, but in this critical situation, it did not panic. The blood-blooded monkey also recovered a lot of sanity due to the cold, so it decisively responded to the current situation. A choice was made.


There is a 70% probability that you will not be able to escape. Even if you barely escape, you will be hit by the aftermath of the ice missile and fall into a frozen state. Even if you are not frozen, it is inevitable that frostbite or parts of your body will be covered by ice. Yes, at that time, it will fall into a passive state that is more sleepy than it is now. At that time, it must be a pile of ice missiles to greet him...

Since it's impossible to avoid, then fight!

As a fighting spirit, what Hot Monkey lacks is hard work!

And it still uses rampage now.

From the name of this skill, it can be seen that it allows the elves to rush to and fro continuously. Its characteristic is that after the elves collide, the damage will be higher and higher, and the damage received during the period will be reduced. This is it. The advantages, but the advantages mean there are disadvantages.

If it stops by itself during the collision, it will fall into the final state of chaos early!

As a result, it could be said that he was a hot monkey who had no choice, so he took out his aura and rushed towards Chenglong at a faster speed.

Since Chenglong has achieved this step, it is natural to expect that the hot monkey will directly face and dry it. Therefore, among the several ice missiles it launched, some of the attacks were predicted. If the hot monkey chooses hard Fight, if you plan to change the limit one by one, then you will eat these ice missiles first!

The Fiery Monkey naturally saw these ice missiles and figured out the approximate trajectory, but since it chose to recklessly, then it would not retreat. In a rampaging state, Fiery Monkey barely swung out a flame fist and met with avoidance. An inevitable ice missile.

After the flame and ice collided, part of the ice cubes vaporized directly, and the formed water vapor covered the fiery monkey.

However, this ice missile is not pure ice, and the name "missile" is not added because it looks like a missile.

The flame fist of the fiery monkey only vaporized a part of the ice on the shell of the ice missile, and then the power of the ice missile really broke out.

The ice missile pressed against the hot monkey's face and exploded!

The extremely low cold current swept the surrounding area directly, and the fiery monkey was directly wrapped in ice. The surrounding water vapor was scattered or condensed due to the cold current inside the missile. The fiery monkey trapped in the ice appeared in front of everyone.

However, Hot Monkey had been prepared for this a long time ago, and after using the skill rampage, its strength was so great that it directly broke away from the shackles of the ice.

After escaping the ice cage, the fiery monkey did not stop, rubbing the edges, and evading the remaining ice missiles in the limit, the fiery monkey finally rushed to Chenglong!

This time, Chenglong really does not have a back move. The ice missile was originally a killer move it prepared. Once it is hit twice in a row, the Hot Monkey will probably be killed even if it is even higher. The fiery monkey was in a rampaging state and the previous flame fist's resistance resulted in it not being trapped for too long, avoiding the second and subsequent ice missiles.

If the hot monkey did not break free immediately, if it showed fatigue after breaking free, and did not run out of its original position at the first time, then the hot monkey would already lie down now, but unfortunately there is no if.

The fiery monkey rushed in front of Chenglong. In Chenglong's frightened expression, the fiery monkey with a ferocious face slammed into Chenglong's body.

Chenglong was frightened by the explosive monkey's aura and expression, and his proud nirvana hit the opponent but did not kill the opponent, so Chenglong was shaken and did not make any effective defense.

Without any suspense, Chenglong was hit and flew out. The unprotected abdomen under Chenglong rubbed on the field. Fortunately, its abdomen was moist. In addition, it was a flat field and there was no gravel on the field. He didn't suffer much secondary damage, and basically the physical strength he lost was hit by the fiery monkey.

Rampage is never an attack. At the end, either the opponent loses a combat ability, or it falls into a vertigo state when the time comes.

The current hot monkey is still a long time before entering the stun state, so it once again ran towards the dragon.

