The result is indeed the same as Shanaido thought. Although Lord Shanaido can offset the low-power skills and the high-power skills with "smartness", it can not be used unlimitedly.

   Speaking of it, its skill is only an application of energy balance.

  The skills used by the elves all need to make themselves reach a state of "energy balance", that is, if the energy in the skills becomes unbalanced, the skills themselves will collapse.

   This is also why the elves can mobilize energy at will, but most of the skills used are the same, but few of their own skills appear.

   is like the two skills [flame] and [flame spray]. The most intuitive difference between them is only the intensity of the fire spewed out. It can be said that [flame spray] is the more powerful [flame].

   But does it mean that it will spray flames if it is a flame?

   By increasing the power of the flame skills used, does it become a flame jet?

of course not.

If this is the case, then those elves who have not been born for a long time will not foolishly use flames instead of spraying flames. The power of flame spraying skills is much stronger than that of flames. Level elves are not used because they consume a lot of energy, but because they are useless!

   [Flame] has its own skill balance framework, while [Fire Jet] also has its own frame. The two frame structures are completely different. It does not mean that if you spit out more flames, it becomes a jet flame. No matter how many flames there are, it is just a powerful flame. The basic power of the skill is still "40" points, but it will increase or decrease the power according to the wizard's "special attack" attribute and the amount of energy used.

   and spray flame?

   Under its framework, the basic power has "120", and the two skills are not at the same level.

The    frame template determines what the skill is, and the construction of the skill frame by the wizard is a necessary condition for the skill to be issued.

   Energy follows the framework of skills, and then builds a variety of skills, that is to say, the establishment of skills is based on templates.

   If the skill template is built correctly, the skill can be used normally, and once something goes wrong, it will either not be used or the power is wrong, or it will simply become another skill.

What the lord Shanaido did before was to destroy the stable structure on the shadow ball through the power of mind. The skill framework collapsed, then the skill naturally no longer exists, and the energy contained in it is directly exploded. Why is it obviously weaker in the energy it contains, but its mental power can be tied with the shadow ball.

   However, although this trick is very powerful, it needs Lord Shanaido to concentrate and find the "balance point" of the skill. If it can't be found, then everything is useless.

  Lord Shanaido's strength, if he fights at the same level or in a higher level battle, his move basically can only deal with the type of skills like shadow ball, and it can't deal with multiple.

   After all, if strength can't suppress the opponent, if it wants to find the "balance point" of the framework of the opponent's skills, it is really not easy to do.

Although Zhou Jiang’s Xanadu can't figure out how lord Xanadu did it in a short time, she knows that there is nothing that can really defeat the strong by the weak. "Weak" is weak, and "strong" is strong. If it is true that the weak beats the strong, then "weak" itself is stronger than "strong".

Lord Shanaido used a low-power and low-consumption thought power to offset her shadow ball, but since the thought power can offset her shadow ball, and its strength is weaker than Shanaido, it means , This power of thinking is not as weak as it seems.

Generally speaking, the power of a skill is determined by its own energy and the skill used when it is used, and since its mind power is insufficient in energy and skill power, and the mind power of the super power system is also determined by the shadow ball of the ghost system Restraint, in this situation, it can still be tied with the shadow ball, which shows that it has worked **** the skills.

   As long as it is a skill, there will be a degree, and Shanaido knows that without guessing, its "degree" must be limited in number.

   That is to say, at the same time, it is also limited in quantity to "weak and flatten strong".

   The black smoke was blown away by the wind. Looking at the lord Xanaduo who was exposed, Xanaduo transported energy. In an instant, dense shadow **** appeared all over her.


   The dense shadow ball barrage pressed towards Lord Shanaido.

   Looking at the dense number of shadow balls, Lord Xanadu only felt his scalp numb, and he had no time to think about it. He directly adjusted his energy and origin, and then began to create a light wall.

The huge shadow ball that hit its face before was also detonated by her at a super close distance, so it didn't suffer much damage, but now this dense shadow ball is not good, it can't cope with so many attacks at once. .

   And because the shadow ball covers a large area, it can't avoid it, so it can only open the light wall and add the original source for defense.

Although the shadow ball barrage thrown by Xanadu is very large, in order not to waste physical energy, and the lord Xanadu has now built a light wall as a tortoise and target, so she still uses the shadow **** that would have been wasted. He pulled it back with his mind, and after turning a corner, he slammed into the eggshell of Lord Shanaido.

Although the overall strength of Xanadu is stronger than that of lord Xanaido, her origin is much weaker than it. In addition, lord Xanaido is fully defensive at this time, so although Xanaido’s attack is full of momentum, On the surface of the light wall, it was like a missile bombarding it, but for a while, she did not take it down!

   The shadow ball bombed for nearly a minute. Hundreds of shadow **** exploded on the light wall one after another. However, in the end the light wall still survived. Although it was crumbling and full of cracks, it was still not broken.

   It may be that the "failure" of this wave of operations by Xanaduo gave the lord Xanaduo confidence. After Xanaduo stopped, it directly lifted the shaky light wall, and then threw a shadow ball against Xanaduo.

Although it is better at attacking with mind-powered skills, if you hit Shanaido, who is also a super power system, use a super power move that reduces damage by half. It is really not cost-effective. It is still a shadow ball that is double restrained. better.

   Even if you are not proficient, double restraint can still deal higher damage than super power attacks.

   Of course, the premise is to hit...

   Xanaduo's attack lord Xanaduo can dodge, how could it be possible that its attack Xanaduo can't dodge?

   After easily evading its attack, Shanaido looked at the lord Shanaido who rushed to the front, and suddenly exploded with pinching moves.

