That night, Chen Yuan had just returned to Rainbow Town from the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine System Research when his cell phone rang. It was Mr. Song calling.

He was originally in a good mood because of the progress of the research, but after hearing what Mr. Song said, he became a little unhappy.

"Mr. Chen, Qiao called and said that we have a group of foxes who have occupied their place, and asked us to send a document to help recall them and return the place to them.

These foxes are our foxes in the East, and they must obey the will of the court.

For this, they can even take out all the data of NASA's manned moon landing in the past and exchange it with us..."

Before Mr. Song finished speaking, Chen Yuan interrupted him: "Mr. Song, the foxes who can obey the will are all the foundation of the court.

It is actually not much different from the nature of the mountain god and the land.

If they are evil or not in the system, there is no such thing as obedience.

In other words, if this group of foxes obey the will of the court and withdraw, it will be the court's own loss.

Our own people have finally seized a node source of spiritual energy explosion for cultivation, and they have not violated any human laws.

As the immediate superiors, we can't let the people below feel disappointed!"

Mr. Song coughed twice on the phone: "Mr. Chen, you misunderstood!

We know that if we can obey the will of the court, we can easily give up Vested interests, following your will and returning to the country are actually our own people.

How can you do such a thing that makes your relatives sad and your enemies happy.

What's more, these foxes have obtained your permission, and they are still your subordinates.

So, since these foxes are foxes from the East, they are good foxes, as long as they don't do evil and don't kill people.

And obey the court, then the court will naturally not give them up easily.

The above meaning is actually irrelevant to this, it just reminds us of a question, which is this:

Xizong either took out the moon landing data of the American Space Agency in exchange, or it was this moon landing data that gave us some ideas.

To be honest.

If we got this data 20 years ago, we might have been overjoyed.

But today, 20 years later, we have the ability to complete many experiments and have done many verifications for this. We are confident that if we land on the moon, the success rate is almost 100%.


Their exchange conditions suddenly made us realize a problem... Is there a Guanghan Palace on the moon? "

This turn made Chen Yuan almost unable to react for a while and sprained his waist.


If there is a Guanghan Palace on the moon, then Apollo must have circled it several times when it landed on the moon, and with so many manned moon landings, they must have known something about it.

Even the East has conducted many lunar flight explorations for this matter, and even landed on the moon with spacecraft and brought back lunar soil.

All these experiments have been experienced.

So is there a Guanghan Palace on the moon? Is there Chang'e? Are there all the legends in the past?

For example, Wu Gang, Laurel and Jade Rabbit.

I suddenly thought of this question, and Mr. Song on the other end of the phone was also waiting for the answer.

After all, if there is really a Guanghan Palace on the moon.

Then the next manned moon landing experiment seems to have to make adjustments for this. Whether to land, how to land, and where to land must be considered.

Guanghan Palace, Chang'e, Laurel and Jade Rabbit.

These are all among the oldest myths and legends of the Orientals.

After all, we still eat moon cakes on August 15th.


It seems important to get the answer from a fairy like Chen Yuan.

There was silence on the phone. Although Mr. Song did not hear the answer, he did not hear the busy tone of the call being hung up.

He knew it.

Maybe the other end also needs to think about how to answer, or whether to answer.

After all, this is a mortal spying on the secrets of the gods. The gods may have to consider whether to tolerate mortals using technology to experience the gods flying across the moon.

In fact, Chen Yuan was not thinking. He was also stumped by this question, but his persona in front of Mr. Song was that of a god descending to earth.

He couldn't say that he didn't know the answer.

If he answered like this, wouldn't it be a reveal?

Most importantly, he also wanted to know the answer to this question, so he quickly found paper and pen, and wrote such a question on the paper with a brush.

"Is Chang'e on the moon!"

Then he used the eyes of heaven to see, trying to get the cause and effect of this question and the correct answer from the eyes of heaven.