Zhou Jia hurriedly encouraged Chenglong to quickly return to the fighting state. Due to the distance problem, Zhou Jiang could not hear what she was talking about. Even due to myopia, he did not even notice when Chenglong recovered. He only saw Chenglong. Facing the fiery monkey, the dragon leaped to the sky, and then his huge body rushed towards the fiery monkey.

This is the top skill of Tarzan!

The weight of Chenglong is basically 220kg. Zhou Jia's Chenglong is cultivated properly and naturally heavier, while the hot monkey is only about 32kg. The weight between the two is not in the same order of magnitude.

If Taishan is overwhelmed by the top pressure, the fiery monkey is likely to be seriously injured, and the physical disadvantage that the dragon was caught in a rampage attack by the fiery monkey may also be pulled back.

If at other times, the hot monkey will make a reasonable avoidance when facing the top of Mount Tai by the dragon, and wait for the gap after the dragon falls to attack, but now the hot monkey, it swells!

What the heck!

I saw the fiery monkey leaping sharply after a run-up, and hammering his right fist straight towards the belly of the heavenly dragon.


The hot monkey is a fighting spirit, and with the rampage, the "plus BUff" state, it has great strength at this time.


After all, the weight of Chenglong is not a display, and the skill of Mount Taishan has the energy to add to it, so Hot Monkey was defeated...

Although Chenglong was hit by the hot monkey with a fist, the painful tears came out, but after all, it was pressed down from top to bottom, which was a big advantage, so the hot monkey was directly suppressed due to the overwhelming wave.


Chenglong hit the fiery monkey and fell on the ground. The ground was smashed by the top of Mount Tai. The fiery monkey was pressed under the huge body of Chenglong, almost unable to move.

The fiery monkey, who is only about one meter tall, is pressed under the body by a two-meter-long Chenglong. The body is close to the ground. It has no strength to accumulate punches. It weighs more than 200 kg on the fiery monkey, and it only feels breathing It's starting to be difficult...

The fierce monkey struggled violently. It should have used the anger skill, so it struggled more and more. Even the dragon rider was a little bit unable to suppress it, but fortunately, the anger skill will follow the injury. Increased power, but the increased power also has an upper limit, and it will not increase indefinitely, so it finally did not break free from the suppression of the dragon.

However, it did not break free, but it did a lot of damage to Chenglong.

The fiery monkey was suppressed and unable to counterattack. In order to firmly control the fiery monkey, Chenglong put all his mind on it. He did not dare to attack with skills, and was afraid that he would take the opportunity to escape. In that case, before The advantage gained by luck is gone.

The two elves froze like this until five minutes passed without knowing it...

"The time is up, the game is over!" The referee holding a stopwatch waved the flag and decided the winner.

Since the elf who was the candidate did not lose the ability to fight, the candidate won.

After the referee announced the result, Zhou Jia and the examiner, who were nervous, withdrew the elves with a dazed The two of them were fighting at a thrilling moment, and they have been tense. I didn’t pay attention to the time, who knew it was just that time...

Not to mention Zhou Jia and the others, the Chenglong and Fiery Monkey who are still wrestling are also stunned. Chenglong is okay. After all, there is reason. The Fiery Monkey is already on the edge of chaos. After Chenglong got up, he almost moved towards Chenglong rushed to fight, but fortunately the examiner retrieved it in time.

At the end of the competition, the five scoring examiners also nodded in satisfaction, saying that she was indeed a disciple of Shui Gentle, and she was still strong.

The scores will not be announced now, but will be announced after all the exams are over, so Zhou Jia can leave.

When Zhou Jiang in the audience watched Zhou Jia enter the contestant channel, he took out his mobile phone and texted her, asking her to come to the door to gather.

It's almost eleven o'clock now, and it is estimated that it will be twelve o'clock when I get home. Since I told my family at noon that I want to go home to eat, they have to go back quickly and can't delay any longer.

Walking towards the outside, Zhou Jiang prayed that he would not be surrounded later. He wrapped his neck around a little better. Whether Zhou Jia covered up or not, it is very likely that he will be exposed and then surrounded.

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