I'm a priest in North America, and I'm my own god.

Chapter 132 Should I eat him or not? (Requesting monthly ticket 23)

Chapter 132 Should I eat him or not? (Ask for monthly ticket 2/3)

As soon as Li Xiangqian heard the other party calling his name, he remembered the other party's information. He knew it clearly and had clairvoyance.

He knew that his origins could not be concealed from others, and that it seemed to be exactly what he wanted, so he stepped forward.

"Father, is there anything you need me to do?"

Chen Yuan didn't waste any time. He first ordered the disciples of Shouxin Taoist and Robert Miller to lead the people from York Town to burn incense, candles and paper money for the Yin soldiers and ancestors in the underworld.

After these incense candles and paper money are burned, they will turn into incense and fall on the ancestor souls of the Yin soldiers and Yorktown people, increasing their combat effectiveness, so that the battle will end earlier and the Yin soldiers will be less injured.

After ordering others to do things, he turned his attention to Li Xiangqian in front of him.

"When the wolf soul of the underworld was eliminated, the other party sent hundreds of hungry ghosts from the Greek hell!

The other party knows that these Greek hell hungry ghosts are not as powerful as the Yin soldiers, but still wants to send them to die. You can analyze them.

Is it still building the plank road openly and secretly building the warehouse? "

Li Xiangqian frowned and thought after hearing this: "Father, you are saying that the other party sent these hungry ghosts from the Greek hell even though they knew they were not as strong as the Yin soldiers.

This must be an attempt to hold back the underworld soldiers, and it is very likely that they have already taken action against the two underworlds of Rainbow Town and Andrew Town!

Even if I haven't done it yet, I guess it will be soon! "

After Chen Yuan stated this point of view, he got the causal judgment of his point of view in the eyes of the sky. What he said was right.

“John, inform the others in Rainbow Town who have not followed, to burn incense and paper in front of the tombs of their ancestors.

Chris, please notify Andrew Town!

Someone wants to kill the souls of your ancestors and snatch the underworld that belongs to your two towns. "

After saying that, he turned to look at Li Qianqian.

"You go back and inform Lao Cui of the paper-making shop that I want fifty rocket launchers, fast, and at a 1:1 ratio. This shouldn't be difficult for you!

I’ll ask the residents of Rainbow Town to get it later! "

Chris had already walked to the side and called Henry in Andrew Town, asking him to notify the others respectively.

The one in Rainbow Town was more convenient because most of the men who could carry guns had followed.

John only had to walk up to them and explain the situation, and they immediately called back and asked their wives and children at home to get up and burn incense.

Li Xiangqian made a phone call and called Lao Cui, the owner of the paper-making shop: "Master, the priest of Dubo Sima Temple wants fifty rocket launchers, hurry!

There is a war in the underworld, you must do better!

Money is definitely indispensable!

What kind of war in the underworld?

The underworld in Rainbow Town was attacked and needed weapons, so the situation was urgent and required arms support.

Hurry up!

I'll rush back right away to attack you! "

After hanging up the phone, Li Xiangqian asked Chen Yuan if he had any other instructions.

If there is no order, he will go back and help the master to prevent the rocket launcher from being produced fast enough.

"Okay, go back and tell your master for me. Thank you very much. The payment will be settled to him tomorrow!"

After Li Qianqian nodded and left, Chen Yuan watched the Yin soldiers, stimulated by the incense he had refined, suppress the hungry ghosts without spending much money and retreat steadily.

He told Taoist Shouxin: "You continue to burn incense, and then stop when Ma Jifen and Lin Chuheng come out.

John, you take the men in Rainbow Town back to worship their ancestors. I will go first to see how the social palace in the town is doing. "

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to answer, he had already ascended into the sky on Pegasus and flew away.

As expected.

When he fell from the sky to the big stone that stood at the entrance of Rainbow Town, he saw at a glance that there were hundreds of Greek hungry ghosts and North American wolf souls attacking the underworld of Rainbow Town.

Even when he came down, he could still see the last few wolf souls that entered the entrance. It was indeed a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, build the plank road openly, and secretly use Chen Cang.

