In Shanaido's territory, the next day went smoothly.

Unlike in the Thunder Beast Territory at the beginning, here, Lord Shanaido is personally overseeing, so there are a lot of elves who come to participate in the battle, and the enthusiasm is also very high.

However, there are many elves, but Zhou Jiang’s elves’ ability to "digest" is limited. Even if they go all out, they only get five thousand points in one day, and there are still many elves who have not played against them.

Although it is said that it is higher than the points obtained when in the Thunder Beast Territory, this is only the beginning. If it continues, 80% of the points that can be obtained every day will only be about four thousand.

After all, I was called by Lord Lord, and many elves would not be able to stand there every day to fight. You know, not all elves like to fight, and some elves who feel bored will definitely refuse to come to the fight.

Although the lord Xanadu asked them to come over, if they were really bored, Xanadu would not say much if they did not come. If lord Xanaido wanted to come, he would not force his subordinates to fight every day.

At that time, the Eight Achievements will develop into a similar appearance to the current Thunder Beast Territory.

Of course, it would take at least a week or more for it to be like that, and Zhou Jiang would probably not meet it. After all, he won't stay here for too long, three or four days, even if some elves are a little impatient, they won't resist directly so early.

Zhou Jiang had spent four days in Shanaiduo's territory smoothly. After feeling that lord Shanaido was almost inseparable from the energy cube, Zhou Jiang was finally ready to return to the territory of Thunder Beast.

In these four days, in addition to the original fragments on Lord Shaneduo’s body, Zhou Jiang also gained 19 thousand points. Originally it was almost 21 thousand, but Zhou Jiang changed his bonus for two thousand for the injury medicine. One bottle of wound medicine can be used by five or six elves.

As for the gains other than points, that's nothing. The elves are also like this, except for a lot of level improvement, no elves have evolved.

On the morning of the fifth day, Zhou Jiang was about to bid farewell to Lord Shanaido.

Although there is a risk of being detained, letting it go to the thunder and lightning beast territory to find Zhou Jiang to fight and exchange for the energy cube can also let the elves pass the message, but after Zhou Jiang thought about it, he decided to speak for himself.

During the four days of getting along, Zhou Jiang found that Lord Shanaido was still right about his expectations, and he shouldn't do anything depressing.

However, to be on the safe side, Zhou Jiang still let Big Needlebee and Shanaiduo come out to accompany him.

Big Needle Bee and Xanadu are outside, and Zhou Jiang doesn't worry about it.

After eating breakfast, Zhou Jiang took out two big bags and filled them with energy cubes and wound medicine.

The energy cube was a gift from Zhou Jiang to Lord Shanaido, and the wound medicine was prepared for the elves who are still rushing to fight on the battlefield today.

I believe that these two gifts are enough to show Zhou Jiang's friendship?

Although Zhou Jiang believed it in his heart, he still had something to offer.

After all, eating people's mouth is short and people are soft, Zhou Jiang has always believed in this sentence.

After all, I stayed here for four days, and as a "noble" guest of Lord Xanadu, Zhou Jiang was not stopped by the patrolling Xanadu and Eluleduo when he entered the place where they rested. He nodded in greeting and went on patrol.

After several defensive patrols, Zhou Jiang finally came under the big tree in the center. Inside the tree hole was the resting place for Lord Shanaido, and the people of Shanaido were in the tree. To sleep in a nest on their own.

When Zhou Jiang entered, there were already a lot of Laroulas and Cirulian running and playing. Although this was Zhou Jiang’s second visit here, it was given to these little guys when he came here before. Because of the energy cube, they have a high degree of affection for Zhou Jiang. When Zhou Jiang came, they all ran over to surround Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang took out the energy cubes from the prepared bag and distributed them to them. After giving them to their mothers and fathers on the side, they came to the hole under the big tree.

At the entrance of the cave there are Shanaiduo and Eluleiduo guarding, they are often behind the lord Shanaido, the two elves with the highest strength except for the lord Shanaido.

