It's just that the elves of the "other world" came out, and they were discovered by the guard patrol and then killed in a wave. It was just that the movement was a little big accidentally, so all the elves were awakened, and then they slept here for the first time. In addition, the little brothers from the three territories slept together, so this made a big noise.

After the three lords came forward, the matter was suppressed, and the elves who stood guard were not punished. After all, they were correct to kill the elves in the "other world" at the first time, but because there were so many noisy elves, they did not get punished either. Punishment or something, just ask them to pay attention later, even if there is any subsequent movement that is awakened, don't make too much movement.

So things passed, Zhou Jiang and the others went back to their tents.

After touching the pillow with his head, Zhou Jiang felt a wave of drowsiness, and closed his eyes comfortably, preparing for a good night's sleep.


He is still too sweet!

I don't know if it is because of the matching of black at night, or it is because after almost a day has passed, the passage has become a bit more stable.

Not long after Zhou Jiang returned to his tent and fell asleep, another "other world" elf came out of the passage!

The elves in the night watch are all given the right to attack at will, so there is no doubt that the elves of the "other world" that came out were directly bombarded with coke.

The elves of the "other world" were dead, and Zhou Jiang and the others were awakened again.

But this time, apart from a roar, there was no other sound coming again, so Zhou Jiang grabbed his hair, pulled the quilt over his head, and fell asleep again.

However, not long after Zhou Jiang fell asleep again, the elves of the "other world" came out again!

Without a doubt, Zhou Jiang and the others were awakened by the sound of the skill once again.

The confused Zhou Jiang almost wanted to scold his mother, but he suddenly thought that he had proposed the right to "direct attack when seeing the elves in the "other world"", and then everyone agreed, the elves who watched the night Just have.

If he scolds his mother, it's not... scold himself?

And now the outside sound is gone, it should be that the "other world" elves that came out have been killed.

With a sigh, Zhou Jiang was about to pull over the quilt and continue to sleep, but the phone beside him rang.


Who else is calling at this time?

Zhou Jiang took the phone with some doubts and found that it was Chen Ziang who was calling.

Subconsciously looking to the side, only the brown tent could be seen.

Shaking his head, Zhou Jiang didn't think much, and he answered the phone directly.

"Hello? What's wrong, call me now?"

"Can't sleep, don't sleep tonight if this goes on, let your Xanadu help me block the voice, I feel like I'm going crazy..." Chen Ziang's painful voice came through the phone.

Listening to Chen Ziang's words, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

Shanaido can indeed use his mind to shield them from the sound, but this is not for Shanaido to use his skills. After shielding the voice, Shanaido has been required to maintain it. In other words, if she is asked to shield them from the voice, she will not be able to sleep tonight.

Although the elves were fine without sleeping all night, Zhou Jiang still wanted Shanaido to keep as much as possible.

However, just when Zhou Jiang was about to reply to Chen Ziang, the elf ball placed in the corner of the tent bloomed and Xanadu got out of the elf ball.

As soon as he saw Shanaido, Zhou Jiang knew that she had heard what Chen Ziang said.

Judging from Zhou Jiang's understanding of Shanaiduo, she wanted to do this 80% of the time, so Zhou Jiang quickly gestured to stop her, telling her not to speak first.

Seeing that Xanadu had indeed been waiting obediently, Zhou Jiang replied to Chen Ziang, "Wait a minute, I'll find something."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang immersed his consciousness into the system of consciousness space.

There are a lot of things that can be exchanged in this system, and it is not limited to things related to elves. Some technology and other things that have nothing to do with elves can also be exchanged. Almost everything except food can be exchanged from it. Even if there is no technological product with the function he wants in the redemption list, he can still customize it to the system through the [Customize] function.

What he needs now is something to isolate the sound, and to isolate the sound, the first thing he thinks of is earplugs.

Yisou did not live up to his expectations. The system exchange list is not only earplugs with isolated sound, but due to various effect differences, these earplugs are also divided into more than 30 types!

After a brief look, Zhou Jiang chose a pair of ten-point earplugs with good sound isolation.