Unexpectedly, the answer he got was a bit vague.

[Chang'e is on the moon. ]

Isn't the moon the moon?

But to be safe, Chen Yuan still wrote the question on paper again.

"Is the moon in the sky now the Taiyin star?"

Then he looked at the answer and was confused.

[The Taiyin star is the moon, but the moon is not the Taiyin star. 】

What does this mean?

As soon as he had this question in his mind, the causal information obtained by the Sky Eye made further progress.

[There can be many moons, but there is only one Taiyin star.

Therefore, the Taiyin star is the moon, but the moon cannot represent the Taiyin star!

The moon in the sky is not the Taiyin star. 】

This information is very clear, and it can be regarded as an answer!

This answer is a bit confusing, but it also gives an answer, that is, Chang'e is not on the moon above his head now.

But Mr. Song was waiting on the other end of the phone, and he wanted to quickly write down another question.

"Is Guanghan Palace on the current moon?"

【no! 】

After getting this answer, Chen Yuan picked up the phone again: "Mr. Song, I can only tell you one answer, Chang'e is on the moon, but not on the moon above our heads.

Guanghan Palace is also on the moon, not on the moon above our heads.

So, do you understand? "

Of course Mr. Song didn't understand it, but the literal meaning was clear, but it also confused him and gave him some understanding.

Doesn't it mean that there is actually more than one moon in this world.

Chang'e is not on this moon, but on another moon. But where is the other moon?

Another universe?

Or another Earth?

He was about to ask, but found that he had asked enough questions today. Some exchanges need to be done step by step and everyone needs to be in a comfortable environment.

If he asks too many questions, it may not be that pleasant for both parties.

So he could only express his gratitude, hang up the phone, and report back.

Dongfang specially set up a team, a think tank, for Chen Yuan in Rainbow Town.

There are experts in folklore, history, mythology, and various religious and custom experts.

and top talents in various disciplines.

"There is not only one moon in this world!"

In fact, it is not unexpected that this issue appears here.

Because the best scientists in the world once discussed a topic together: Is there only one Earth in this world?

Since the earth can be discussed, why can’t the moon be discussed?


The previous discussions were all about the existence of realistic forms between stars in a scientific manner.

Discussions of aerospace, interstellar discussions, and Earth defense formations.

Because no one has ever denied the existence of aliens. Basically, the controllers of all countries on the earth know that when aliens really have the ability to come to the earth, they will definitely not come with peace.

As long as it's a living thing.

As long as the opponent's force value is much higher than that of Earth, then once they come to Earth, they will definitely not bring peace.

Of course, it must be peaceful at first, but then it will be different.

Just like the Europeans who discovered the New World, what they brought to the Indians was to reduce the native race of this continent from tens of millions to hundreds of thousands or one to two million.

Such as Australia.

Before the arrival of Westerners, there were also native inhabitants here.

No more now.

Therefore, there was once such a discussion meeting to discuss the topic of how earthlings can protect themselves if aliens come to earth.


Talking about this topic was a little ahead of its time.

Now I suddenly realize that it doesn’t seem to be very advanced!

The immortal's words are already before our eyes. There is not only one moon. There is Guanghan Palace on the moon, but it is not on the moon above our heads.

This means that there is another moon and another earth.

There is another human civilization.

"Actually, have you ever thought about what if there was another moon and another earth in our universe?

So is the moon still called the moon?

Is the earth still called the earth? "

The person who said these words was a young man, certainly a young man among this group of experts.

In fact, he is not young anymore, at least over 30 years old.

The young man's name is Zhao Yiyi. He has been very satisfied with his life since he was a child, and he is also very satisfied with his academic performance. Then he has made great progress all the way and was specially recruited to Shuimu University at a young age. He actually did not study physics or mathematics and ran away. Go study history and religion.

However, this guy has published quite a few papers.

Moreover, his insights are very unique, but compared with the results he obtained, traditional scientific people think that this person is useless.