Although Zhou Jiang was able to enter the place where Shanaido and the others lived, but the place where Lord Shanaido rested was not allowed by Lord Shanaido, Zhou Jiang still could not go in casually, not to mention that Lord Shanaido was still sleeping...

That's right, the lord Xanadu is like a certain seventeen-year-old Oubachan, who is sleepy in the winter and March when he is sleepy in the summer and lacks autumn.

Although the lord Shanaido has the spirit of contract, he will fight against the elves of Zhoujiang every day, but every time he eats at noon, he will come to the battlefield at about 1 pm after the meal. I looked for Zhou Jiang over there, and after finishing playing the energy cube for the day, I went back to sleep.

Unless Zhou Jiang arrives to "visit" on the first day, or when Zhou Jiang asks it to call its little brothers over on the second day, saying that he will provide them with wound medicine and let them participate in these major events of the battle, it will Go out to do things, otherwise, Zhou Jiang will not see its shadow.

Shanaiduo, the guard at the gate, went in to inform the lord Shanaiduo that he had gone, while Zhou Jiang sat down on the stone beside him.

Elle Duo is a serious, bad-spoken elf. When he guards the gate, he really looks like a door god. Except for the first glance when Zhou Jiang came over, he stares forward the rest of the time without looking at Zhou Jiang. At a glance.

If it hadn't been for the past four days to figure out its temperament, Zhou Jiang would have thought it would hate him after losing to the monarch snake.

After Zhou Jiang sat for a while, Xanadu and lord Xanaido came out. Lord Xanaido, who was obviously half a head higher than the one who was guarding the gate, was yawning constantly when he walked behind, and there was nothing at all. Usually looks elegant and noble.

"Ha~ what's wrong?" Looking for me again in the morning...’ Lord Shanaido came to Zhou Jiang and said lazily.

'I want to go back. ’

‘Oh, go back... go back? ! Where to go back? "Lord Shanaido didn't care at first, but after suddenly realizing it, his still asleep head became sober.

‘Naturally, I am going back to the thunder and lightning beast territory, my companion is still waiting for me there, and I don’t have much food. ’

‘Don’t stay for a few more days? For food, I can give you some fresh fruit...’

When Zhou Jiang interrupted it, he reluctantly said: "Not only the food I ate is gone, but also some of the materials used to make energy cubes are gone, and I don’t have too many medicines for injuries. I need to go back to my companion. supplied. ’

Yes, "the materials are gone" is also Zhou Jiang's excuse.

Regardless of whether the lord Xanadu knows that the energy block is made with an automatic energy block making machine, but the materials are all gone, it will never want Zhou Jiang to keep more?

And the wound medicine is not enough to prevent it for the little brothers, even if there is no energy cube, I want Zhou Jiang to continue to stay as a measure.

The energy cube and the wound medicine are gone, so Zhou Jiang is of no use to Xanadu, so it is not impossible to put Zhou Jiang back.

Sure enough, Zhou Jiang had said so. Whether Lord Shanaido really believed that Zhou Jiang’s energy cubes were gone, he understood Zhou Jiang’s meaning and pretended to believe it. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and agreed with Zhou. Jiang left.

Seeing the lord Xanadu's consent, Zhou Jiang immediately sent an invitation to it, inviting it to go to their base to fight his elves.

However, Lord Xanadu directly refused Zhou Jiang's invitation.

Although Zhou Jiang had prepared Shanaido to refuse before, he did not expect it to refuse so simply. After he had just finished speaking, he refused without thinking about it. He didn’t even have how many energy cubes he would give it. Time to say...

Before, he was still thinking that Shanaido ran all the way to send points and original fragments. Then Zhou Jiang shouldn't be too stingy. The energy cube must be at least two hundred yuan a day, right?

Although this is more expensive than the price of Thunder Beast, but who made Shanaido live far away, and Zhou Jiang's desire for the original fragment is stronger than its desire for energy cubes?

In order to avoid accidents, and to befriend the lord Xanadu, Zhou Jiang was ready to pay a price of conscience. As a result, Xanadu directly refused before he said anything...

Regarding this, Zhou Jiang was even stunned when Lord Shanaido directly refused.