  Magic shine!

  In an instant, colored light emerged from Shanaido, forming a sphere, and the sphere quickly expanded until it flooded the figure of Lord Shanaido.

   At the same time, Lord Shanaido also opened up directly, using his spirit to destroy it!

If    Lord Shanaido consciously played as normal, he couldn't beat Shanaido, so it placed all its hopes on this trick.

   Mental Break is a skill with a move power of "100", and although it is a super power attribute skill, the damage it causes is physical damage!

  Using this trick, Lord Xanadu's super power attributes will bless it, and there is no need to worry that Xanadu's ultra-high special defense will offset most of the damage.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Although the damage of the super power attribute is still halved, which seems to be a disadvantage, now the lord Xanadu has almost all the energy plus the original power that can be mobilized. If it is replaced by the shadow of the ghost system For the ball, the increase will be much lower. After all, the use of skills that are not in this department is essentially different from that of this department.

The spirit defeated by Lord Shanaido’s hope was that it concentrated all its power. Under the blessing of the original power, the light cannon composed of deep purple superpowers was like a hot knife cutting butter, which directly melted Shanaido. The magic shining energy came out, and then rushed towards Shanaido.

   Shanaduo did not expect that lord Shanaido would be so awesome. After approaching, she opened up recklessly, and more importantly, she didn't notice the energy brewing before!

It is impossible for the lord Xanadu to explode such a strong attack instantly after getting close to the appropriate distance. This attack contains almost all the energy of lord Xanadu and the source that can be mobilized. If you want to erupt in an instant, It was impossible to do it, even for her Shanaido, let alone the lord Shanaido who was weaker than her. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Then she could explode instantly after approaching, it is estimated that she started brewing before rushing over, but she didn't know what means she used to make Shanaido not aware that she was preparing to open up, otherwise she would not let it get so close.

   After all, although she thought it was a conspiracy to approach it before, but after thinking that it was not as strong as her, she roughly guessed its abnormal style of play, but she did not expect it to be so abnormal.

   Not only Shanaido, Zhou Jiang, who was watching from a distance, felt the pressure brought by the spiritual breakthrough, and was slightly surprised.

   Although he can't see what skill this is, he can see that this is its kill.

   But... but there is no such thing as a direct stud!

   It's only been a few minutes now...

   Take a look at the Ultraman, do they directly emit a laser for a second monster?

   Look at other people’s golden pickups, do you take out the deviating sword every second when you start a fight?

   Your uncomfortable act of sticking your face up and widening makes it hard for me to adapt!

   But no matter how Zhou Jiang feels, Lord Shanaido’s ultimate move has already been issued, and it is impossible to hold back, and now, it is finally Shanaido’s turn to escape.

The two elves are only less than ten meters apart, which is considered to be a very close distance, and the Spirit Break arrived in front of Xanadu in the blink of an eye. Although Xanadu reacted quickly, at this distance, regular avoidance was completely impossible. No need to think about it, there are only two paths in front of Shanaido.

   One, carry it down frontally.

  Second, avoid using teleportation.

   Although the time is short and Shanaido has almost no time to think, her brain still makes a choice directly after it is running at high speed.

   She is ready to fight hard!

   It's not that she is confident or reckless, but it is too dangerous to use teleportation at this time!

   Although teleportation exists like a BUG, ​​it also has weaknesses. For example, mental power can easily interfere with it, causing the use of teleportation to fail or the location of teleportation to be seriously shifted.

If she is going to use teleportation, not to mention whether Lord Xanadu will interfere with her when she is about to teleport, the light cannons condensed by mental power that are shot from the front will be enough for her to drink a pot. .

   If she forcibly teleports, the result is that the teleport position shifts, that's okay, if the teleport fails to use, it's over.

   At such a close distance, she hardly even had time to think, let alone give her time to use two sets of countermeasures.

Once the teleportation fails, she can only use her body to resist the horrible mental breakdown, and the physical defense is as low as the attack, with only a mere "65" point of Shanaido. If she resists this move directly, even if it is the same The attribute damage has been reduced, and she can't bear it either.

This is because Zhou Jiang has now added a lot of physical defense and physical strength to her. If she is replaced by her before, if she is hit by this trick, then 80% will be it is really like that If that's the case, Zhou Jiang is going to be crazy.

Faced with the light cannon with a protruding face from the front, Shanaido did not dare to hold it up. She did not dare to say anything about saving energy now. If she did not block this move, she would have lost more energy due to serious injuries, and by then It's hard to say whether it is severely injured or losing combat ability...


   Shanaduo did not dare to open the light wall or the reflective wall, two of her commonly used defensive skills, and directly opened the "invincible" protection.

   However, even so, she still dare not relax. After all, there is no invincible defense in this world. The protection skill also has an upper limit. Once it exceeds the upper limit it can withstand, it will still be broken.

   Especially when the spirit of Lord Shanaido still has a lot of original energy.

   So while Xanadu spouted energy desperately to form an emerald green protective cover, he was also jerkyly mobilizing the source and integrating it into the protection.

   Only the original source can fight against the original source. Ordinary energy is very weak in front of the original source energy. If the original source is not used, it is basically impossible to carry it down.

   However, the energy she can mobilize at the first level is still too little. Although it is only a small stage behind the middle level, the gap in the number of sources that can be mobilized is very large.

   plus time is too late...


   The deep purple spirit pierced the light cannon and ran into the protection of Shanaido, who had not reached the peak. Shanaiduo’s body and protective energy of about 1.7 meters were directly submerged in the thick light cannon...

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