If you have a good and smart mind, what is the point of studying history and religion if you don't study physics, don't study chemistry, and don't study aerospace engines?


When it was discovered that there were gods in this world, he was the first to be remembered, and his unique insights also satisfied the superiors.

"Have you ever thought about it, whether it is in Taoist or Buddhist theory, the world is never one.

Two is born, two begets three, and three begets all things. All things are not just objects, but can also have infinite possibilities, or infinite worlds, or infinity.

I can even say that in a universe like ours, since there is one, there are two, there are three, and there are three, there are all things.

Therefore, I think what Chen Yuan said is actually another universe, another earth, and another moon.

And our world is just one of them! "

If Chen Yuan were here, he would definitely marvel. There must be countless worlds, because he himself traveled from another world and was wearing it.

There must be more than one moon, because Apollo in his original world also landed on the moon, and he didn't see Chang'e in Guanghan Palace on it, let alone the wandering rabbit and the silly Wu Gang.

But it's a pity that he is not here now. He looked at Hela who was making tea for himself and suddenly asked.

"Does your Nordic God Realm really have a World Tree?"

Although Hela was forced to be the maid of the person in front of her, they were getting along quite well these days, and she was becoming more and more accustomed to her role as a maid.

So she didn't resist answering Chen Yuan's topic, but thought about it and said, "Maybe, but I'm just a combat clone and I don't have this memory in my mind.

However, in the legend, Odin dug out an eye and exchanged it with the World God Tree for memory and divine power.

Therefore, it should exist, but it should exist in an unknown place.

It is inaccessible except to the god-king Odin.

There is another legend that says that the World Tree is huge and supports the nine realms.

The human world is only one of them, and the Nordic divine realm is also one of the nine realms.

But obviously, this legend is wrong.

The human world is an independent realm, and besides the human world, there are countless divine realms.

And the universe does not only have nine realms, nor does the universe only have one universe. "

Suddenly, Chen Yuan thought of a question: "You said that at Ragnarok between heaven and earth, all the gods, except for us who are like fish and shrimps, all the great gods dived into the abyss to avoid the aura shoals between heaven and earth.

Are there many spiritual abyss like this between heaven and earth? "

Hela shook her head. She heard the inquiry in Chen Yuan's words and rolled her eyes at him: "Don't say that I am just an insignificant clone. I don't know the environment where the main body is, and I don't have anything similar to this for the gods. Hidden aura abyss information.

Besides, even if I knew, I wouldn’t say anything! "

Chen Yuan chuckled twice. After Mr. Song's question just now, he always had a feeling that it must not be simple for the spiritual energy of the world to disappear hundreds of years ago.

It's definitely not a correct explanation.

If there is another world, another moon.

In other words, judging from the causal information given to me by the Heavenly Eye, there can be countless moons.

In other words, there are countless worlds.

Then, what is the reason for the dissipation of spiritual energy in this world?

And after the spiritual energy of this world dissipated, did the gods in the sky really find an abyss to hide in, or did they leave this world and go somewhere else?

But the Hela in front of me is the clone of the goddess who controls death and war in the Nordic realm. How can I say this?

The Heavenly Eye saw that the other party was indeed a clone.

And the dog.

The three-headed dog from Hell has created three or four clones.

However, since there are other worlds, other moons must also have other earths.

But after he realized this problem, he wrote his problem on paper and looked at it with his eyes.

But he was very shocked to find that the Heavenly Eye had no response to this question, which was beyond the cause and effect that his Heavenly Eye could see now.

He changed many more questions, but as long as the world was involved, the Heavenly Eye would not respond.

It seems that the cause and effect of this issue related to this world has been erased.

This made him suddenly feel helpless.

Suddenly, a book flew from the sky and hit him directly on the forehead.

"Don't think wildly and make random connections between cause and effect. This world cannot bear your wild thoughts!"

A voice came from the sky.

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