But fortunately, Zhou Jiang's thoughts were active, and immediately after he recovered, he told him his price code, and considering that Xanadu might be afraid of being ambushed, Zhou Jiang told him that he did not need it to go to the territory of the thunder and lightning beast. Just go to the plain where you fought the giant vine before.

As a result, it still shook its head and said no. Zhou Jiang was puzzled at this point and asked him why, but it turned out to be too far, and it was too troublesome to run once a day, so it's better to sleep!

Zhou Jiang is about to throw up after checking the order, is it so real?

Although there is a little speechless for this reason, it is indeed some invincible reason. After all, it is really hard to be lazy.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Jiang decided to stimulate it with the Thunder Beast, saying that the Thunder Beast has been fighting against his elves. When the time comes, the strength will definitely equalize and exceed it, and the subordinate elves of the Thunder Beast are also constantly fighting. , When their strength increases, who knows if they will invade other territories?

As a result, the provocation that Zhou Jiang held with high expectations actually did not work for Xanadu. Xanadu, who had restored her posture as a queen, seemed to see through Zhou Jiang, and said indifferently:'Is that true, but even if the lightning beast wants to invade. Will you attack the giant vine first? After all, they have such a poor relationship. If it finishes fighting with Giant Vine, how much power will it have, whether it wins or loses? And even if the overall strength is still very strong, then I can unite with other lords to fight against it. ’

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Zhou Jiang really took it. Why is it so smart at this time?

Or does the previous "silly white sweet" pretend?

But no matter what, Zhou Jiang didn't want to give up the original fragments of Shanaiduo. One month is more than forty, and two months is 90. He can almost open the source for an elf. How could Zhou Jiang give up?

Now his goal is the Thunder Beast, the Bronze Bell, the Giant Vine, and its four elves whose average strength is the mid-level of the heavenly king. One less is a quarter of the reward!

Who doesn't feel bad about this.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang's brain was active and he immediately thought of a way.

What Zhou Jiang needed was the original fragment on Shanaiduo's body. He only needed to hit it once a week to find the original fragment. Isn't Shanaido saying that the distance is too far, it is too troublesome to run there every day, then go once a week?

But Zhou Jiang, who had already spared it, felt that this might not be enough to attract him. He decided to raise it again. Originally, he planned to give him 200 energy cubes once he came. Now Zhou Jiang is going to give him three hundred and fifty when he comes to raise the price. Piece!

But there is also a rule that is, it can only come once in seven days. Otherwise, it will come every day, and give it three hundred and fifty energy cubes every day, even Zhou Jiang will be meat. It hurts!

Of course, if it is willing to come without rewards, then Zhou Jiang will naturally have no opinion. After all, there is no original fragment, so some points will be credited to the account.

Three hundred and fifty energy cubes are given a week, and Shanaido only needs to come once. It seems that Zhou Jiang has suffered a big loss, but in fact, he is not losing it.

After all, what he really needs is the origin fragment, and the origin fragment can only be obtained once a week, and if Shanaido comes every day, according to the plan, he will need to pay a thousand and four white energy cubes. Although he has obtained points, the points are more than " The energy cubes that are not valuable are important, but compared to the points obtained from other channels and the materials used to make energy cubes are scarce, and you can only go back and buy them when you use them up, it is actually quite profitable to exchange the points for the energy cubes saved. .

As long as the original fragments are not few, there is no loss!

Zhou Jiang feels that this condition is almost the upper limit he can tolerate. Although he can raise more, that is, give some more energy cubes and add some injuries, Zhou Jiang feels that it is almost the same now. After all, he Later, I will look for the bronze bell and the giant vines with grudges.

At that time, the bronze bell must be the same reward as Xanadu? And if there is a grudge against the giant vine, the reward can't be less, right?

If you give too much, even he will hurt.

Although if the materials are not enough, the first batch of people to return to the city to buy materials are Chen Fan and Chen Ziang. The second batch of Zhou Jiang will be two or three months later, but Zhou Jiang still wants to buy it? So it's a little bit that can be saved.

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