I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 105 A Tourist (please vote 55)

Chapter 105 A Tourist (please vote 5/5)

During his lifetime, Jackster Morgan was a member of the Morgan family and a member of the Wasp Consortium. However, when he was resurrected after his death, he could only be the property of the Wasp Consortium.

Because he is no longer a person.

So the news of his escape was immediately reported to the decision-makers of the Wasp Consortium.

By the time the Wasp Consortium reacted, Jackster had integrated into the entire America, and there was no trace left.

Even if the Wasp Group mobilized all its efforts to search, they still had no clue.

Because they really have no experience in searching for devils, and even if they want to look up information, they can't find it.

Such large-scale personnel mobilization and search operations cannot be hidden from interested personnel.

Especially after that period of time, all parties knew that the two consortiums that took turns in power in America had a devil in their hands.

People who got this news suddenly felt that the world was a little strange.


These caring people also knew earlier that it was said that the soul of an old baron was locked in a copper cage by a priest and burned with yin fire every day. It was said that it would be burned for hundreds of years.

In this burning process, the yin fire under the soul can last for thousands of years, and the fuel required is the blood and luck of the entire family.

Once the bloodline and destiny of this family are burned out, the people of the other three tribes who are related to this family will be burned.

Because of this.

All senior officials in Europe related to the Rothschild family urgently searched for information from the East.

Find out which three clans are implicated.

It turned out to be the father clan, the mother clan and the child clan.

That is, the Ross family, the family of Jacobris's mother, and the family that Jacobris's children married or married into after they got married.

Or maybe it was the family the Ross family married into or married into.

They also couldn't figure out which definition it was.

Anyway, the moment they found the explanation, everyone was in danger.

The royal family of Great Britain immediately abandoned the Ross family and drew a clear line with them.

All children who are married to the Ross family will be divorced quickly. If they refuse the divorce, they will immediately issue a statement in the newspaper or hold a press conference to break away from the father-son or father-daughter relationship with that child.

Because there is no other way, this is the death of a family!

This may be the result of provoking a god and coveting the artifact of heavenly power.

This was not an empty threat from the priest.

But the five children of Yagobris left the world in various strange ways of death in just a few days, proving that all this is true.

Because no matter how clever detectives or criminal investigation experts are sent, they will only find that everything is just coincidence or necessity.

This can even remind them of a movie called "Death Comes."

Then came the rest of the family.

The other Ross family members, the closer they were to Jacob, the sooner they died, and the more strange things became.

All the high-level officials who paid attention to this matter finally understood what luck is?

They even found a poem.

"When times come, heaven and earth all work together to transport heroes without freedom."

Although this is talking about fortune, it can also be understood as the luck of the time.

Some European consortium executives understand it as lucky value.

But no matter how you understand it, you have to put aside your relationship with the Ross family, even if you have a little bit of in-law relationship.

This is different from before.

America's God-consecration ceremony in Brooklyn, the Big Apple, has no secrets at all in the eyes of those who care.

Even gods can be sealed by humans.

Nothing is impossible.

So some people began to understand the myths and legends of the East.

In an instant, Oriental paper is expensive.

Whether it is Taoist classics, folk myths and legends, or even mythological novels and ancient storytelling.

Some people have translated them into English, French, German and many European and American languages, and sold them to the West.

Understanding the Oriental Heaven has become a fashion.

But more importantly, it is to understand the rules of this heaven.

I found out after watching it.

Heaven is very powerful, but even the gods in Heaven do not dare to attack mortals easily.

Unless the mortal violated the laws of heaven and asked the Emperor of Heaven to issue an order to investigate the cause, and then punish him according to his guilt, then there would be a just method like thunder and lightning.

This is much better than Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Nordic mythology, Ganges mythology, etc., where gods destroy the world at every turn.

He is simply the most kind and just representative among many myths.

Not to mention the myth of the eight hundred gods in my childhood. Those gods are almost like evil spirits, and they kill people at every turn.

Even all the myths in the world agree that one thing happened, a great flood that affected the whole world.

In Europe, America and the West, it is generally believed that the gods are angry and want to cleanse sinful human beings.

But in the east, it was a battle between two gods that knocked down the pillars of heaven and made a hole in the sky. Water from the Tianhe River leaked down. They did not intend to kill humans.

Moreover, there are gods who take the initiative to mend the sky. Comparing the two sides, I suddenly feel that the gods in the East are so kind-hearted!

As a result, Eastern myths and legends spread in the West.


This has nothing to do with Chen Yuan or Texas.

These days, after Dr. Liu finishes his work every day, he brings his wife over to put a stick of incense on his magic tablet.

The work of laying pipes, such as Taoist temples with antique buildings like this, usually does not involve much work, that is, sewers, toilets, and septic tanks.

He had almost done his job these days, and one day Dr. Liu came to Chen Yuan to ask about the future.

For example, if you return to your home country, or leave Toronto to live somewhere else, at least there won't be lead water pipes.

“Although I am a priest, I am actually a monk on the way, and I don’t have very high spiritual practice or life wisdom.

But I only know a simple truth, it is better to be still than to move!

But whether it is moving or still, you must decide according to your actual situation. "

Dr. Liu nodded, fully agreeing with Chen Yuan's words.

“If there is a bright future ahead, there is still hope. If I work hard, I can have the same competitive opportunities for the same kind of jobs as the locals.

I definitely don't want to run around anymore.

Every time you move, your assets shrink.

But the problem is that we have never been able to integrate into the local circle.

Before going abroad, everyone said that there is no such thing as human relations here, it just depends on whether you have real ability!

Only after I went abroad did I realize that it didn’t matter, there was no way I could get through here! "

Chen Yuan just listened to their complaints indifferently. This may be similar to confessions in other churches, except that he does not have to hide in the confessional where he does not face others.

As a daily routine, Dr. Liu and his wife, who would burn incense and kowtow to chat with the priest, looked back before leaving the church.

I discovered that the figure of this priest looked so similar to the statue of the Heavenly Soldier.

As soon as they walked out of the church and were about to return to the construction site to rest, a young white man stopped Dr. Liu and his wife.

"Hello, are you an Oriental?

Is this the Eastern Church? "

Dr. Liu was stunned for a moment when asked, and hesitated: "I am..."

But his wife quickly reacted: “This is an Eastern church, and the priests inside are also Eastern.

If you are looking for a church with an Eastern priest, this is it!

Because there is only one church in Rainbow Town! "


The white man smiled and apologized to Dr. Liu: "I see that you are also an Oriental, and I thought you were an Oriental priest.

I'm sorry! "

After saying that, he ran all the way and entered the church.

Only Dr. Liu and his wife were left outside looking at his back with complicated expressions.

Dr. Liu murmured: "Am I still an Oriental?"

There is regret in the words that life has been unsatisfactory.

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