Spend more time with patients, sorry, we have tried our best.

When these words come out of the doctor's mouth, they are definitely colder than ice cubes in cold water.

John was dumbfounded. He hurriedly walked to the side of the hospital bed and looked at Alyssa, whose face was pale and lifeless. His heart was as sharp as a knife.

He wanted to reach out and touch the pale little face, but he held back. Maybe Alyssa was in pain now. What if he put his hand on her and made her hurt even more?

He could only squat on the ground in pain, covering his face and crying silently.

Chen Yuan walked over, sighed, and gently grabbed the small hands on the hospital bed.

His actions did not arouse the disgust of the doctors and nurses.

Because just now in the operating room, the doctor concluded that even if the surgical incision had been re-sutured, the bleeding would not stop.

The wound was too long and so rotten that it couldn't heal on its own even if it was sutured, and it couldn't even stop the bleeding.

Even if the blood bag is kept hanging on her, she can't be saved, so so be it!

The nurse didn't stop.

There is no need to specifically warn others not to touch such patients to avoid worsening the wound and causing infection.

Seeing Chen Yuan grabbing Alyssa's hand, the grieving John finally came back to his senses.


He also has the priest, Father Ryan here.

He quickly knelt down in front of Chen Yuan: "Father, please save Alyssa, I can't live without her!"

Chen Yuan didn't speak, he just felt the consumption of divine power in his body and sighed in his heart.

“John, if I don’t care, Alyssa will die in half an hour.

But even if I take care of it, I can't change the outcome.

With my current strength, I can only help Alyssa stabilize her condition for four hours at most.

Four hours later, Alyssa still couldn't change her fate of dying!

Her injuries were too serious! "

The doctor was a little surprised after hearing this. He didn't expect the patient's father to trust the Chinese priest in front of him so much.

I didn't expect that the priest could tell at a glance that the patient only had about half an hour.

But he ignored the priest's words that he could help the patient survive for four hours, and even wanted to expose the priest's scam.

Even when it was delivered yesterday, it was a little magical.

Once the blood supply is cut off, the wound in the girl's body will continue to bleed. How can she survive?

There's no stopping it.

Even with constant blood supply, the patient would not survive.

He is a doctor, and he understands the physiological structure of the human body better than these magicians, and he understands the patient's current situation better.

But in the end, he didn't expose this magician and just left.

"Four hours?"

James was indeed a little happy when he heard this.

"Father, are you saying that Alyssa's current condition is not as serious as when she was first sent from Rainbow Town?"

After hearing James' words, both John and Joseph's eyes lit up.

Then he stared at Chen Yuan closely, waiting for his answer.


Chen Yuan did not let go, his left hand kept holding Alyssa's right hand and said.

"Compared to the near-death state when she was sent from Rainbow Town, Alyssa's current condition is slightly better, but not much better.

At least her wounds were stitched up, right?

The wound is sutured, and I am just trying to stabilize her so that her heart has a chance to pump blood and her blood has a chance to carry oxygen to the brain and all parts of the body.

Barely holding on!

But that’s all for holding on!

It won't last long! "

But James's eyes lit up.

"Father, if Joseph and I go back and continue to offer incense, can we continue like this?"

If John was a little confused, Joseph understood clearly.

You must know that Father Ryan said at the beginning that the god's power had been exhausted, but he recovered after he and James offered incense.

What about now?

The divine power of the gods can only support the priest for 4 hours, so what if they go back to offer incense again?

Can it last longer?

Unfortunately, their plan made Chen Yuan pour ice water on him.

“Each believer can only offer incense once a day!

Both of you have been worshipped today!

And now it’s still a long time before the first son of the day, which is twelve o’clock in the east, that is, 12 o’clock in the evening!

I won’t last until then! "

But he didn't expect that as soon as these words came out, James said something happily.

"Father, don't forget, there are more than 2,000 people in Rainbow Town!"

One word awakens the dreamer.

James' words instantly split the night sky like a bolt of lightning, shining bright light on everyone's face and eyes.


There are one or two thousand people in Rainbow Town!


From despair, seeing the lightning splitting the night, John seemed to come to life again.

"I'm going to discharge Alyssa from the hospital and go back to Rainbow Town. I need to call my ex-wife and ask her to come back and pray for me!

There are also many neighbors in the town who are close to me. I begged them to help me go to the church to pray and burn incense! "

After John signed a waiver of treatment agreement, he successfully took Alyssa out of the hospital and put her in James' car.

Then the two cars raced all the way back to Rainbow Town.

Along the way, John made countless phone calls, explained the current situation, and asked all the relatives and friends he knew to go to the church and help pray.

By the time they drove all the way back to Rainbow Town, it was almost dark, and many cars had already gathered in front of Chen Yuan's church.

Hundreds of people, both men and women, gathered in front of the church door, waiting for their arrival.

Seeing the car stop, everyone gathered around.

"John, where's Alyssa?"

"Uncle Louis, thank you very much for coming!"

John got out of the car and quickly walked to the trunk: "Alyssa is here!"

James opened the trunk lid, revealing Alyssa lying on the flat back seat and Chen Yuan, who was holding Alyssa's hand tightly along the way.

“This is Father Ryan.

Just like what I said on the phone, Alyssa was possessed by the devil, and it was Father Ryan who exorcised the devil.

But the devil's damage to Alyssa has already been done.

I sent Alyssa to the hospital, but the injury was too serious.

The hospital said that Alyssa was hopeless and had asked me to sign an agreement to give up treatment.

But the gods are merciful to the world, and Father Ryan, with the help of the power of the gods, can help Alyssa stabilize her injury for a few hours!

Now, I need your help!

Alyssa needs you too! "

Louis is John's uncle.

Among the people here were John's aunts and cousins.

and their families.

There were also nearby neighbors, including the female neighbors who saw Chen Yuan burn the devil projection into dregs with a sword.

Joseph also parked John's car aside and hurried over to help.

Louis is about the same age as James, although he is very curious about the Chinese priest in front of him.

But saving people was more important, so he asked, “How can we help?”

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