Tell Zhao Feng honestly what happened.

After listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Zhao Feng's sleepiness on the other end of the phone also disappeared.

"Well, I know about this." After Zhao Feng finished speaking, he said with a smile of your luck: "Fortunately, you came to me as soon as possible. You didn't find the King of Water. You know, women. Getting up is terrible. If you find the King of Water, you will be out of luck!"

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Chen Ziang: "..."

Chen Fan: "..."

Chen Yongan: "..."

Zhou Jiang listened to Zhao Feng's "you earned it" tone, and secretly complained.

I don’t know how the King Shui Tian got up, I only know that your getting up gas is not small...

Well, although it is not small, it is exactly the same as what he said. He is also good. At least he yelled without dropping the phone or picking up the phone. Although he had never met such a person, he listened to others. That said, there are still many such people.

"Okay, okay, I hung up the phone, I'll go to sleep for a while, and I will report this matter to the meeting later. If you are not far away, you can arrive tomorrow. If you are farther away, the day after tomorrow You can be there before the day after tomorrow. You should be careful before that, but I still recommend you to leave there quickly."

After speaking, Zhao Feng hung up the phone.

Zhou Jiang put away his phone and looked at Chen Ziang at each other.

"Leave here if you want to listen to Zhao Tianwang?" Chen Fan asked.

Chen Ziang folded his arms and glanced at him slantingly. "What do you mean?"

Chen Fan did not answer, but looked at Chen Yongan. Chen Yongan shrugged and said, "I don't care, I'm just a pendant on your thighs."

With that, he looked at Zhou Jiang, and then Chen Ziang and the others also looked over.

Being watched by Chen Ziang and the others, Zhou Jiang was nothing, but the Thunder Beasts beside them became nervous.

What did they hear?

The powerful allies are leaving, are they leaving here?

Did they leave it? !

The Thunder Beasts didn't know who Zhou Jiang was talking to just now, and why the voice could come from the small box, but this did not prevent them from hearing Zhou Jiang's conversation with Shui Qingrou and Zhao Feng.

From a few words, the clever Thunder Beast can understand the current situation. In short, the black cave in the city is very dangerous. There will be elves coming out of it, and the elves that come out should like to invade. Kind.

This cave is in the most core fruit forest in its thunder and lightning beast territory. It cannot give up here. In other words, it must die with them, but from what Zhou Jiang and the inexplicable humans said, those elves It is very powerful and dangerous, and it may not be able to beat it.

As for the lord Xanadu and Bronze Bell... they are allies formed by Zhou Jiang and the others after negotiating!

God knows that after Zhou Jiang and the others leave, will Lord Shanaido recognize this alliance contract? If you don't recognize it, just fight it alone?

What if you can't beat it?

In an instant, Raiden Beast became nervous.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Zhou Jiang felt that he was being stared at by something, and when he looked back, he found that it was the Thunder Beast.

Wei Wei was taken aback, and then he figured it out. They must have heard the phone call they had just communicated with Zhao Feng. After all, the voice was loud, and they must have heard Zhao Feng's words to persuade them to leave here.

With a smile, Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked at Chen Ziang and the others. Instead of answering directly, he asked, "What do you think?"

After speaking, Zhou Jiang glanced over the faces of the three of them, and finally stopped at Chen Ziang's side and stared at him.

Feel the suddenly suppressed atmosphere and the scorching sight behind him.

Two seconds later, the two laughed at the same time.

"I said, what are you laughing at?" Chen Fan at the side was not aware of it. Suddenly, his expression changed and he took two steps back, "frightened" and said: "You shouldn't be the one!"

Hearing that, Chen Yongan’s eyes widened and he took two steps back in “fright”, but he was a little unlucky. Behind him was a fallen tree, which was of the kind of small tree. When it fell, the diameter was only He reached his knees, and then he backed up and tripped...

When Chen Yongan suddenly came to perform such a wave, Zhou Jiang and Chen Ziang had forgotten their complaints.

Seeing Chen Yongan who was picked up by Shane Duo's mind, the three of them couldn't hold back and laughed aloud.


Then the thunder beasts they were watching were stunned again...


Wasn't it still discussing whether or not to leave? It's obviously such a serious topic, and the atmosphere is so serious. I didn't say how to leave or not, and suddenly laughed?

Raiden Beast said, are humans so strange?

Do not!

Suddenly, Thunder Beast stared.

This month, it got along with Zhou Jiang and others. It can be said that they have almost understood them and humans, but they have never been like this.

Think about it carefully before, it was sleeping in its own home, and then fell into a state of being half-asleep and half-awake by something or an elf, and the most embarrassing thing was that it did not find the other side's figure!

If you think about it now, it is also a lord at any rate, not weak!

Although it was unguarded, if it was attacked by an elf, it would have no response at all and found nothing?

It's not weak, too! (Big Needle Bee: Huh? Xanadu: Huh? Huh?)

Now look at the location of the pothole, it is clear that it is directly below its home, maybe the black hole is directly above where it fell asleep.

Think about it again before it was just looking at the dark beam of light that made it chill.

If it wasn't other elves that caused it to fall into the anomaly, but something in that weird cave, then the possibility is very high!

This can explain why it fell into that state when it found nothing, because there were no elves sneaking on it. What else could it find?

And if the things in the cave can even affect it, there shouldn't be any problem with dealing with powerless humans, right?

As for Zhou Jiang and the others, the symptoms are different from those of Thunder Beast...

Can humans and elves be the same?

And maybe the effects of the strong and the weak are different?

If it is not affected, then why did they suddenly become like this?

Sure enough, they are sick and need treatment!

Well, they must be given electric shock treatment!