Um? He suddenly felt something was wrong.

Here, it seems that the three-headed hell dog did not directly tear apart the space and send these hungry ghosts and wolf souls to this underworld.

Instead, after luring yourself away, enter directly from the entrance.

It seems that even the three-headed dog of hell cannot tear apart other people's underworld space in an ordinary way?

Or is it that the underworld in Rainbow Town is different from the underworld in Yorktown, maybe the barrier is stronger?

None of this was known, but what he knew was that these Greek hungry ghosts and North American wolf souls entered through the entrance after the other party lured him away.

If the barrier is torn apart, is it easy for the other party to use this?

However, the city of Rainbow Town is tall enough. When it was burned down, Chen Yuan specially came to the scene and contributed a large number of incense candles and paper money that he had made. The rich power of incense provided the underworld souls of Rainbow Town with the ability to turn this city into reality. .

Now this city is 10 feet high in the underworld, and the barbican city has countless horses and horses. The souls of the ancestors of Rainbow Town stand on the city wall with guns to resist these hungry ghosts and wolf spirits.

The wolf souls are okay, but those hungry ghosts can climb the wall, which makes it much more difficult.

But there are many people in the underworld in Rainbow Town!

Unlike several other towns, they were very religious from the beginning.

Therefore, it takes some one month, and some two months to condense the true spirits of all the ancestors they worship and send them to the underworld of the social palace.

There are now more people in the underworld of Rainbow Town than in the upper world of Rainbow Town.

In addition, during this period, people are keen to burn down guns and ammunition, such as grenades and the like. As long as there is enough incense in their homes, they will be powerful enough to kill these monkey-climbing things in front of them.

But even so, there are too many of these monkey-like Greek hell hungry ghosts, and if they are not careful, they will rush into the crowd and tear apart a group of souls.

Chen Yuan did not dare to go into the underworld to help them because he suspected that the so-called plank road was built openly and secretly to help Chencang... In fact, whether it was the underworld in York Town, the underworld in Rainbow Town, or even the underworld in Andrew Town where the situation was not known... they were all plank roads. , and Chen Cang... should be himself!

It is estimated that someone is waiting for him to enter the underworld to help these souls defend the city, or to eliminate these hungry ghosts and wolf souls.

Then, take the opportunity to do harm to your body.

Just now Li Xiangqian reminded him that he had to guard against this.

He went back to Dubosima Temple, took out the paper money for incense candles that he had refined, and went to the Shegong Palace in Rainbow Town to light them.

With a wave of his hand, he realized that although he was not the direct bloodline of the ancestral souls in Rainbow Town, he was a god, and his divine power allowed him to distribute incense to the souls in these towns.

On the crumbling city wall, every soul caught off guard, feeling that he was about to run out of ammunition and food, received a steady stream of incense and paper money from his family's children and grandchildren.

But it was only a drop in the bucket, and when more and more places were invaded by monkey-like Greek hell hungry ghosts, they began to despair.

"Andre, I have no more incense!"

A middle-aged cowboy said to his friend.

"I don't have much left. There are only three people in the family. According to the words of the god, there are not enough people, so there is nothing we can do!"

Just when they had run out of incense, ammunition and food, and the guns and grenades in their hands could no longer explode, they closed their eyes and waited for death again in the face of the Greek hell hungry ghosts swarming at them like monkeys. 's arrival

Suddenly, a large amount of pure high-grade incense power descended from the sky and fell on each of their souls.

The scene was silent for a moment. When these souls looked at the monkeys rushing towards them, what they saw in their eyes was no longer despair, but burning flames.

Amidst the explosions of grenades and gunshots, the monkey-like hungry ghosts of Hell were driven out. These souls even roared and opened the city gates and chased them out.

But when Chen Yuan came to Andrew Town on a Pegasus, the underworld completely fell into the hands of the Greek hungry ghosts.

A three-headed dog squatted on the head of the rudimentary city and looked at him across the realm of yin and yang.

The three-headed dog stuck out its tongue and took another sip of saliva.

"It's not easy!

I don't have much power at my disposal, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome!

If he comes in with his soul...

When the time comes, should I eat him or not? "

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