As for the appearance, this can be chosen at will, as long as it is not exaggerated, let the earplugs become the kind of big headphones worn on the head.

Anyway, it's just to use it now, Zhou Jiang is too lazy to think, just the most primitive earplugs will do, he can wear it anyway.

After the things were changed, Zhou Jiang said to Chen Ziang who was still waiting: "I found it. I found the soundproof earplugs that have been left in my backpack. Come and get them."

"Huh? Soundproof earplugs? Are they reliable?"

"Reliable and reliable, hurry up and get it."

"Well, then I will call them."

After Chen Ziang finished speaking, the phone hung up.

Zhou Jiang threw the phone away and stretched out his left hand hidden in the quilt. Eight white wireless earphones were placed on it.

Xanadu: "???"

Looking at the earplugs in Zhou Jiang's hand, Shanaiduo was a little confused.

Looking at the puzzled Xanadu, Zhou Jiang said, "The sound insulation of these earplugs is quite good. Don't worry, I won't be quarreled anymore with this."

Shanaiduo nodded awkwardly, Zhou Jiang knew she was still a little unbelievable, but he couldn't try to prove it to her. After all, Shanaido didn't have ears to wear these earplugs...

"You go back to sleep first, don't worry about me, just keep your spirits up, and you will depend on you later." Zhou Jiang heard the gradual footsteps and said to Xanadu.

Shanaiduo nodded, pressed the switch of the poke ball, and got back into the poke ball. At this time, Chen Ziang and the others shouted.

"Has Zhou Jiang up? We are here."

"Come on, don't worry." Zhou Jiang shouted, unzipping from the inside.

"Nah." Zhou Jiang reached out his hand and handed them the earplugs.

The three of them took two away from his hands. Chen Yongan played with the earplugs in his hands and asked curiously, "Is this thing useful?"

"Don't worry, you'll know if you go back and try it." Although Zhou Jiang said so, he was not so sure. He mainly believed in the signboard of "System Produced", otherwise he would not dare to pack the ticket.

Chen Fan asked curiously: "Say, what are you doing with these earplugs? You also brought eight..."

Although I didn't see Zhou Jiang's earplugs, since Zhou Jiang gave them six, it is impossible not to leave two for himself, so there is nothing wrong with eight.

"Isn't this used?" Zhou Jiang said haha, "Take the earplugs and go back. I didn't change my clothes. I was so cold."

At this time, it was just the beginning of the spring, and it was still early in the morning, Zhou Jiang had such a thin pajama, which is strange if it is not cold.

"Okay, let's go, let's go back and try." Chen Ziang said with a yawn, and then walked towards his tent.

"Yeah." Chen Yongan responded, then raised his hand to Zhou Jiang and said, "Thanks."

"It's okay, let's go." Zhou Jiang waved his hand and motioned them to leave quickly. After seeing them all turned around, he retracted his head and pulled back the zipper of the tent.

Going back into the bed, Zhou Jiang squeezed the earplug, then gently stuffed it into his ear.

It was a little uncomfortable when his ears were plugged with earplugs, but he felt it carefully and found that the effect was indeed good. After plugging them, the sound of insects and the wind blowing over the branches and leaves rubbing disappeared.

Although I don't know if he can stop the roar of the skill that erupts from time to time, Zhou Jiang is quite satisfied with the effect now.

He arched the pillow and pulled the quilt over his head. Zhou Jiang closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Produced by the system, it must be a fine product.

After wearing the earphones exchanged from the system, Zhou Jiang and the others really couldn't hear the sound of the elves outside using their skills to bombard the elves in the "other world".

Of course, it's not that the sound is completely isolated, and they didn't hear anything. It's just soundproof earplugs bought at a cheap price, and they can't achieve such a powerful effect.

This is just because the outside sound is blocked at least 90%, plus Zhou Jiang and the others are asleep, they can bear some sounds themselves, otherwise they don’t want to sleep, after all, they are in the wild. Which night is there no sound of wind blowing over the grass and woods?

And even without these, there are still bugs.