I didn't pay attention to the thunder and lightning beast.

Zhou Jiang and Chen Ziang stopped laughing at the same time, and nodded to each other.

After a tacit exchange of opinions with Chen Ziang, Zhou Jiang turned around and looked at the Thunder Beast and said: "Don't worry, we won't leave it alone, but if we can't beat it, we will run away."

After hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Leiden Beast immediately became energetic and nodded solemnly.

As for Zhou Jiang's final words, it simply ignored them.

Is there any problem with running away when you can't beat it?

If it can't be beaten by the time, let alone Zhou Jiang and others, it will run by itself.

At this time, although it feels that the upcoming events are very troublesome, and may even be planted, it did not choose to run away. That is because if it runs away, then the territory it has worked so hard to win will be gone and it will develop. The little brother is gone.

Who would directly hand over his power without any resistance?

Especially when the opponent's strength is unknown.

So it can't run at this time, you have to fight to know it.

But if you can't beat it, it's different.

Although the Thunder Beast has a lot of affection for his subordinates, but who can survive in places like deep forests, who else doesn't take his life most seriously?

Maybe if you have a family, you can work hard for your family, but unfortunately, the Thunder Beast has no family. When it was not the lord here, it was an elf living alone, although it later joined the territory here. After training hard, he succeeded in becoming the lord of the territory, but he has not found a spouse he likes.

There is no family, a lone elf, and a lone wolf who wandered on his own before. How could this elf take his own life for the sake of his men? It is not a righteous, hot-blooded elf, nor is it a young man. , The days of being a lord taught him what is called "egoism"!

If it really can't be beaten, and there is no possibility of it, then it will definitely turn and run like Zhou Jiang and others!

Although it has never been to the human world and does not understand human culture, it still knows the general principle of "leave the green hills, not afraid of no firewood".

Seeing the Thunder Beast calmed down, Zhou Jiang nodded slightly, then looked at Chen Fan and Chen Yong'an, and said, "It's okay, let's stay and have a look. If we can beat it, we will beat it. If we can't beat it, it will not be too late to run. "

Zhou Jiang did not shy away from talking about running away in front of the Thunder Beast and its little brother. Although the Thunder Beast has many elves, the ceiling of combat power is on their side!

I believe they will not do stupid things.

And at their level, they are at the top of the elf food chain. As long as they live, what are they afraid of?

Even if they run away, they can still be a "senior executive" Dangdang when they join other elven territories. It's just that when they first enter, they will have less rights and less trust, but there will be no less benefits, so we have to say yes. As for the idea of ​​running away, there is also a share of them...

Chen Fan and Chen Yongan saw that Chen Ziang was also standing aside with a smile and didn't say anything, so they nodded and agreed.

It doesn't matter whether Chen Fan leaves or stays, and Chen Yongan feels that he is a pendant, and he doesn't want to express any opinions at this decisive time, so just follow.

Seeing that they agreed, Zhou Jiang nodded slightly.

After that, just waited.

One is to wait for them to come with Lord Shanaido, and the other is to wait for Zhao Feng to report the matter, and then send people from the alliance.

Anyway, just wait for support, after all, without support, they can't do anything with their little manpower.

But they can't go anywhere, they need to stay here.

Although they are not sure that this thing must be a passage leading to a "different world", there is still an 80 to 90% possibility, and Shui gently said that when this passage first came out, there would be almost no "different world". When the elves came out, it was almost. She also said that there would be lucky elves to come here through the passage.

If there are really elves here, if the number is small, that's okay, if there are more, then that's bad.

After all, looking at luck, he would never believe it. After all, an African who has almost guaranteed a lottery draw, you let him count on good luck?

And Murphy's Law states that if there is a possibility of bad things, it will happen.

Zhou Jiang felt that if this was really a passage to the "different world", there would definitely be elves coming out of it, only the number that came out.

And now they are idle anyway, so just stay here.

Of course, even according to the above, in fact, it is enough to send some elves to station here, and they don't need to watch them in person.

Another reason is that he came into contact with online novels when he was in junior high school in the previous life, and what he read was the novels of Western Fantasy in another world. At that time, the routine was not Most of the protagonists traveled to another world. Then the Demon King broke through the seal, and then hit the Demon King's novel.

The current situation, Zhou Jiang feels very similar to those routines.

Does the "other world" look like a place sealed with the "Devil"? The "Devil" can be regarded as the elves of those "different worlds".

In the novel, the demon king breaks through the seal, mostly by letting some demon king army come over, then destroy the seal, and then speed up the destruction of the seal.

Zhou Jiang was worried that the elves from the "other world" could use certain techniques to make the passage more stable after coming over there. In this way, the elves from the "other world" might directly directly before they waited for support. Gushing out.

So Zhou Jiang, for the sake of safety, let them stare here in person. They really have nowhere to go anyway. They don't stay here, they can only stay in the camp on the plain before.

For Zhou Jiang and the others, there is no difference between these two places. It is just a question of whether they are used to it or not. Being used to this kind of thing is the least important for their trainers. After all, becoming a trainer means that you have to go everywhere. Running, eating, sleeping and sleeping is commonplace. If you recognize the bed, you will have to suffer a lot to be a trainer.

And even if you recognize the bed, after becoming a trainer, no matter how you recognize it, you will have to change it...

As long as the opinions are unified, Zhou Jiang can basically make a decision. Chen Ziang and the others will basically not refute it, so Zhou Jiang talked to Leiden Beast about his plans afterwards.

The Thunder Beasts nodded and didn't say anything. Just wait. After all, they don't understand the dark cave, and they don't know what to do. It's good for someone to stand up and make a decision.

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