However, Zhou Jiang originally thought that after wearing the earplugs produced by the system, he could get a good night's sleep. As a result, he was pushed awake by Xanadu at three o'clock in the morning.

Feeling someone pushing himself, Zhou Jiang's sleeping brain started to wake up slightly.

"Um... Xanadu... Call me what's the matter..."

Although in the dark, Zhou Jiang still saw that it was Xanadu who had awakened him.

Before Shane Duo could speak, Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and his mind instantly became sober.

Although his ears were plugged, he still could not hear the sound. After being awakened by Shanaido, he heard the continuous explosions!

Not only that, he also felt that the ground was shaking slightly. He hadn't noticed it because his brain had just woke up, so he didn't notice it. Now he was surprised by the explosion, and he realized that the ground was shaking after his brain was awake.

"What's wrong, what happened outside?!" Zhou Jiang lifted the quilt and sat up and shouted at Shanaiduo.

‘There are a lot of elves from the "other world" appearing outside. Other elves have already fought with them. Master, get up! Shanaiduo said to Zhou Jiang anxiously.

After hearing Shanaiduo's anxious voice for a long time, Zhou Jiang didn't even think about it, grabbed the clothes and pants beside him and put them on.

What, pajamas?

If it weren't for the low temperature at night, Zhou Jiang wouldn't be ready to change clothes. At this time, who would care about pajamas and not pajamas?

With Shanaido helping to put on the pants, he just needs to wear clothes, so it can save a lot of time.

After putting on his clothes, Zhou Jiang directly lost the earplugs in his ears. Now he is thinking about outside, there is no time for him to put them away, and the earplugs are just thrown in the tent, as long as the tent is not beaten. You can't lose the earplugs.

After the earplugs were gone, the roar of the outside and the shouting of the elves completely penetrated into Zhou Jiang's ears. Hearing the screams and roars of the elves from outside from time to time, Zhou Jiang suddenly became a little flustered.

Before he could think about it, he unzipped the tent and put on his shoes while picking up the emptied Elf Ball. Zhou Jiang didn’t even look at the elves playing in front of him. He took Shanaido and ran to the side. Chen Ziang In front of their tent.

But before he called them, they all came out one by one.

Yes, Zhou Jiang was woken up by Shanaido. They also put the poke ball in the tent, so even though they fell asleep and didn't hear any movement outside, their elves would still wake them up, they just came out The speed is just a little slower than Zhou Jiang.

"What's the matter! What's the matter?!" Chen Yongan shouted in panic when he saw Zhou Jiang after he got out.

"I don't know, come out and get ready to fight!" Zhou Jiang didn't say much to Seeing them all came out, then he wanted to see how the battle was going.

Although he was awakened in a hurry by Xanadu, he didn't know how many elves from the "other world" came out, but he knew that many elves on his side must have been injured at this time.

Before this inexplicable war broke out, there was no idea how many "other world" elves had emerged from this passage.

But because of the first movement, they woke up one after another, and then made a noise. After being warned by their respective lords, these sleeping elves heard the explosion behind them, and continued to sleep on their stomachs.

Before, it was all right, only one or two came out, and they could always be killed by the night watch elves, but now there are at least a hundred elves in the "other world", and they have not been killed in one wave. The rest The elves continued to lie on their stomachs due to their previous habit. There must be many such elves who were suddenly attacked and injured or died.

The only thing that can make Zhou Jiang happy is that after a wave of sneak attacks, the elves' defenses on their side have not been broken. This shows that there are not too many elves in the "other world", or the quality is not good.

After all, after the battle broke out, Xanadu couldn't wait too long to wake him up. It was estimated that it would take only two minutes from the time he woke up to walk out, that is, when the sleeping elves were attacked, and the full-scale battle just broke out.

It is impossible to lose, but it is necessary to reduce the damage of the elves here as much as possible.

In this night’s battle, coupled with the sneak attack, many elves’ skills were released to hit their own people, that is, there are three lords behind to keep the three brothers from being too confused, otherwise Zhou Jiang will see It's not a scene where they resist pressure and fight with the "other world" elves, but a scene where all parties fight in chaos.

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